Developer Blog entry from November, 19th. Hidden shipyard raid and update 0.9.10!



In today’s entry we would like to tell you about the upcoming update 0.9.10! In this update, our pilots will start a new [PvE scenario](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21798-hidden-shipyard-raid/#entry240023) where mercenaries have to perform “Monolith” corporation’s contract to capture a shipyard where a “Maelstrom” class dreadnought is being re-equipped! The mission will consist of three parts, where the pilots will have to fight with a lot of enemies (no one wants to give a dreadnought away easily!). This mission is designed for ships of the second and third technological levels and has a fairly high difficulty level. Therefore, we recommend all our pilots to thoroughly prepare for this scenario!

Follow the developments in the upcoming [IIN issues](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/208-iin/)!

After Update #2, many of our pilots noted that cartridge reloading after death causes some discomfort. In an update this week, this situation will be corrected — now, after the destruction of the ship, the pilots will stay with the same number of missiles they had until their death.

Let us look at an example: If your ship had 12 missiles, you shot 4 of them at an enemy, and then the ship was destroyed, you would continue the battle with 8 missiles, instead of waiting for a full reload.

Additionally, the update will include various ship-owner achievements, bug fixes and minor balance changes. This concludes today’s entry, stay tuned for new entries!

Star Conflict team

Does this replace the old Dreadnought Sabotage / Hidden Maintenance Shop mission?

Nope, it is a new mission, that will be added to the PvE map.

Hmm… then an obvious follow-up question: how does it compare to HMS? Both HMS and Monolith seem to use similar assets (the beacons, the missile turrets and the “Dreadnought” theme), so how do they differ? If I recall correctly HMS has a T2 and a T4 version. What tier is Monolith aimed at?

Hmm… then an obvious follow-up question: how does it compare to HMS? Both HMS and Monolith seem to use similar assets (the beacons, the missile turrets and the “Dreadnought” theme), so how do they differ? If I recall correctly HMS has a T2 and a T4 version. What tier is Monolith aimed at?

Please, read carefully: This mission is designed for ships of the second and third technological levels and has a fairly high difficulty level.

Ah, so we’ve finally got a T3 PvE scenario! Nice!

The PvE T3 will give “Upgrade Kits Mk4 T3”? I hope so.

The PvE T3 will give “Upgrade Kits Mk4 T3”? I hope so.

It will.

What about the cooldown on active modules? Will it disappear, too?

The PvE T3 will give “Upgrade Kits Mk4 T3”? I hope so.


Logic would dictate that. So yes? 


In other news, I’m super glad they are gonna revert the missile issues and go back to how it was before. It was really annoying coming back into a battle and being somewhat defenseless or being forced to switch to another ship. 


A new PVE specifically for T3 is a good thing. We were lacking that. Thanks! 


Balance tweaks are needed, I just want to point out to work on the prediction system a bit more. I miss 100% of my shots with anything above 100 ping on the russian servers. Knowing my skillz, this shouldn’t happen or force me to aim ahead of the marker. 



What about the cooldown on active modules? Will it disappear, too?

No, this feature remains unchanged.

Logic would dictate that. So yes?

Already answered above.

In other news, I’m super glad they are gonna revert the missile issues and go back to how it was before. It was really annoying coming back into a battle and being somewhat defenseless or being forced to switch to another ship. 


That has not been stated (that they are going to revert back to how it was). Only new (wanted) change to the new functionality.


Which will bring out the whine that “I’d rather have it reloading instead of having only 1 useless missile in cartridge left!”

No, this feature remains unchanged.


Seriously?! Thats should be reverted as well. 


All well, if you insist on punishing the bad players, please continue your efforts. Veterans who dont die won’t be affected, but those new players in T1/2, aka, your bread and butter, do NOT like that. 

That has not been stated (that they are going to revert back to how it was). Only new (wanted) change to the new functionality.


Which will bring out the whine that “I’d rather have it reloading instead of having only 1 useless missile in cartridge left!”


Bah, Use your missiles like normal. A good player will make his missiles count and never miss. Granted, lately, I have been missing 1 out of every 2 unguided missiles due to lag and a poor prediction marker mechanics. 

No, this feature remains unchanged.

Why? I dont see the reason…

Its annoying if you died even when you tried to prevent it with repair-kit i.e. and you start with a ship on cooldown.

Why? I dont see the reason…

Its annoying if you died even when you tried to prevent it with repair-kit i.e. and you start with a ship on cooldown.

This is considered to tell well on overall balance of fights.

As always, we will continue monitoring the situation with this change in mind.

This is considered to tell well on overall balance of fights.


Well… Ok. I think i can understand this. Maybe reduce the cooldown for survival/restoration modules accordingly (especially restoration)?


While were at it: Any news about changing the Matchmaker?

Well… Ok. I think i can understand this. Maybe reduce the cooldown for survival/restoration modules accordingly (especially restoration)?

At the moment we are gathering statistics and feedback. Should the change be necessary, the need of its implementation will be discussed.

Any changes to squad match making?