Developer blog from February 13th: What Tournaments are... and what they are for.

Why do you choose a day when i can never play? :frowning:

Saturday would be best for everyone i think. I mean it’s like the most wonderful day ever. it’s saturday. Saturday literally means happiness.

Don’t open this if you are 12 years of age or younger.

Are you stupid? Wait. No. Don’t answer it. Why would you quote the entire original post? Do you even read? I literally had an argument in my head about whether to chicken, not respond or rage.

Saturday literally means Saturn’s day, washing day or soil day. From wikipedia. The most wonderful day is an opinion. The most wonderful day for me has no relation to the day of the week. It’s when I met CDB.

There are multiple tournaments. If you read the original post you will see that one takes place at 1AM GMT+0. This means you will be able to play on Saturday at 5pm GMT-8 if I’m not mistaken.

Please do not quote a message so big without spoilers. Please read over everything carefully. Please think before posting.

Thank you

Except that three battles with the same group of randoms allows you to build up teamwork.


On our first match, the one we won, it was 8 randoms vs 8 randoms.  I took the lead and typed stuff in chat, and we managed to keep grouped up, not push too far forward, fall back when needed etc.  I was pinging targets and people followed.  It worked really nicely!  A couple more matches like that, and we would have formed a nice team.  Instead, no, on our second match we got put against a full wing and everything we had built broke up.  I think my first suggestion does therefore make sense: put people in a wing, give them 10 min or so to talk strategy, like in an “orange” group chat (which I wasn’t able to do here).   Obviously there are language barriers, but that can be overcome by pinging targets etc.




Yes I had forgotten about this.  This does make it kindof fairer.  Is it made so that in the first round, there cannot be random vs full wing?

There is always a possibility to have not even number of wings and randoms, so even in 1st game it is possible to have wing vs randoms, than second game could happene that wing goes vs team of randoms that won 1st round (in random vs random game)

Milan if you want to work out strategies with random, go online earlier, invite people form public chat and work out strategy with them.

To add to that:


In the end, out of 12 teams only 3 did not get any gold reward

Yes I had forgotten about this. This does make it kindof fairer. Is it made so that in the first round, there cannot be random vs full wing?

No. One my first round I was matched against a full [sTORM] wing whereas I was in random team. We lost that one. This means that the next team we fight against also has no wins (supposedly). My random team, again, went against an almost full wing of [sRS] pilots. There were other pug teams that had no wins. Why wasn’t my team matched against a fellow pug team?


So first feedback for the new tournament system.


It is just as bad as Sector Sweep and will probably die just like Sector Sweep did.  There is no way that 8 randoms with no comms can fight against a full 8-man wing  on TS.  That was just a slaughter, and will discourage anyone from flying it.  This time there were 8 teams, because it’s t3, it’s new, and there was a possibility of GS.  I bet that this time next week, there will be only 4, and the week after there will only be one full wing of STORM/SRS/ESB, against a squad of randoms, and then the week after that, noone at all.  Even the lure of GS cannot convince someone to take part in that massacre, especially once they realise they are just being farmed by bigger corps.




-Make everyone queue up solo, and put them into random teams.  Then we will see fair matches.

-Make it so only 8-man wings can queue up

-Or even better: run two seperate tournaments: one for full wings, and one for solo pilots


Either way in it’s current system, it is unplayable



So you’re basically complaining about teams winning vs randoms in a mode called Tournament?


Why do you choose a day when i can never play? :frowning:

Saturday would be best for everyone i think. I mean it’s like the most wonderful day ever. it’s saturday. Saturday literally means happiness. 


Sunday is best for everyone. A lot of people work on Saturdays (average Monday-Saturday workweek) while Sunday is the only real free day of the week.

So you’re basically complaining about temas winning vs randoms in a mode called Tournament?


Yes.  It is misleading.  Allowing people to queue up solo and get destroyed by full wings.  Any tournament I have played in before in Star Conflict has been this: you sign up your team a couple of days beforehand.  And not: you sign up for it and you are randomly allocated a team.  So in this case the mode should not be called Tournament , but rather Bloodbath.


This is why I suggest having two seperate tournaments running at the same time: solo and wing.  Obviously the wing tournament would have higher rewards to fight for.





I agree Sunday is the best day.  Also the first of the tournaments happens on an American Saturday evening anyway.  It is at 2am my time so that make 8pm East Coast time for you guys

If you don’t want to be massacred then squad up. The rule applies in Sector Conquest and nobody minds, why is the tournament any different?

If you don’t want to be massacred then squad up. The rule applies in Sector Conquest and nobody minds, why is the tournament any different?

Stop being so callous.

Because this is a tournament not Sector Conquest. In a tournament, players expect an equal playing field where there is no distinct advantage and skill determines who wins. Sector Conquest resembles war where it doesnt matter if there is a distinct advantage on one side.

Even if there is GS reward I predict that random players actually mind being farmed by competitive wings. Do you really want this to die like Sector Sweep did? In fact you were probably on a team that was on a wing so you’d have bias regarding this issue. That’s just an assumption though.

No. This is a tournament. I expect the better team to win. If the other side is better organised, has superior coordination and brought better ships, they deserve to win and you deserve to lose. That’s not “unfair”, or “callous”, that’s just how tournaments work.

And I didn’t take part. I was busy throwing up.

Well,having went through i my first round of this today,I liked it,had a frak’N blast.First round was a draw,then had some really impressive matches and had a great time and got gold.Thank you Dev team for putting some Conflict back in Star Conflict…

Well,having went through i my first round of this today,I liked it,had a frak’N blast.First round was a draw,then had some really impressive matches and had a great time and got gold.Thank you Dev team for putting some Conflict back in Star Conflict…

Out of curiosity, what did it do when you had the draw? Did it count as a win for both teams? Did you get gold?

Just want to say:


Holy. Crap.




26 teams. Great games. Team Battle rather than xxxx Beacon matches. GS and influence for winning. T3 so more people can participate.


This is easily one of the best additions to the game. Thank you devs!




Out of curiosity, what did it do when you had the draw? Did it count as a win for both teams? Did you get gold?


We did not get GS for the draw, as it only counts victories. A draw is essentially a loss in the eyes of the tournament. 2-0-1 gets 100GS.



Stop being so callous.

Because this is a tournament not Sector Conquest. In a tournament, players expect an equal playing field where there is no distinct advantage and skill determines who wins. Sector Conquest resembles war where it doesnt matter if there is a distinct advantage on one side.

Even if there is GS reward I predict that random players actually mind being farmed by competitive wings. Do you really want this to die like Sector Sweep did? In fact you were probably on a team that was on a wing so you’d have bias regarding this issue. That’s just an assumption though.


Expecting a fair fight in a tournament isn’t even remotely close to the correct mindset to bring to a tournament. Expect your opponents to always make the best possible decisions, even if they don’t. Exploit every weakness and push every strength. If you can bring 8 pilots to a tournament, you bring 8 pilots. If you go in as a random and expect to beat an 8-man wing by yourself, bring different expectations. If you can do well on your own, great! But carrying in tournaments isn’t nearly as effective.


This is how competition works. This is not Sector Sweep, this is t3. It’s drastically more fair as there’s a much greater likelihood that everyone has the same level modules/modifiers. That’s your equalizer.

We have different concepts of fair fights. It’s hard for me to put my idea into words.


My concept of a fair fight is what you mention. I said where skill matters. Communication and smart decisions made in-battle are considered fair for me. Knowing the obvious outcome of a battle is not fair.

We have different concepts of fair fights. It’s hard for me to put my idea into words.


My concept of a fair fight is what you mention. I said where skill matters. Communication and smart decisions made in-battle are considered fair for me. Knowing the obvious outcome of a battle is not fair.


It’s not fair, but neither is competition. I think I know how you feel, as I’ve felt it before. The problem is that it’s the wrong mindset to have for a competition. You have to change your mindset rather than change how competition works.


Your current mindset is applicable to the problems with squads and matchmaker in regular PvP, but not with tournaments. With GS and influence on the line, the expectation should be that it is as competitive (within reason of course) as possible.

here you go

44 Teams

Really nice idea. In my first match yesterday, my random team was evenly matched and had a draw. What an exciting match :wink:

We have different concepts of fair fights. It’s hard for me to put my idea into words.

I don’t think you mean fairness, I think you mean equal teams, as in inhouse games with arranged teams.

Too bad, abuse has caused the devs to close down custom matches from progression; otherwise there might had been some culture evolving around that.

I was playing in a fairly good team in two tourneys. I always got matched against wings, except one time, where it was a premade wing of pugs, once we lost one match; So most of the wings actually fought each other; This whole system is a good concept, but of course it can be refined. But it will never meet both criteria, being competitive, and allowing everybody to win.

I also saw a lot of corporations, who are playing fairly well, are not that old, and gave a hard game, but lacked experience in how strong games can be played, usually ending in the “Guardball of Desperation” Move.

For someone who has run through fire and hell to get through T3, as in my time all major corps everyone whispers with caution and fear were still flying a lot of T3 actively, a lot less restricted, I can only say, the playing quality of the overall population has gone down down down since implementing “solo friendly restrictions and rules” or other measures to bring people out of T3 into higher tiers. Think about this. If you are not challenged, you cannot grow. If no one shows your team once in a while, how strong a good group can get, you will not improve.

This was really feelable with some younger corporations and their teams, as I mentioned. It’s okay, lack of experience. It’s not like I have played thousands of wing games either.

I don’t feel T3 is bad for veterans. In fact, T3 is better for veterans, since it does not boost their efficiency with winner-implants, or provide ships with almost no vulnerability. T3 or T4 are awesome for public competitive matches; T5 I am not sure what its really good for, except some 3yo corps who want competition, but still want to be on the winning side as long as possible, and keep it that way, even if they are only playing it every once in a while…

The problems imho are not in competition. Rather…

* The Teams wait 10 minutes together. Why not throw them in a common chat channel.

* Show the team composition, so teams can prepare, even if they dont know each other

* Allow ships to be changed and equipped until the last 1 minute timer (maybe a toggle ready, which gets toggled automatically)

Actually, overhaul the whole GUI through the entire hangar system. More transparency, aka more information. Easier ability to find other games, squads, see what is happening. Better preparation lobbies. Better group features. It is the nonplusultra weakpoint. I mean for god’s sake afaik “remove friend” is still in the group popup menu. For me this is a disaster in product design.

Take the player seriously, show him information about what is going on, even in a queue, and not with artistic animations and placeholders.

Better Lobby Software, at least something scalable, and more servers to handle all the players. For me this is particulary curious, since I am used to a single server handling more connections, than 2k, and this is my line of work.

It was really sad the prime time tournament (the last one) with almost 400 players had laggy games and disconnects.

But overall, great new feature. Really.

And I don’t think it will have the same fate as sweep. But well, let’s see.

I queued solo for the tournament at 7pm UTC and didn’t get a wing for some reason

To people saying the tournaments will go the way of Sector Sweep:


Sector Sweep gave virtually no reward. Win 3 matches, get 3 control points for your team. You can get six in a single SQ match! That is the reason it was often neglected. Tournaments offer GS, and GS is always in demand.

This is not 250GS for half an hour. It’s 250GS for 7 days and even then, the 250 isn’t guaranteed. Have tournaments going all the time and this is true. Otherwise, you are lying to your audience.


I love the logic, but lament the disposition behind it. I loved the idea of the tournament - in practice it was a bit of a disaster on all kinda fronts (speaking as an antisocial - pug? is it? - especially). But still… if you aren’t into F1 what else you gonna do with Sunday? - this is great stuff: I’ll be entering and suffering 1/3 disconnections in the hope of being able to paint up my Jarl-in-waiting for free/as a reward without question. I just hope the hardcore corps don’t ruin it like most else… pop is the issue btw not the corps