Developer Blog from November 6th: New rank system!

The fact is that now, no matter which ship you use, you can be top of the chain or bottom of the chain. So a lot of people will have to exit the confort zone of being always farming people in rank 9/12 ships and actually face stronger oponents.

For me, anyone complaining against the rank system because “now I have to face high tier ships” is what makes me belive this rank system will be incredibly GOOD for everyone, but a few of such guys in their comfort zones.

It will make a lot of underrated ships shine again as they have to, and it will give people a reason to progress, instead of being shot in the face when they arrive tier 3 in their brand new rank 7 ship, and have to face teams full of “veterans” with full purple rank 9 ships ALL THE TIME.

Now they will have that, but also will be top of the chain sometimes which will help them to upgrade their ships.

And those “veterans” in full rank 9 ships will have to earn their badges again facing rank 10 ships (just rank 10 take in mind, not rank 12 even!)

I’m looking forward to this, like a lot.

PS: Also, the best part of all is that as a rank 15 player I won’t have to face Maulers anymore XD

You’r wrong if I put rank 13-14-15 set up i’m against rank 15.

I haven’t seen someone put only rank 13’s in t5…YET.

Btw do premiums still have -1 rank for MM?

Ahhahahaha! I can finally use my Blade of Arressa to own in T5! X3

PS: Also, the best part of all is that as a rank 15 player I won’t have to face Maulers anymore XD

Now you have to deal with the kraken muahahaha

Changes are good and a fresh air to the game.

But I mostly fear, that MM waiting time will skyrocket. That prerequisite with same number of players with the ships of high and low ranks in each team is the key and we don’t enough playerbase to sustain faster MM.

Excellent. I don’t remember what month, year or patch it was when I first entered a skirmish with a tier 4 ship. It was while rank 15 was in the same skirmishes as rank 10. That was some bull doo doo! This seems like it’s going to solve a lot of problems. Maybe people who fall into the despair of trying that Machete tackler or Phobos gunship won’t quit playing now that these changes are coming.

Read again:

I’ve always made it clear that this game needs to be more fair towards pilots of lower rank. That was in fact the topic of my very first thread ever made on this forum, and not much has changed since then in this regard, so you can drop your usual ‘git gud’ reiterations, really.

What you are asking for is even worse that what we have now.


And still I have to find where I said “git gud” but whatever float your boat man.

What you are asking for is even worse that what we have now.

Opinions, opinions. If only there was a way to see which ones are most common…


And it is my opinion that mixing tiers with different meta-games is a bad idea. It’s been done before, although slightly differently, and there’s a reason why people always complained about it and why it would always go back to the original state of things.

Important question that must be adressed: How will this affect squad matchmaking. Currently squadding is impossible except for two or three hours per day. How will the new MM affect this?

How is this not going to create an even wider gap between already established players and new players? We already have a problem with new players quitting because of individuals in the  community insisting to play in T1 or T2 for their stats or leaderboard. Somehow they think sitting in the leveling path and farming underequipped ships and unexperienced players makes them good, but they are a cancer.

It would be better to have the same modules across all ships, with higher tier ships getting a percentage boost with them (if you wanted them to be more powerful in later tiers) and would allow you to customize these boosts based on individual faction characteristics. Then again I guess that would get in the way of your pay or grind monetary model, but you can always refocus the grind in a similar fashion to r16 ships. Instead of component parts for crafting maybe prefab parts for vouchers or iridium that you can purchase from the factions and integrate to your ship for various ship specific bonuses not particularly related to module performance.

How is this not going to create an even wider gap between already established players and new players? We already have a problem with new players quitting because of individuals in the  community insisting to play in T1 or T2 for their stats or leaderboard. Somehow they think sitting in the leveling path and farming underequipped ships and unexperienced players makes them good, but they are a cancer.

It would be better to have the same modules across all ships, with higher tier ships getting a percentage boost with them (if you wanted them to be more powerful in later tiers) and would allow you to customize these boosts based on individual faction characteristics. Then again I guess that would get in the way of your pay or grind monetary model, but you can always refocus the grind in a similar fashion to r16 ships. Instead of component parts for crafting maybe prefab parts for vouchers or iridium that you can purchase from the factions and integrate to your ship for various ship specific bonuses not particularly related to module performance.

or make every single module and weapon 5 times more expensive? XD

I will repeat my suggestion here - leave R1-R3 alone. On test server I got myself Empire gunship rank 3, equipped it with Gauss from  R4 and crafted ammo. I got Team Battle in which I scored 20 kills out of 20. 

And yes - looks like prem ships are ranked -1  - I was flying Ghost against R1s…

I will repeat my suggestion here - leave R1-R3 alone. On test server I got myself Empire gunship rank 3, equipped it with Gauss from R4 and crafted ammo. I got Team Battle in which I scored 20 kills out of 20.

And yes - looks like prem ships are ranked -1 - I was flying Ghost against R1s…

So Mauler vs t4 it will be :slight_smile:

But the t4 will get small survivability buff and if they are smart they will not give Mauler even more HP…

If they are smart they will give Mauler even more HP, and 12 module slots…

Fix it for u

Opinions, opinions. If only there was a way to see which ones are most common…


And it is my opinion that mixing tiers with different meta-games is a bad idea. It’s been done before, although slightly differently, and there’s a reason why people always complained about it and why it would always go back to the original state of things.

A small minority complained. Most people playing the game didn’t noticed or just didn’t care. Because everytime they mixed tiers, it was usually veterans who had the short side of the stick. (you know rank 9 into rank 11 games and such)

A small minority complained. Most people playing the game didn’t noticed or just didn’t care. Because everytime they mixed tiers, it was usually veterans who had the short side of the stick. (you know rank 9 into rank 11 games and such)

Those who did not complain were t4 players because they could easily overpower t3 (t4 more module selection,more slots and more implants).

No one complained about not being able to farm n0obs in fact rank 9 prems,rank 8 and 7 were placed against t2!!!

And you think rank 9 was perfectly fine against rank 11?And rank 6 against rank 7 and rank 8 prems?

And you think rank 9 was perfectly fine against rank 11?

As much as rank 7 is perfectly fine against rank 9. But I never saw a veteran complaining about that…

As much as rank 7 is perfectly fine against rank 9. But I never saw a veteran complaining about that…

read above

Wouldn’t it have made more sense to just make a “upgrade to next tier” button for items instead of revamping the whole system?

Making changes just for the sake of change is bad

As much as rank 7 is perfectly fine against rank 9. But I never saw a veteran complaining about that…

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28387-veteran-protection/)


Lots of people find it unfair to be playing vs useless ships as much as having them on their team, because you cannot allow one and forbid the other.