Destructible Asteroides ?

Does anyone thought about make asteroides destructible ? it would add a real gameplay to the game !


off course, small asteroides could be destroyed by guns. But bigger need some bigger things like missile.


what do you think of this ?

Honestly, this would be interesting. Although fully destructible I am not sure, perhaps if it took a ton of extensive focused fire sure, but not something players aim for just to get out of the way. 


I do think it would be neat to see missiles impact and blow some chunks off of the asteroid though, and cracks form, which if shot enough would eventually break up into little parts.

I’m glad people are agree with my suggestions. I really think this would be a good add to the game …

Maybe, although the asteroids are crucial to combat reconnaissance. If the team could focus fire and blast away all of the enemies cover it wouldn’t be so interesting. Perhaps making some fully destructible and others only partially destructible (only small chunks will break off). Might be a good tactic to hinder enemies line of sight, block a torpedo flying close to an asteroid and such. These smaller pieces should also be fully destructible.


Conclusion: Would love to see this in the game, just not to the extent where all cover is destroyed.

Honestly, this would be interesting. Although fully destructible I am not sure, perhaps if it took a ton of extensive focused fire sure, but not something players aim for just to get out of the way. 


I do think it would be neat to see missiles impact and blow some chunks off of the asteroid though, and cracks form, which if shot enough would eventually break up into little parts.

OMG yessss this so much

@LevitatingLemur & LadyAthena : +1

You can get +'d for saying you like the idea?


I defineatly like this idea!!!


No honestly tho, it’s a nice idea and would also reduce camping, add a whole new level of strategy and missile management. I agree that blowing off chunks is a better alternative tho (especially if those chunks would blast away from the asteroid and act like projectiles themselves, increasing the need to mind your environment)
