Developer Blog entry from April 23th. Travelling in new mode, poll on joystick support and other news



In today’s entry of our blog, we would like to tell you about the upcoming features of the game.

So, again we want to start with a brief description of the new mode! This week, as we mentioned in our previous blog, we’ll tell you about the travel system in this mode:

‘As you know, Precursor Sector is on the outskirts of known space: the forces on three sides of the conflict only found ancient structures and artifacts left over from its former owners, but other than that – nothing. Nevertheless, prominent scientists were able to explore and adapt technologies of the findings for use. So, the already known technology of gates, allowing to make ‘jumps’ over short distances, has been modified considerably, thanks to the knowledge gained. Now mercenaries can make jumps between locations using the constantly drifting space gates’.


As is known, three sides of conflict—the Federation, the Empire, and Jericho fight for the Precursor Sector. Each of these parties control a certain amount of adjacent locations. Obviously, outside of these zones there are ‘free’ locations, where hardly anyone wants to intervene , if he has no good reason for it… or if he’s not a pirate! However, because these areas have not yet been fully scouted by the fleets, they can hold rare resources and greater rewards than the known zones. What kind of resources and will the players be able to use them? Tune in for the next issue of our blog!

We turn to the second part! As you know, not so long ago we updated the ship Panther — we added a unique glow effect that distinguishes it from other ships. You can look at it on the video, from one of our players.

Many pilots liked the improved look of this war machine and tomorrow we’ll present a modified version of the ship Flamberge! Wait for the updates!

Next, we would like to tell our players about the in-work system we used in the tournament ‘ Iridium Wars ’, with the working title ‘ Observer ’ — the first version of the long-awaited spectator mode. Currently it is partially ready for use and we continue to improve its functionality and interface to add it later in the game! Below, you can watch a recording of one of the streamers, filming the final of the tournament:

So in conclusion, another important announcement. As our players may have noticed, we systematically follow the previously published development plan. One of the important parts is to support new input devices — joysticks and gamepads. At the moment, we have a test version ready to support these devices, which will be further developed in the future. But remembering how many players expressed their interest in the possibility of trying out joystick controls, we would like you to answer this question in the poll above: are you interested in testing experimental joystick and gamepad support? Your Feedback is very important — please leave your vote in the poll above, and as always, we welcome your comments!
Star Conflict Team

I don’t know if it already is, but this should be an ingame vote. Not on the forums only. 

I don’t know if it already is, but this should be an ingame vote. Not on the forums only. 


Of course, it is in-game as well.  :012j:

I’m REALLY curious about how you want to solve the joystick/gamepad equality problem. I seriously hope we mouse guys won’t be at a disadvantage, but don’t see any fair way.


I also hope that those resources in the open world won’t be there for only the first people, but can be achieved by anyone working hard for them.

I’m REALLY curious about how you want to solve the joystick/gamepad equality problem. I seriously hope we mouse guys won’t be at a disadvantage, but don’t see any fair way.


I also hope that those resources in the open world won’t be there for only the first people, but can be achieved by anyone working hard for them.


For now, this is only an experimental version of joystick support, when it’s be implemented - please provide us with your feedback on it!


Players can get these resources, and they don’t need to be first to do so.

Im really excited about the new features of this game. Good to see it develpoing. Will tehre be anything like open-PvP ?





PS.: This Profile-Pic is 100% HeresyStamp.1.png





PS.: This Profile-Pic is 100% HeresyStamp.1.png

You are jealous cause you can’t hear the voice of our glorious master !


Back on the Subject : Really Interresting Devsblogs :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing more informations about the new mode with us !

If I manage to get a Joystick or a Gamepad, I will test it with frigates :slight_smile:

i am interested in joysticks and gamepads, as long as they don’t get too much “help” by the software to aim, just to “keep up” with the precision of the mouse regarding aim.


left hand joystick/pad for controls and right hand mouse is anyway one of my favourite setups if possible. i am also glad if a game i really love supports joysticks, since sometimes it’s nice to try them out in an area where you can compare your movement to other means.


i’d love for observers to have their own vessels, which are invisible and immaterial to players, so they can use that little sputnik to give their own perspective, besides to watch other players (or just a free cam)


also, the system used to observe was a bit confusing to some from my observations of the broadcast, because the observer spawned on one side of the teams and if he observed an enemy the name was red but the team member colors changed with him, while the score did not. I do not know how, but that could be improved.

i am interested in joysticks and gamepads, as long as they don’t get too much “help” by the software to aim, just to “keep up” with the precision of the mouse regarding aim.


left hand joystick/pad for controls and right hand mouse is anyway one of my favourite setups if possible. i am also glad if a game i really love supports joysticks, since sometimes it’s nice to try them out in an area where you can compare your movement to other means.


i’d love for observers to have their own vessels, which are invisible and immaterial to players, so they can use that little sputnik to give their own perspective, besides to watch other players (or just a free cam)


also, the system used to observe was a bit confusing to some from my observations of the broadcast, because the observer spawned on one side of the teams and if he observed an enemy the name was red but the team member colors changed with him, while the score did not. I do not know how, but that could be improved.


Well, observer system is still in work, further versions should be more clear. 

I was a Vendetta Online player and the differences in dogfighting between those two games are (aside from the ability stuff in SC):


  1. In VO you’ve some kind of ‘physics’. Meaning, if you fly in one direction and turn your ship, you’ll still drift into the direction you previously flew. Kind of like Asteroids but less annoying.

  2. In SC you can move your weapons, like a lot. There is some ‘movement’ in VO, too. But that works via auto-locking and is only available on some weapons.


If you removed that (point 2) from the game (or made it so that it ‘auto-locks’, which some weapons in VO can, too), the game would be perfect for Joystick/Gamepad gameplay. Else you’d need 2 more axis (making it 8 instead of 6 (I’m counting the up/down left/right thrusters as axis controlled, too))

Problem is, point 2 is what defines this gameplay and make it such fun on mouse+kb

More obvious disadvantage to consider is this … Joystick is considered hardcore.


This game will lose more players if casuals believe players who use joysticks have a significant advantage. Then the game ends up being - learn to joystick or quit.

I can’t even imagine using Ion Emitter with Joystick/gamepad without huge help from AimBot

For me, I prefer keboard and mouse controls, but I can understand that players ask for this feature and I support the implementation.

Star Citizen hopefuls come to Star Conflict for training to prepare for when that game gets launched.


They are the ones asking for Joystick support.


Big outfits in Planetside2 planning on migrating to Star Citizen have already set up shop here in SCon to prepare their squads.


This isn’t assumption. This is what people have tried recruiting me into. So it is happening.


Question is, why would you entertain request from people who is using this game only as a stepping stone as if SCon is some kind of a digital rebound girlfriend. Last personality to influence this game claimed to be some hotshot Eve Online demi-guru CEO who got his Corp dismantled throwing hissy fits because SCon didnt plan on having open space.


But now we are getting open space so entertaining this part time lover crowd could be a good thing. Your call StarGem. You’ve been making bad ones all this time won’t hurt to make one more …

After more than a year of Star Conflict been my sole fly/space combat game, i attempted to play some with older “classic” control.


Limitations, slowpoke dynamics, boring and repetitiveness of fly control is unbearable after to Star Conflict, i instantaneously missed all the freedom available with current engine, feels like a huge downgrade and forced limitations upon me, uninstalled them all. Maybe with oculus+joystick immersion there would be a different experience, but just like this it is terrible!

 I can not see myself playing on “classic” controls anymore.

I’m very excited to see how the Star Conflict team will implement the joystick support system and would like to be a tester.


I personally play Star Conflict with a joystick by using Game Pad Companion for Mac. It makes play for me 1000 times easier.  Most people are worried about aim software and other things like that.  There is no aim assistance when I play because my PS3 controller is simply mapped to the keys on my keyboard and mouse. 


I won’t post a link on this forum, but if you YouTube Charlie Thomas, “Playing Star Conflict with a Controller” You will see how it’s done.


Good job everyone.

Must… Resist…


Must… Not Buy… A Tartarus…or an Orbweaver…

Must… Resist…


Must… Not Buy… A Tartarus…or an Orbweaver…


that isnt the same thing. I use those. It’s a keyboard. Those are fine.

that isnt the same thing. I use those. It’s a keyboard. Those are fine.

Not If I tape one of those on a Joystick ! xD