Developer Blog entry from April 7th. Updated Developement plan.

I can see something like the xbox controller working pretty well. Something something analogue sticks and whatnot. It sounds hard to work with so few buttons, though.


Deathmatch sounds like balancing hell. Spawn camping and LRF sniping both to deal with.

Heh. You could make everyone spawn in the middle. I’d enjoy seeing how that goes.


Better contracts, more modules, lore, and (finally) dreadnoughts? Exciting. I also kind of want to have that concept art as a wallpaper for my desktop.



The only thing close to the control setup, that I can remember, is Freelancer.  One of my favorites, because it would run on just about any PC i could build.  And the Open Space mode is definitely something I am keeping an eye on now. 

The only thing close to the control setup, that I can remember, is Freelancer.  One of my favorites, because it would run on just about any PC i could build.  And the Open Space mode is definitely something I am keeping an eye on now. 


Freelancer was definitely a mouse game. You can’t dogfight with a joystick (effectively), and that was double true for Freelancer, it was much more fast paced (some more realistic physics helped it a lot).


Joystick helped X-Wing and Tie Fighter a lot, as there the turn was directly proportional to the movement of the mouse, causing many soar mouse pads, but here… no, not really.

Freelancer was definitely a mouse game. You can’t dogfight with a joystick (effectively), and that was double true for Freelancer, it was much more fast paced (some more realistic physics helped it a lot).


Joystick helped X-Wing and Tie Fighter a lot, as there the turn was directly proportional to the movement of the mouse, causing many soar mouse pads, but here… no, not really.

I remember the daily ritual of cleaning the mouse ball before playing X-wing or Tie Fighter on my 486, so I could have the best speed. Also, once each month I used some of my father’s electric shaver machine oil on the three axis wheels.


It worked.


Concerning the joystick and pad control, I’m curious about how they will resolve the joystick control and the turret aiming.

I remember the daily ritual of cleaning the mouse ball before playing X-wing or Tie Fighter on my 486, so I could have the best speed. Also, once each month I used some of my father’s electric shaver machine oil on the three axis wheels.

Never needed to clean my mouse ball but the wheels (3? I only had 2, why would you need 3?). Good old times when gaming helped clean your table. xD

I remember dogfights in Descent 1 & 2 against a mate using a good old Sidewinder; since he could strafe and move vertically with his thumbstick, and move the nose with the Joystick itself, I had hard times catching up with M/Kb in point of movement


I played thru the original Tie fighter on one of these early joysticks with a few buttons next to the stick. X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter was sometimes so hard to set up, tho, in multiplayer.



I like DM as a mode for custom matches, especially to make dogfight inhouses, and possibly it would be a fun break from objective based games, but I am also a bit worried how it would fit into a skirmish rotation; DM would clearly favor certain ships more. I am still assuming it’s TDM and not FFA :slight_smile:


And even senseless DM modes, like Gungames, have some crude tactics involved, even if it’s more intuitive crowd control. I kinda like Battlefields idea about rotating the spawn points around the map; however they have modules to influence spawn, too. So how spawning works is actually a big question for DM, imho.



To extend the set of tactical decisions, as well as introduce more variety, we intend to introduce new modules that will be available for installation on all ships.

Can we have more details about this? :smiley:

I loved Freelancer, and I remember there was some zones with dense dust particles in space so it was like foggy. This could be interesting in term of sector design, maybe not entire sectors but maybe some parts, it would makes it harder to snipe from too far if you do not have enough sensor range :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And some new maps coud have more obstacles that makes it harder for those lrf to find a sniping spot. Maybe maze tunnels in a giant asteroid? :wink: Its not that I dont like lrf, its my fav ship, for Jericho, but you will rarely see me stay in the back doing only torp job :slight_smile:


also, why not have bases with turrets in pvp, like those you added in the new mission that we have to buildup, that would add to the strategies in many modes, including this oncoming DM!




I’m really curious to see this open world live! when!!? :wink: