Developer blog entry 27, December. '2013: Summing it up and plans on 2014.'


In our today’s entry we would like to give a review of the year and wish our players a Happy New Year!

We have done a lot in 2013 and Star Conflict is getting closer and closer to release! Of course, we do not plan on stopping after that - we already have some interesting plans on 2014! You can find more in our videoblog entry above! Have a nice view!

Star Conflict Team.

English Text Version


Hello to all pilots of Star Conflict!

2013 comes to an end! In today’s video blog, we would like to give a review of the year and tell our players what we are going to work on next year!

So let’s start! In 2013, we implemented a number of important improvements in the game:

  • An important innovation of the year was the ship role system that allowed you to choose a ship to suit your playing style and favourite combat missions.
  • To make the roles easier to understand, we also modified ship development trees! By the way, now all of our players can enjoy the sight of their war machine through the “View” option!
  • In addition, we reworked the weaponry system and introduced new types of guns with interesting mechanics!
  • Besides working on weapons, we have improved the trophy search system. Because of this, you can gradually modify your conventional equipment to turn it into the finest examples of modern space technology!
  • As part of corporate content we introduced and then improved the “Sector conquest” game mode where our players can fight for control over locations and receive rewards!
  • We also improved game HUD and added the ability to set it up as our players wish!
  • New scenarios for PvE were also added, so that our players could deeply feel the atmosphere of the frontier!
  • And to make the atmosphere even richer, we added space pirates! Some of the pirate ships are even available to our players!
  • Each player can now show off their individuality with the added possibility to customize ship appearance!
  • For players who like proving their superiority in battle, we introduced a number of changes and improvements to PvP-modes, and added two new modes: Detonation and Combat recon!
  • As for those pilots who want to fight by the rules, we added to a special mode “Custom battle”!
  • And of course, we undertook a huge amount of work related to improving the interface, balance, and many other aspects of the game.
  • In addition to all these changes, we were constantly working on a new experimental mode that will soon be available to the most dedicated pilots in our game!

As you can see, this year Star Conflict has grown significantly and has become even more interesting! But what awaits our players next year?

And waiting for you are lots of exciting things:

  • Primarily, of course, it’s the game’s release! Open Beta testing stage is nearing completion, and thus significant changes of game basics will be minimized! Ahead of us lie new and exciting opportunities! What are those?
  • As already mentioned, very soon our pilots will be exploring a new mode — we see it as an open PvP sandbox with its own battlegrounds and purposes free of rules and limits where you can stumble upon fierce battles between players spiced with pirate attacks!
  • In addition, we will work to deepen the personalization features in the game.
  • Introduction of dreadnoughts is still on the cards — these are special corporate ships to be used in “Sector conquest”. We stand by our word that dreadnoughts will appear in 2014!
  • Contracts will be improved and made more flexible!
  • Moreover, we plan to continue working on the introduction of new game modes, battlegrounds and missions for both PvP and PvE — because space conflicts are constantly changing! One of the new modes will be the long-awaited Team Deathmatch.
  • We also plan to keep working on the competitive part of the game, that is, the introduction of improved team battles and expanded recording capabilities!

Such are our plans for 2014. Of course, in addition to the major listed moments we will deal with other interesting aspects and ideas, and in this, as before, we rely on support and opinions of our players! We want to thank everyone who fought in the vast Star Conflict universe this year, and we invite our players to new battles that await them in the future!




is there an english version - dunno see the subtitles at all

Click on the button left of resolution control and turn on subtitles


Pvp sandbox – hell yeah!






I can’t understand a single thing…

is there an english version - dunno see the subtitles at all

Text version added

Oh, forgot the CC. So Rakza was right! I thought you were joking before watching the video with captions lol xD

Lol at 1:04. 


Looking forward to the open sandbox as well. 

Open sandbox? More gate camp and Ace ganks? Yay!!

Amyway if the other guy doesn’t lose his stuff it’s not worth it.

and all this for 1500 players…


do your plans also include some actual advertising for the game?

and all this for 1500 players…


do your plans also include some actual advertising for the game?

It is supposed that the game release will go side by side with a nice marketing campaing. Almost all games do that.

I’m … Optimistic for this new mode.good job teasers look good.

Oh, forgot the CC. So Rakza was right! I thought you were joking before watching the video with captions lol xD


I’m never joking…

I’m never joking…

That was a joke, lol.

By the way, nice and interesting video of what’s coming, let’s see how the new features are implemented, but I have a serious question for the devs: Are you planning to add more colours? Pretty please :smiley:

Still waiting for the ability to change the color of your ship trails. 

Looking good. Can’t wait for next year!

Will people lose their progression when beta ends ?

Will people lose their progression when beta ends ?


They answered about this a lot, No wipe !

Sorry to be that guy with bad news BUT


Sandbox PVP is going to crash and burn on launch unless we get more players to populate it AND the rewards for playing in that mode are decent.


Poor rewards = no incentive


Low playerbase = sparse encounters


No incentive + sparse encounters = boring/dead on arrival

Im guessing it will be dominated by ESB t5 squads