Developer blog from November 16: Command Fighter Update



Pilots, global fleet improvement is approaching the finish line! The ships are designed at the dawn of the game’s creation are now equipped with unique hardware and capabilities. We already talked about the Federation gunship Wolf-M, today we will look at a whole role — command fighters.




Let’s start with lower ranks. A representative of rank 3, Axe-X , will acquire a new module that increases damage in passive mode, and accelerates projectile speed when activated. You can fire from a unique kinetic gun, which, in the event of critical damage, reduces the enemy’s resistance to damage.




At Rank 5, Hercules Arrow gets a new active module — a powerful beam burns the opponent’s shield first, and then the hull. An exclusive CPU modifier will increase maximum and optimal range of the main weapon and projectile speed.


Jericho’s Machete AE will be able to regenerate energy for each opponent who marks the ship as a target by installing a special capacitor modifier.

By activating its unique module the fighter will significantly increase the firing rate for itself and its allies, but it’s going to take a considerable part of the ship’s energy.




Machete S in turn will receive an unusual option to support teammates. The new module throws an energy cube on the battlefield, which reduces enemy energy and increases the speed of ally module recharge. A special shield modifier increases resistance to thermal damage with an additional bonus for each allied ship around. But that is not all! The rank 6 command ship will acquire a lightened rail mortar, with improved range and projectile speed. When critical damage is inflicted, all teammates receive a durability bonus.


At Rank 7, Katana will get more maneuverability with the engine modifier. It will not only increase the speed of the ship’s turns, but will also generate energy when flying at high speeds. Additional energy is very useful for the new active module. It forms a beam that deals EM damage, and the fighter simultaneously receives a temporary shield resistance bonus.




The modified version at rank 9, Katana S , will now be able to repel enemies with the exclusive module. When it’s activated, the opponent takes damage, and the ship will cover itself with an additional shield. The new capacitor modifier works like an emergency capsule, in case of death it restores the shield and increases hull regeneration.


The new active module for the Imperial rank 8 commander Prometheus launches a pulsar in the direction of the crosshairs, dealing thermal damage to all enemies within range. Recharging command modules can be accelerated by installing a new modifier in the CPU slot.




Advanced Prometheus X at rank 9 will receive as many as 3 new features. A special thermal cannon will burn energy of the enemy with each critical hit. The new capacitor modifier, in turn, picks up energy from nearby enemy ships and transfers it to the fighter. The active module will help you instantly teleport to the chosen ally, while giving you and the ally additional shields.


New modules and weapons will be available immediately when buying a ship. Pilots, who already have ships, will be able to easily get new items on their own: build them or find them in the game.


In the future, we will continue talking about fleet updates, engineering and long-range frigates, interceptors and much more. It’s easy to see that each reworked spaceship will have interesting and unique gameplay mechanics. It will be possible to verify this very soon, by taking part in our traditional mass testing. Stay tuned and see you in space!

I’m going to be honest, I thought this was another Ellydium ship and I was preparing to uninstall… this however looks nice. It could potentially give appeal to standard ships… maybe.

Lots of critical bonuses going around, should be fun, can we also expect a new look for the ships or HD textures along with the reworks?

xxxx FINALLY OMG YES I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR A COMMAND BUFF FOR AGES aaaaaaaand it’s only for low ranks…


A good and acceptable change but cmon.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

xxxx FINALLY OMG YES I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR A COMMAND BUFF FOR AGES aaaaaaaand it’s only for low ranks…


A good and acceptable change but cmon.

This is just a list of some of them that get rework so expect more until the update is coming ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

These sounds awesome changes! I wonder if r8 dessy will get something too :o

Lets all focus on the rank 1-8 ships guys !!!. Sense the Dev’s and their deaf ears and greedy wallets have driven the players who had rank 15 ships away and its almost impossible to get a rank 15 PVE now. So the only thing left to do is halt production on the Elly faction and make the low ranks more appealing to the new player base that keeps leaving for other games with



management that actually have a clue how to run a game.

R:I:P: Star Conflict

2 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

Lets all focus on the rank 1-8 ships guys !!!. Sense the Dev’s and their deaf ears and greedy wallets have driven the players who had rank 15 ships away and its almost impossible to get a rank 15 PVE now. So the only thing left to do is halt production on the Elly faction and make the low ranks more appealing to the new player base that keeps leaving for other games with



management that actually have a clue how to run a game.

R:I:P: Star Conflict

Read my first post.

Don’t you remember Sword S getting a new special module? Its not much but still, they could’ve done more.

Wait and see, it’s just a beginning

They’d better not be those stupid part mission modules. If they are, I’m selling my account and laughing when it gets banned.

Would be great if we could adapt these modules and weapons to all other command ships and have some free choice about it. This artificial exclusivity which will no doubt require weeks or months of single module-focused grind will be sad.

8 minutes ago, FilthHound said:

Would be great if we could adapt these modules and weapons to all other command ships and have some free choice about it. This artificial exclusivity which will no doubt require weeks or months of single module-focused grind will be sad.


It used to be that way before the class/role update. Engi auras and Pulsar on an LRF made for the absolute fav sniper setup.

If its not like the spec module grinds, its going to be fun and shake up the meta in low ranks. Good thing is that it isnt the only thing that will change ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Too bad we’re not gonna see any of it for months lol. Seems like development has slowed down considerably. It’s like they’re on the same development pace as Star Citizen now. XD


“Here are some cool teasers for stuff we are gonna have soon!”

*doesn’t actually publish an update for five months*

4 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

If its not like the spec module grinds, its going to be fun and shake up the meta in low ranks. Good thing is that it isnt the only thing that will change ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Things will change alright.

Gimme all of dat for ma Saw One. NOW. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

How is MM for R1-8? Is there a chance to get a game to test dem awesome changes?


That is not the problem


That is the problem:

40’000 credits for average players mid-week

600’000 credits for premium ships with license and 50GP 3 hour boosters on weekends


I have enough monocrystals and neodynium, but not enough cr and loyalty atm.

1 minute ago, Sola_Evoli said:


That is not the problem


That is the problem:

40’000 credits for average players mid-week

600’000 credits for premium ships with license and 50GP 3 hour boosters on weekends


I have enough monocrystals and neodynium, but not enough cr and loyalty atm.

Tbh income isn’t that much of a problem for me. It’s just the fact that every single upgrade costs close to millions, AND STILL REQUIRES VOUCHERS which are already hard enough to get en masse.