Developer Blog from April 6: Tai'Kin, Trading System and New PvE

Very little time has passed since the beginning of the year, and Star Conflict universe has once again impressively transformed. Ellydium scientists change reality with the latest developments of alien technology, the fight between corporations for fringe sectors broke out with renewed vigor, and the most enterprising mercenaries are knee-deep in studying the trading system that finally became available to everyone. In this issue, we will examine what has been done, and have a little look into the future of Star Conflict.

Trading in the world of Star Conflict

With the introduction of the trading system, pilots can now sell each other rare goods, earning the authentic premium currency — Galactic Standards.They can be spent on paying for a premium account, purchasing premium ships, special containers and items from other players.Thus, you can even get unique ships and equipment that are now impossible to get in Star Conflict with conventional methods, such as Dart and Gargoyle.

With the current concept the trading system encourages communication between participants. In contrast to the auction model, there is always the opportunity to bargain with the seller directly. The seller, in turn, is not obliged to reduce the price below the market level to sell the goods quickly. Each decides what to sell to whom or from whom, and what to buy, and most importantly — at what price. Social skills and creative approach are the keys to success in the new economy.


At first glance the system seems simple enough, but technically it is implemented in a complex way. At one stage of development there was a need to introduce some restrictions on the availability of certain resources for production in storage. Do not worry — there is always the possibility to clear your storage by means of trade, thereby speeding up the process of creating the necessary weapons, modules or even ships. Something that may seem unnecessary to you is always useful to someone else. If at the time of updating the resource storage limit is exceeded, any excess will remain in stock and will patiently wait for the pilot to spend them, for example, to assemble the necessary components. The resources found while at the storage limit will not be added to storage and burn away, but that does not apply to those resources that are purchased with GS or as part of container-bundles.

Trading system enters the world of Star Conflict gradually, and we carefully monitor how it affects the game. In the future we’re planning a major expansion of the list of available items and of the system’s functionality. Even now the scope for successful transactions is huge.

Ellydium Recon — Tai’Kin

The latest development of Ellydium corporation, scout Tai’Kin, has recently successfully gone through mass testing. Thanks to pilot feedback and statistics we are already hard at work on its modernization.


A unique feature of the ship is its special module actively interacting with the space-time continuum. Tai’Kin is able to instantly teleport long distances, disappear from enemy radars and literally wind back the clock, recovering from injuries. You can learn more about the new modules and weaponry of the ship in the previews on**our website.**

Let’s talk about improvements and upgrades. It’s expected that the node tree will change: some nodes can change their location and cost. We will redesign and improve ‘Inhibitor crystal’, ‘Crystal destabilization’, ‘Emergency Stasis system’ and some others. ‘Emergency stasis system’, for example, is going to work even after the jump straight into an asteroid or other obstacle.

Together with the introduction of a new Ellydium scout to the world of Star Conflict, Jericho ships, and all tacklers will also receive the appropriate tweaks and will focus on countering the latest interceptor technologies.

Tai’kin production is presented in 2 stages: assembling the ship’s cabin and its upgrading.Stages will begin at the same time and each of them will be accompanied by the relevant special tasks, allowing the pilot to concentrate on extracting the resources needed for crafting. Trade will play an important part in production. By selling components in excess, it will be possible to purchase the missing ones, and thus greatly help yourself and other mercenaries to achieve the goal.

New mission and Reworked PvE

Arthur Gage is ready to offer a new urgent contract! Blackwood Corporation has requested UMC assistance in protecting experimental shipyards under the control of the infamous AI ‘Ariadne’. This AI constantly gets out of control, but representatives of the corporation claim that this time their facilities were subjected to a massive attack from the outside. Exploration reports that the potential enemy are Cybers.


New mission ‘Ariadne’s Thread’ is the first step on the way to reworking all PvE missions in the game. Special enemies can suddenly intervene in the course of the battle. Each new battle will be different from the previous one and will offer various additional targets that will provide more value as a reward.

Those changes sounds really interesting! Is the new mission some kind of procedural generation?


New mission ‘Ariadne’s Thread’ is the first step on the way to reworking all PvE missions in the game. Special enemies can suddenly intervene in the course of the battle. Each new battle will be different from the previous one and will offer various additional targets that will provide more value as a reward.



Replay value for PvE, sure why not.

Can’t wait to read about the PvE is still boring as all the others. I’m curious what ‘more value as a reward’ mean. If it’s just diversity, then it’s useless. If it increase loot it would be good.

7 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Replay value for PvE, sure why not.

Yup it’s a good idea. Let’s see if it works!

As for the rest of it, I’m glad you are aware the jericho ships and tacklers will suffer a lot from this recon. I hope we won’t have the same ridiculous few weeks as we did with thar’ga…

Trading is fun and I’m glad you added a social component, however once again, like the tournaments and other events, this only serves to show the game’s divided community: English speakers and Russian. If I go over to russian chat to try to sell things, people just laugh at me talking English to them, and I laugh at them talking Russian to me. So where do we go from there? Maybe make the system slightly less reliant on direct communication?

33 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Maybe make the system slightly less reliant on direct communication?

No. That’s the whole point about our trading, to connect people!


16 minutes ago, Doomb0t said:

No. That’s the whole point about our trading, to connect people!

But there is too much of the pointless spamming of offers/demands in the chat… in general chat too.

Maybe a trading chat combined with a separate window similar to store or workshop that could list offers and demands with names and prices would be a better design.

7 minutes ago, Sinaka said:


But there is too much of the pointless spamming of offers/demands in the chat… in general chat too.

Maybe a trading chat combined with a separate window similar to store or workshop that could list offers and demands with names and prices would be a better design.

Transactions still could go through the mail system though. It’s all good.


>>Complete random additional mission goal and get additional reward.Complete random additional mission goal and get additional reward.<<

Interesting. Now I can guess, destroy this, bomb that or defend him.
The value of them will be valued based on reward vs. investment.

Now thats gonna be interesting, i am a bit concerned about resource limits, also why only blueprints are tradeable, let other things like beryllium, neodium and monos be tradeable too! (but dont nerf their availability further for gods sake, last mono hit is more than enough)

10 minutes ago, TheShooter36 said:

Now thats gonna be interesting, i am a bit concerned about resource limits, also why only blueprints are tradeable, let other things like beryllium, neodium and monos be tradeable too! (but dont nerf their availability further for gods sake, last mono hit is more than enough)

more resources will come in the near future no worries ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Well i guess if you have something valubale to trade it can be fun but if i see how often certain BPs are offered in the chat it already shows that there is an “overflow” of BPs that no one needs anyways.

I don´t have found any real BP/item part where i could say “this brings me the GS” so i kinda sit on my dusty BPs/items cus no one needs or wants them lol. So i could only sell them basicly cus i can´t even sell them for the lowest price… Maybe an good option would be that market items could be sold for GS (1-5 GS depending on the tier/quality/rareness) cus why keeping them to dust in the storages anyways.

Or if you thing it would be stupid idea let us sell this things for Iri at least…

Or we can wait for them to develop it further and be neutral on this first baby step, that’s also an option ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Noone buying? Noone want pay gs! GS only for real cash and cheap trade is ok for me.

Even if sales are not done automatically in the system, I still think a listing and sorting interface would help a lot.
This way, you see an item you want, and who is selling it, and what their initial offer is, then you can click that item to whisper them about it.

6 hours ago, Doomb0t said:

No. That’s the whole point about our trading, to connect people!

Connect peoples, yeah sure. 

The language is barrier that most peoples can’t cross. 


Compare the Russian chat to the English chat

Then compare the English forum to an even smaller, such as France chat. 



In the end, I may be French, but if I ever want to trade with someone, I’ll go on the Russian trade chat. 

But I don’t speak a single word of Russian. I just Google translate stuff and reply with a number. 

And I’m not alone doing so. 


So connecting peoples? Not really. Because I will never ever speak to these guys again, since I don’t even understand what they said. 


I can’t wait for these variable PvE missions. Doing the same thing over and over and over again for pitiful missions isn’t fun at all.


And yeah, the new “trade” market system is pitiful and doesn’t connect jack sh**. It is exceptionally ill-implemented and honestly a 5 year old could have designed a better system.

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Connect peoples, yeah sure. 

The language is barrier that most peoples can’t cross. 


Compare the Russian chat to the English chat

Then compare the English forum to an even smaller, such as France chat. 



In the end, I may be French, but if I ever want to trade with someone, I’ll go on the Russian trade chat. 

But I don’t speak a single word of Russian. I just Google translate stuff and reply with a number. 

And I’m not alone doing so. 


So connecting peoples? Not really. Because I will never ever speak to these guys again, since I don’t even understand what they said. 


I’m fully agree with you.

Language diffrence makes it impossible.


Well i still like the game has one base server but putting whole world in one server makes communication needs common language. Thats why most games using continent based servers to connect people speaks common language. And thats why trade is failing to connect us. 


Trading must be like blade and soul’s or crossout’s trade system to work better. 



Inside of this spoiler shows how trading works in Blade and Soul. You can search item and click magnifier to see who is selling it and its price (this one was changed in eu servers). There is limit of 10 item trade per player per day. There is still tax. Only diffrence is BnS is not using premium currency to trade.


Trading must be like that in our game too 

13 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Jericho ships, and all tacklers will also receive the appropriate tweaks and will focus on countering the latest interceptor technologies.


Just please dont go over the top…