Developer Blog from November 6th: New rank system!

I don’t like rank system. I hate it in the WoW also. But we will see. Maybe it will be better.


Wasn’t it easier to rework tier system?


Long waiting in tiers - Make less tiers - 4 for example.

Big advantage between ranks - make it less. Easy r4,5,6 - 3 active modules, r7,8,9 - 4 active modules and so on …  less difference in hitpoints of hull and shield …

Big advantage between mk1 and mk4 - make it less 20% instead of 30% or so … just change constants …

Vets farming in T2 and T3 -  Solutions from one of previous threads:



t5 pilots have rights to fight in a lower tier? yes of course, but there is a posible solution. When a higher pilot plays with a full sinergy ship does not receive any increment in his stats, but has a terrible penalty in his stats if he losses.  Is posible that an higher tier pilot want to upgrade a lower ship, is for that that must be that two points: Higher tier pilot and a full sinergy ship. He receives credits and synergy, of course. Maybe there is a intelligent pilots that not upgrade to the max a ship… no problem. If the pilots has enpugh synergy to improve the ship to tha max the game understand that is a full synergy ship. Another solution. when a t5 pilot wants to play in a lower tier must wait to another t5 pilot… or both t4. and they must fight agaisn the other. Another solution? higher pilots cant be mixed with the others so… higher pilots can fly in lower tier between them witout Aces and Aces can learn nice and wisely with a normal progression.


Really there is a lot of solutions for that, if you want to keep the game in this way then is simple… Newbies left the game and the same people will play togheter for ever and ever. You are loosing a lot of money for this way of action, but it depends on you.


And that is all …


Why not?  Because somebody from managment thinks that:

Less tiers less grinding less buying …

Less difference between modules and ships - less buying …

No vets farming - pissed off vets leaving … less buying …


I don’t believe in it … More players bring more players - more players - more buying …

But they have the numbers and statistics i don’t.


I either case “rank or tier system” i wish us pilots better matches and i wish more money for company and also to all employees …

Dear Developers,

Here’s an old post I made that was locked because “game progression wasn’t going to be changed anytime soon”.

Pretty relevant, eh? Funny that it wasn’t taken seriously.

Everyone complaining about veterans farming t3,while all tournaments are in t3 and it’s mid tier.t1-2 is about learning the game not t3

Until we get t5 dreads and t5 weekend tournaments, t3 will remain end-game. Simple. T4 has always been ignored for some reason.

Until we get t5 dreads and t5 weekend tournaments, t3 will remain end-game. Simple. T4 has always been ignored for some reason.

T4 was ignored because most veterans wanted to play in tier 3 with full prem squads.


T4 is and has always been the best tier of this game. The game in the purest form. All the modules, all the passive slots and great ships designs / combinations. And you don’t have the tier 5 implants.


Currently thanks to the nerf of all the tier 5 implants, tier 4 and tier 5 are very similar, and the difference is small.


But Tier 4 has been always my favourite tier. My max synergy ship is still the Konkistador and it would be the Leonina as well but I prefer to play the King nibelung these days.


When everyone was always saying that you should level tier 4 in PvE and don’t purple your tier 4 modules, I was truly enjoying tier 4, as I still do.


Seriously guys, try it. Is really fun.

T4 was ignored because most veterans wanted to play in tier 3 with full prem squads.


T4 is and has always been the best tier of this game. The game in the purest form. All the modules, all the passive slots and great ships designs / combinations. And you don’t have the tier 5 implants.


Currently thanks to the nerf of all the tier 5 implants, tier 4 and tier 5 are very similar, and the difference is small.


But Tier 4 has been always my favourite tier. My max synergy ship is still the Konkistador and it would be the Leonina as well but I prefer to play the King nibelung these days.


When everyone was always saying that you should level tier 4 in PvE and don’t purple your tier 4 modules, I was truly enjoying tier 4, as I still do.


Seriously guys, try it. Is really fun.


Yeah minotaur is OP in t4 XD I know that much. I give it a try every now and then, just to check.

Everyone complaining about veterans farming t3,while all tournaments are in t3 and it’s mid tier.t1-2 is about learning the game not t3


I cannot fully agree. Many ships builds are not possible in T2  or are severly handicapped. T3 is where all the ship builds are coming together and thus is also a very important tier for learning the mechanics of specific modules and ship builds.

I agree with u lunarstrain.

Practicing with 2 or 3 active modules? With only 3,4 passive module variations?




T4 was ignored because most veterans wanted to play in tier 3 with full prem squads.


That is what I m talking about. Making one new T4 tier - Pro tier. And there will be full squads of vets, super pros and newcomer challengers. There will be no room for crying there. Spec ops, dread fights, tournaments, all open space sectors available only for that tier. Also PvE t4 should be less hard so new t4 players could have chance to level their ships through pve if they think that they are not strong  enough for pvp fights.

On the other side t3 and t2 will remain “vanila” tiers, tiers for new and advanced pilots to learn and play pvp, pve and “safe” open space sectors. In that case  new T1,2,3 pilots will not be discouraged to leave game and will be motivated to stay to try their skill in pro tier and play tournaments, dreads, real corporate battles …  - to see full game content.


This will solve many issues.

  1. Total disbalance of skill, knowledge and equipment in t2 and t3 - one of the main reasons why new players quit. If u type “star conflict review”  in google u will see zillion reviews and comments of frustrated new players who quited and who think that this is p2win game because they met vets too early.

  2. Enough people in t4 pro tier - less waiting time. 

  3. Full squads in t4 pro tier


Balancing ships in tiers:

  • same number of active modules (r7-r9 = 4 active modules)

  • all types of modules available at the start of a tier (r7 for example) or craftable


There are lot of space for balancing, lot of ideas  … 

I cannot fully agree. Many ships builds are not possible in T2  or are severly handicapped. T3 is where all the ship builds are coming together and thus is also a very important tier for learning the mechanics of specific modules and ship builds.

Than t4 is about learning the game also coz most modules weapons there aren’t in t1-2-3…

Bottom line is, r4’s will now farm r3’s, r5’s will still farm r4’s, r7’s will now farm r6’s with T3+ gear, r8’s will still farm r7’s, r10’s will now farm r9’s, r13’s will now farm r12’s with T5 doomsdays and the stupid implant that in larger matches is a game changer. Plus premiums still count as -1, so hello Maulers (now buffed, because r1-r13 ships are getting buffed now, right?) vs r11’s, hello Cutters vs r10’s, hello Sawtooths vs r9’s, hello Razors, Sharks and Priest Bartles vs r4’s, hello Jokers vs r3’s.


It’s annoying enough with these ranks, now please account for the fact , that most people don’t use a full line up of just one rank, with exception for r15 and r9. What it means is that you’re gonna see Maulers onehitting r9’s or lower, Cutters circling around r8’s or lower, Sawtooths onehitting r7’s or lower, and the other ones farming current T1 (with DEagles, Bears and Sais possibly farming what currently stands for T2). And you will no longer have the chance to give newcomers the one-line explanation that they should equip only ships of the same tier while playing said tier, because there will be no tiers, while equipping 3-4 ships of the same rank is for most people either impossible or uncomfortable, because there are large gaps between each rank in every ship tree line.


The above leaves out only r14 and r15 balanced, because… they’re completely unaffected by this change.


Honestly, this solution solves exactly nothing and is going to make the situation worse than it already is, because the ships that are weak now are going to get farmed by even stronger opponents, premium or standard.

But if they are getting buffed there shouldn’t be as easy to one hit. Also they will not always be fighting lower, sometimes they will be top other times will be lower rank.

Bottom line is, r4’s will now farm r3’s, r5’s will still farm r4’s, r7’s will now farm r6’s with T3+ gear, r8’s will still farm r7’s, r10’s will now farm r9’s, r13’s will now farm r12’s with T5 doomsdays and the stupid implant that in larger matches is a game changer. Plus premiums still count as -1, so hello Maulers (now buffed, because r1-r13 ships are getting buffed now, right?) vs r11’s, hello Cutters vs r10’s, hello Sawtooths vs r9’s, hello Razors, Sharks and Priest Bartles vs r4’s, hello Jokers vs r3’s.


It’s annoying enough with these ranks, now please account for the fact , that most people don’t use a full line up of just one rank, with exception for r15 and r9. What it means is that you’re gonna see Maulers onehitting r9’s or lower, Cutters circling around r8’s or lower, Sawtooths onehitting r7’s or lower, and the other ones farming current T1 (with DEagles, Bears and Sais possibly farming what currently stands for T2). And you will no longer have the chance to give newcomers the one-line explanation that they should equip only ships of the same tier while playing said tier, because there will be no tiers, while equipping 3-4 ships of the same rank is for most people either impossible or uncomfortable, because there are large gaps between each rank in every ship tree line.


The above leaves out only r14 and r15 balanced, because… they’re completely unaffected by this change.


Honestly, this solution solves exactly nothing and is going to make the situation worse than it already is, because the ships that are weak now are going to get farmed by even stronger opponents, premium or standard.

No, they are getting farmed by the same tiers as above, the only difference is that the current “safe ranks” that are always top tier, won’t be top tier ALWAYS anymore.


Rank 7 won’t have to meet rank 9. Rank 10 won’t have to meet rank 12. rank 4 won’t have to meet rank 6.


But rank 9 will meet rank 10, and rank 12 will meet rank 13. Not a big deal to be honest, most rank 11 and rank 12 ships are capable enough to face even rank 15 ships.


All in all, it is a BIG improvement.


PS: I’m thinking that the amount of times you are top tier and bottom tier will be balanced. In case it is not, then I will have to review my opinion.

And people with good stats will mostly be fighting one rank above them… I can see it coming from a mile away…

And people with good stats will mostly be fighting one rank above them… I can see it coming from a mile away…

That is my only concern about this new rank system. I’m afraid of that too. Not because it will be a problem for me, but because I don’t like it to be unfair, to ANYONE, not the rank 7 newbie who just bought a Silent fox, not for the hardcore veteran who really enjoys flying a particular ship.


Although to be honest, the only difference will be top tier ranks. All the others will be better than they are now, even if you are always bottom rank.


Suddenly Rank 6/9/12 will become the ugly duckling :smiley:

No, they are getting farmed by the same tiers as above, the only difference is that the current “safe ranks” that are always top tier, won’t be top tier ALWAYS anymore.

Even if that were true that this is ‘the only difference’, which it isn’t, it would still mean that the only thing affected by this new system, is going to be affected negatively.


T4 is the best tier precisely because the ships have no access to doomsdays and implants that make the gameplay more random, while the T4+ passives allow you to build any ship competitively, in my opinion. Why it isn’t currently that well balanced (although still best balanced) is only because of T3 randoms trying to play it and bad MM. There is practically no difference between r11 and r12, and r10’s are still very playable, though yes, a tad handicapped, and it should be addressed.


The problem with T3 are and always have been rank 7 ships and tier rushers/bad MM again.


The problem with T2 are and always have been rank 4 ships and the lack of unambiguous tutorial that would show new people what exactly needs be done in every gamemode. Randoms trying to play it with T1’s didn’t help it, either. Plus, but of course, stats farmers.


So instead of fixing the problems that are there and are known, we’re leaving them as they are, and adding some new ones, because why not.



Suddenly Rank 6/9/12 will become the ugly duckling :smiley:

Which includes Aces with 1 r6, 2 r4’s; r9’s with with one or more r7’s and lower; r12’s with one or more r10’s and lower. I don’t know why you keep assuming that people always equip only ships of the same rank, but apart from r9 and r15, you’re wrong, it happens rarely.

When does this rank system get implemented?

When does this rank system get implemented?

In the next patch. Very soon.

Thank you guys! Discussion is closed.