Developer Blog entry from October, 30th. Fleet Strenght, Selling ships and Balance (0.9.9. Update)

Right, so, some of you guys asked how this new system will look like interface-wise, so here’s the treat:



I know there may be some questions, so go on and ask them :wink:


+1, so far so good

the interface is looking polished


is the rating among pilots how many max synergized ship compared to all the other players?

is the rating among pilots how many max synergized ship compared to all the other players?

Yup. So that those who are interested in this feature may compete and see if there’s anyone better :wink:

Wait, so criticizing the lack of design thought put into the interface is censored? I can’t talk about how I don’t like how the new logo isn’t aligned correctly, and neither are the faction logos? You really deleted my post about that Antibus?

Will fleet strength have an effect on the matchmaker? And if I am squaded with other pilots will our fleet strengths combine to give us even more synergy?


Sad to see the ship tree isn’t fixed though

Also sad that premiums/DLC still have no real reason to be flown if you want to progress at the same time.(Although admittedly, the reduced synergy need for level ups will help with that a bit, since you will need less free synergy to level ships up)


+1 for the neat interface and the clearness about your

current ships/total ships 

current full synergy ships/total ships

amount of premium ships


Does the premium ships include DLC?

Haha, foolish me, grinding 6 r11-12 ships 1-full last week. Could’ve been done faster xD

Anyway, the only regret is spending my free synergy on the last 2 levels of LRF (jerico to get the guard)

Althou on paper it seems like a good patch.

Right, so, some of you guys asked how this new system will look like interface-wise, so here’s the treat:



I know there may be some questions, so go on and ask them :wink:



  1. Having sold the ships, does the bonus stay?

  2. Do Premiums grant you the same or more Fleet Strength?

  3. Just to clarify, the whole point behind this is to force pilots to play in lower Tiered ships, yes? Because I’m not too sure that’s going to work.

Would’ve been nice to see the ship tree finally get fixed as well… again, expecting stealth nerfs and a generally negative impact to the game from stuff that was conveniently not mentioned in the Dev Blog.

Guys, most of you remind me of the bitter vet core on the EvE forums. Come on, a little bit of optimism.

Would’ve been nice to see the ship tree finally get fixed as well… again, expecting stealth nerfs and a generally negative impact to the game from stuff that was conveniently not mentioned in the Dev Blog.

I fear as much. I DO hope I’m wrong.

Will fleet strength have an effect on the matchmaker? And if I am squaded with other pilots will our fleet strengths combine to give us even more synergy?


Does the premium ships include DLC?

Yes, these bonuses only increase your synergy gain, they do not affect matchmaker. They only affect your synergy gain, not your co-pilots.

You cannot sell premium and DLC ships, but they give you the same boost in Fleet Strength as other elite ships.



  1. Having sold the ships, does the bonus stay?

  2. Do Premiums grant you the same or more Fleet Strength?

  3. Just to clarify, the whole point behind this is to force pilots to play in lower Tiered ships, yes? Because I’m not too sure that’s going to work.

  1. It is in the blog. Yes, If you sell your elite ship, you will loose the boost it gives you.

  2. It is in the blog too. Yes, they give you the same amount.

  3. No, the whole point is to give you an instrument to increase your progression speed and make you more interested in leveling up the ships.

You cannot sell premium and DLC ships, but they give you the same boost in Fleet Strength as other elite ships.

I meant, The bar “Premium ships 0/48”, does it include DLC ships?(I believe it does, but would like a statement of it from you)

I meant, The bar “Premium ships 0/48”, does it include DLC ships?(I believe it does, but would like a statement of it from you)

Yes, both premium and DLC ships.

  1. It is in the blog. Yes, If you sell your elite ship, you will loose the boost it gives you.

  2. It is in the blog too. Yes, they give you the same amount.

  3. No, the whole point is to give you an instrument to increase your progression speed and make you more interested in leveling up the ships.

1/2) D’oh, I’m blind this morning, for some reason…

  1. See, this is what worries me. I fear that this will only encourage MORE T5 rushers, which is a massive game-breaking thing for everyone else but them…

Guys, most of you remind me of the bitter vet core on the EvE forums. Come on, a little bit of optimism.

Optimism died sometime during 0.8.


When I started playing this game, had it been a full release I would have considered it a solid game that was marred by a lack of maps, modes and ancillary features (eg: customisation). Now, despite being “very close to release”, it feels even less like a finished product!


Keep in mind, back in 0.7 we had fixed tiers (which the majority of people want), we had a better ship tree (which the majority of people want), the reward system was fairer than it is now, the grind… was probably about the same, but because the game overall was better it wasn’t as noticeable.

Optimism died sometime during 0.8.


When I started playing this game, had it been a full release I would have considered it a solid game that was marred by a lack of maps, modes and ancillary features (eg: customisation). Now, despite being “very close to release”, it feels even less like a finished product!


Keep in mind, back in 0.7 we had fixed tiers (which the majority of people want), we had a better ship tree (which the majority of people want), the reward system was fairer than it is now, the grind… was probably about the same, but because the game overall was better it wasn’t as noticeable.

I don’t know how the old tech tree was, but the current one seems good for me.


Concerning the tier locking, I don’t have any problem fighting rank 7 or 8 with a rank 5 or 6. More difficult yes, but almost all games like this one have that feature. And the differences between tiers are higher in other games.


I cannot say anything about the reward system, since I don’t know the previous one, but the grind so far doesn’t seem that big.


If you think this game feels unifinished, you should try other games around… this is like the holy grail.

Are the devs working on the idea to give players some ints about the presence of squads in the preview window match? Maybe highlighting squad palyers by different colours?

I don’t know how the old tech tree was, but the current one seems good for me.


Concerning the tier locking, I don’t have any problem fighting rank 7 or 8 with a rank 5 or 6. More difficult yes, but almost all games like this one have that feature. And the differences between tiers are higher in other games.


I cannot say anything about the reward system, since I don’t know the previous one, but the grind so far doesn’t seem that big.


If you think this game feels unifinished, you should try other games around… this is like the holy grail.


The problem with mixed tiers is that you wind up with the kind of problems that put me off T3 for the longest time…


Rank 7 ships are not balanced to fight Rank 8 and Rank 9 - they are balanced to fight Rank 6. In a Mixed Tier environment you have to have shoddy middle-ground ships so that you don’t accidentally face-roll people by tiering down ships that are way too powerful. The result is lackluster entry level ships.


Fixed Tiers don’t need to have that problem. You can have big jumps in performance because all that matters is how the ships compete against other ships in that tier.

I don’t know how the old tech tree was, but the current one seems good for me.


Concerning the tier locking, I don’t have any problem fighting rank 7 or 8 with a rank 5 or 6. More difficult yes, but almost all games like this one have that feature. And the differences between tiers are higher in other games.


I cannot say anything about the reward system, since I don’t know the previous one, but the grind so far doesn’t seem that big.


If you think this game feels unifinished, you should try other games around… this is like the holy grail.

I am such a good guy…


2 seconds of google found me this:



It went like this for example(might have them mixed):

Raptor special: drones that attack random targets within a radius

Raptor-M special: drones that attack random targets within a radius and switch to shield heal when you drop <50% shield

Raptor Mk II special: drones that attack random targets within a radius and each drone can shoot down 1 missile each 30 seconds(or was it 50?)


Each ship faction type had its own special(instead of each role(so jericho fighter had phase shield, empire had overdrive, federation had cloak(And roles didn’t exist anyway, you had access to a lot of modules on all ships)))



Edit: sorry for offtopic!

The problem with mixed tiers is that you wind up with the kind of problems that put me off T3 for the longest time…


Rank 7 ships are not balanced to fight Rank 8 and Rank 9 - they are balanced to fight Rank 6. In a Mixed Tier environment you have to have shoddy middle-ground ships so that you don’t accidentally face-roll people by tiering down ships that are way too powerful. The result is lackluster entry level ships.


Fixed Tiers don’t need to have that problem. You can have big jumps in performance because all that matters is how the ships compete against other ships in that tier.

The problem with fixed tiers is that when you advance one tier and you get your shiny rank 7 with all the stock modules, you can’t add to your roster any other rank 6 you are also levelling, so you have to wait until you have 3 rank 7 to play, or just play with a single ship roster which is stock and you will be the bottom of the feed chain.


With mixed tiers you can be on top even with rank 7 ships, or you can be on bottom, making grinding better.


For example, at this moment I’m playing with a rank 7 gunship, rank 6 recon, and rank 5 guard as my main roster, while I’m saving for buyin rank 7 recon and guards. I don’t find difficult to play against other rank 7 or rank 8 with my tier 2 ships.