Developer blog from December 28: New progress system and campaign



Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all our pilots! The first part of the big winter update Star Conflict: Journey is already live. The global fleet revamp is in full swing, and in the near future players will have access to rank 16 and 17 ships with unique design and capabilities. In this year’s final developer blog we’ll talk about the main features of Journey — a new player progress system and a story campaign in open space.


New player progress system


All pilots — both beginners and experienced warriors, who thoroughly know all the features of the game, will constantly improve their rank. In this case, the rank will denote the overall level of progress in the game. A total of 25 ranks are planned. The player’s rank rises after reaching a certain amount of experience. Experience can be obtained in the following ways:


  • For each new ship level.
  • Activating nodes in Ellydium ship tree
  • For every upgrade
  • For achievements


Achieving each new rank gives the pilot additional opportunities — opens new modes, more powerful ships, weapons, modules. In addition, rank lets you easily understand who you see in the game, an ambitious rookie or a seasoned veteran. By raising his level the pilot will also have access to new locations in the ‘Open Space’ mode.

The new system will allow players to experiment more — the more unique modules and ships the pilot gets, the more opportunities he’s going to have. You can’t fail upgrading a ship or a module, each action will bring you precious experience. Having tried all available equipment, the pilot will be able to determine what he likes from the proposed range of possibilities and use his favourite tech more.


Campaign and Open Space mode



The main way to achieve new ranks will be the completion of special assignments from UMC. These tasks are united by a common plot and will tell your personal adventure story in the world of Star Conflict. As the tasks are completed, pilots will visit all the major sectors of the ‘Open Space’ mode.

The plot of the campaign begins right after Ellydium Corporation managed to force out the aliens from the zone where the Ellydium-Theta station is located.
It would seem that ‘Ellidium’ is at the peak of its success. But it is at this moment that the corporation sends a large-scale request to the UMC for urgent and high-paying work.
The UMC accepts the order and sends an advanced reconnaissance unit to the ‘Ellydium Theta’ base. As part of this reconnaissance unit, you are a high-class mercenary pilot. Adventures begin!




Two new locations will be available in ‘Open Space’ mode and in PvP-battles. 


In one of them, a group of treasure hunters discovered remains of a ship of a previously unknown race on a satellite of a gas giant. Currently, the location is occupied by the Ellydium fleet. The corporation built a whole city on the site of the old expedition base and is now engaged in study of the ship.


In another location, the expedition, also sponsored by Ellydium, studies the buildings of the ancient race found on the planet. The planet is not as simple as it looks. Not only that everything on it — both the flora and the fauna — is absolutely gigantic in size, something unknown shakes it from within.


The long-awaited update is expected after the New Year holidays. Stay tuned! See you in the New Year, mercenaries!

interesting stuff, these new maps sound breathtaking

25 ranks planned…  2 5  R A N K S

Das a lotta ranks. Also "…_ after new years holidays " WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN!? _

That top bit sounds very threatening. Almost like we will be required to use and upgrade EVERY module for every ship in order to progress. Ew ew ew ew ew

18 minutes ago, evo888 said:

interesting stuff, these new maps sound breathtaking

Its gonna feel like a different game lol

4 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Its gonna feel like a different game lol

They will need to upgrade their servers… significantly.

Oh my god, so many cool things, 25 ranks tough, are you just going to spread out the ships? And what about the people that already got most of them, will we still start from level 1 or so? 

I knew that the first map had an Ellydium feeling to it, I haven’t seen many space games that let you fly close to a gas giant, let alone on its surface, would be a nice addition in the future

The second map is what really interests me, big flora and fauna, they wouldn’t mention those details just for background, I can only have high expectations at this point.

7 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

25 ranks planned…  2 5  R A N K S

This is not necessarily a good thing. If Ellydium ship tree won’t get an expansion, ships will be left obsolete, unless if they increase their mutation cap!

Just now, Koromac said:

They will need to upgrade their servers… significantly.

If this is as big as they state it to be and not just a slightly prettier OS, then without a doubt. The servers right now need more than TLC, they outright died earlier today while I was doing PvP  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

1 minute ago, TheDerpNukem said:

If this is as big as they state it to be and not just a slightly prettier OS, then without a doubt. The servers right now need more than TLC, they outright died earlier today while I was doing PvP  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

My biggest concern is their servers. They would need to put a lot more capable and better servers. I hope they are up to the task at hand.

*giant alien plant springs up from the ground and sprays you with acid to dissolve your hull*

*touching the ground tangles you up in the roots and you are slowly pulled under until you lose connection*

*Alien turtles act like mirrors for projectiles*

*Birds that deal damage if you run in to them*

*Fox that spews fire and flings little crystals at your ship form the ground*

I think the other major concern is well… 25 ranks, as I said. Is this the current 17 ranks with the ships just spread out more or are there going to be sufficient ships added to allow for 25 ranks with the current banding.

13 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

*giant alien plant springs up from the ground and sprays you with acid to dissolve your hull*

*Alien turtles act like mirrors for projectiles*

these two sound like great tactical parts for a map


14 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

*Fox that spews fire and flings little crystals at your ship form the ground*

this one, at this point you just deserve this one, it should count the kill to you if someone dies this way

2 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

I think the other major concern is well… 25 ranks, as I said. Is this the current 17 ranks with the ships just spread out more or are there going to be sufficient ships added to allow for 25 ranks with the current banding.

they aren’t 25 ship ranks, 25 ranks will be a separate set of levels

8 minutes ago, evo888 said:

they aren’t 25 ship ranks, 25 ranks will be a separate set of levels

This doesn’t help at all, could you please clarify as I’m still confused.

16 minutes ago, evo888 said:

these two sound like great tactical parts for a map

My thoughts exactly.

16 minutes ago, evo888 said:


this one, at this point you just deserve this one, it should count the kill to you if someone dies this way

My thoughts exactly. X3

39 minutes ago, Koromac said:

They will need to upgrade their servers… significantly.


37 minutes ago, Koromac said:

This is not necessarily a good thing. If Ellydium ship tree won’t get an expansion, ships will be left obsolete, unless if they increase their mutation cap!


37 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

If this is as big as they state it to be and not just a slightly prettier OS, then without a doubt. The servers right now need more than TLC, they outright died earlier today while I was doing PvP  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)


35 minutes ago, Koromac said:

My biggest concern is their servers. They would need to put a lot more capable and better servers. I hope they are up to the task at hand.


Its a sad thing that CinnamonFake didn’t respond to any of THESE questions … ![:017:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/017.gif “:017:”)Read the fine print F00Ls the server is “use it at your own risk” and  unfinished projects make Star Conflict what it is today…

Also did the leviathan’s moon… things actually get destroyed?


Also why.

Sounds gorgeous! But I need to know, veteran pilots that already got everything in the game, will they directly have access to everything or, we’ll get reset, or we’ll have to buy more modules?

probably the game will judge your progress and give you a certain level , but they will probably need to do the “campaign” or some stuff to get rank25

( my guess )