Developer Blog entry from April 7th. Updated Developement plan.



Star Conflict developement process goes on - and that is why we would like to present this updated developement plan for our game! Take notice, that this document reflects only the major changes — in addition to implementing parts of the plan, we are constantly fixing bugs, introduce smaller improvements and tweak combat and economic balance. We also continue developing and assessing new and existing gaming opportunities.

Open Space!
Game release is approaching, but for now we are focused on the release of the new mode that we see as a PvP/PvE sandbox with separate maps and contracts. There, pilots will be able to fight each other and various pirates without time limits and in much larger locations. In addition, the purposes of being in this mode will be more diverse. And since Open Space will provide a wider variety of tasks, we are now improving the software component of the game to help you better navigate the world in this mode, and to improve the experience of playing together in it. It is very important that the regime has to be no less interesting than those already available, and soon, our pilots will also be able to try it!

Of course, in addition to the work on this area, we continue improving existing content. We’d like to list those aspects of the game, that we plan to start working on in the near future or are already working now:

— New Mode ‘Team Death Match’
We are working on the long-awaited PvP mode Team Death Match — we are prepairing the interface and testing general mechanics. This means that the new mode will soon be open to our pilots! This mode we will also be used in all sorts of competitions and championships. We will also tune other modes for the same purposes.

— Introduction of new achievements and modules
To extend the set of tactical decisions, as well as introduce more variety, we intend to introduce new modules that will be available for installation on all ships. In addition, the game will have new and exciting achievements that will be available after the Open Space launch!

— Support for more input devices
Many of our players want to test ship controls not only through the mouse and keyboard, but also using other devices. We want to explore the possibility of implementing controls in such a way that the players using keyboard+mouse, joysticks and gamepads in one fight could battle on equal terms.

— Expansion the game world’s history
An important aspect of the game is its story, we plan to expand it and to enter new characters and events into the world of Star Conflict.

— Improved contracts
We have already mentioned that we plan to improve the contracts system to make it more convenient and meet the new aspects of the game — as a result of these changes, it should become more flexible and accessible to our players.

— Development of models and game modes for dreadnoughts
Dreadnought preparations are well underway and already close to the final stages. In the meantime, we suggest you look at the concept art of a Federation dreadnought:


We understand that the ability to communicate with developers and awareness about the progress and future direction of the project is very important for our players. Therefore, we will continue to talk to all of our players about the game’s development and promote the development through our blog!

Star Conflict Team

Death Match: not interested, really, I’m an average fighter, much better suited to objective based fights. Almost all matches are handled as DM anyways, by most people in pubs.


Controllers and all: i sincerely doubt you can make anything happen that is fair and creates equal terms. You just can’t beat the mouse in a fair fight.


Dreadnoughts: i really have no idea what you have in mind, but i’m very curious. We will see how it turns out.

 Almost all matches are handled as DM anyways, by most people in pubs.

At least with DM you don’t have to worry about pubbies who ignore beacons. I’m more of a objective-gametype person myself but more game modes is always a plus. :3


On the input front, I’d like to try flying an interceptor with joypad sticks, but otherwise I’ll be sticking to mouse+keyboard.


And can’t wait for dreadnoughts!

I cant directly comment on DM as that is an entire thread in it of itself. 


But the ability to have a game pad is a good idea but it has to be implemented correctly. As a KB + Mouse will always have the home advantage. 

will you be releasing new maps? Because right now more or less only one map is suited for competitve matches.

I can’t imagine what sort of aim assist would the gamepad players have to have

will you be releasing new maps? Because right now more or less only one map is suited for competitve matches.

Later on - yes, of course. At the moment we are tweaking some of the maps to fit new mechanics. Sould this not be working properly we will design a better map.

My only concern with Deathmatch is that Long Range Timewasters will suck all the fun out, like they do in every other mode. Perhaps Deathmatch could have “zones” were kills are worth more points to punish LRF players that don’t advance?

Example: players who kill in “spawn” get 1pt. Players who kill from the “killzone” (the middle of the map) get 4pts per kill. In between is “no man’s land” were kills earn 2pts.

This rewards aggression, but neither spawncamping nor spawn-squatting - to max out your kill value you need to be right in the middle of the field.

LMFAO. It’s deathmatch. There are no more valuable kills in deathmatch. A kill is a kill, no matter how you achieve it.

LMFAO. It’s deathmatch. There are no more valuable kills in deathmatch. A kill is a kill, no matter how you achieve it.

In badly designed Deathmatch this is true, but plenty of games find ways to shake up the model. Assassin’s Creed, for example, has stealthy kills worth a LOT more than the CoD style “sprint around like an idiot” kills.

Smart Deathmatch encourages interesting play. Bad Deathmatch just gives up and relies on “most kills wins”.

Wait till we see specialized Kill Squads in DM…

Well, I sure hope it won’t devolve into a sniping campfest.

Well, I sure hope it won’t devolve into a sniping campfest.


Really depends on the map, player ability and specific tier. Generalizing wont help with out cold hard data. 


A good way to prevent a over surge of LRF camping is to force ships to move away from spawn OR randomize the spawn locations around the map. 


I still cant wait till the big updates. 


BTW that federation dreadnought better be faster then 300 M/s with all those engines…

LRF only work in current game modes because they are being left alone since objectives are more important and you waste too much time going after that lrf that will respawn before you are even back with your team. In deathmatch sniping LRF will be nothing more than easy targets. So take it easy IMHO.

Square-cube law, JP: double the mass of the ship and you quadruple the power required to move it. Big-xxxx ships require huge-xxxx engines just to move AT ALL, nevermind at Fighter speeds!

Square-cube law, JP: double the mass of the ship and you quadruple the power required to move it. Big-xxxx ships require huge-xxxx engines just to move AT ALL, nevermind at Fighter speeds!

Hey, it is a federation vessel, i.e. made out of paper, so should not be a problem

Hey, it is a federation vessel, i.e. made out of paper, so should not be a problem

You mean, full of adaptive shield also buffing its hull tanking combined to its mobility? For sure it will be made of Paper

You mean, full of adaptive shield also buffing its hull tanking combined to its mobility? For sure it will be made of Paper

imagine the turn radius mehehehe, would take half of the star map for it to do 180 :))))

random spawns across the whole map or random spawns per half of the map (the half will swap sides depending on how many players of the opposite team are in that section) like in most first person shooters would stop any lrf camping in huddles of a sea of mines in some corner all game.

“Open Space” sounds almost too good to be true.

Is there an existing game that this mode could be compared to, for example the “X” games?


About making Joysticks “equal” to Kb/M:

Please do not Change the existing Kb/M control,

it is perfect.


Looking back on a long list of games,

i have never played a space fighting game where the controls where as fast and precise as this.

After a few hours of fighting against my old Joystick muscle memories

the ships suddenly flew like an extension of my body and it felt completely natural.


Flying spirals around beacons on afterburn

while rolling the ship and firing the turrets to the side at incoming targets?

I think nobody can do that with a stick or gamepad.


So if you are thinking about “nerfing” the Kb/M in order to get it to equal Terms with a joystick,

please dont do it.

For me this control sceme and the whole flight mechanics are whats keeping me coming back to SC every time.



Maybe you could give some kind of aiming help to the Joystick-People?

A function that continues to track the last object that you have hit.


So you will have to hit your target at least once,

and then your aiming sight stays glued to this Position,

even if its moving.


That would interfere with your directional steering,

so maybe at the time you hit someone,

the sight splits up in two pieces.


One is just the normal sight, so you can continue flying like nothing happened,

and the other stays on the enemy ship and controls your firing direction.

Your guns fire at full Auto and will hit the target if there is no cover.


A single left click disables the tracking mode, and the guns snap back to the steering sight.


A simpler solution would be to give a temporary module to the player if joystick steering is detected,

This module increases the turn rate a lot, maybe also strafing.


Thanks for reading!