[Destroyer weapon] Kaboom launcher

Hello guys ! Another random suggestion.


I was just thinking one thing : Star conflict lack an important item => heavy guns. And by heavy I think of those guns you see in movies which takes time to load, with insane fire power.

Gauss and Positron are a good start. But they lack the “Whoa” effect

So here it is :

Heavy canon - Fire a salve of exploding shell, dealing tons of damage on hit.


Before going into numbers, let’s talk about the mechanics.

  • You can charge the gun exactly like gauss and positron, with one exception : nothings happens if not fully charged.

  • Whenever the charge is released by shooting, manually stopping the charge, or a disable then the weapon enter in cooldown.

  • When you shoot, the weapons enter in cooldown only once you’ve released the mouse.

  • The projectile detonate on hit, but you can trigger the explosion manually by releasing the weapon button (Like phaser)


Now let’s talk about the projectile itself.

It is divided in two parts. Direct hit, and explosion. Critical damage only applies to the direct it, not the splash damage. The direct hit can be assimilated to a railgun projectile dealing explosive damage -> not AOE but still explosive. The second part, the explosion, happens on collision or can be manually triggered as stated above. Dealing explosion damage in an area of effect. 

The area of effect of the explosion is NOT a sphere. It is instead a cone, and it’s direction depends on the projectile direction.




Numbers (Absolutely not balanced, did not do maths. Don’t blame if broken or useless).

On hit damage :  8 500 kinetic damage (explosive damage)

Explosion damage : 4 500 thermal damage (explosive damage)

Time needed to full charge : 1.2 seconds

Cooldown time : 1 seconds

Time to overheat : 7 seconds

Range : 4500m

Projectile speed : 4500 m/s

Cone length : 1000m

Spread : 0

Crit chance : 5%

Crit damage bonus : 50%


So up to 12k damage per projectiles, or only 4k5 to the target in the cone radius ; with a RoF of one shot per 2.2 seconds.

Which means 5k9 DPS.

Of course, it’s considering all the 12 turrets of the destroyers shoot. Which never happens. 


There are two different approaches of how to use this weapon :

  • Aim for a direct hit, and deal a lot of damage. But having hard time shooting fast target.

  • Manually detonate the projectile, coupled with the cone area of effect, to hit multiple ships at the same time. You can even choose to detonate it in front of your target to reduce the probability of missing.

I totally love the idea but the damage should be EM (that just seems to fit better) because a green or blue beam is just WAY flashier than a grey projectile ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)





I think of something like THAT.

Sounds like a fun weapon to use. Explotion radius should be tweacked down (at least half radius), dmg numbers…idk xD (too lazy to do math right now). Thumbs up from me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

7 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Sounds like a fun weapon to use. Explotion radius should be tweacked down (at least half radius), dmg numbers…idk xD (too lazy to do math right now). Thumbs up from me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1000m length isn’t that mutch. It’s not a sphere after all.

Guided torps smoke have a 500m radius if i’m correct, which means 1000m length. Far from being too much.


But well, it’s just some random numbers.



I totally love the idea but the damage should be EM (that just seems to fit better) because a green or blue beam is just WAY flashier than a grey projectile  ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


But it’s not a beam. It’s a canon throwing explosive shells. Which means kinetic/thermal  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

16 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

1000m length isn’t that mutch. It’s not a sphere after all.

Guided torps smoke have a 500m radius if i’m correct, which means 1000m length. Far from being too much.


But well, it’s just some random numbers.

guided torp has 270m radius, Em torps have 400m, tactical warheads have 1200m base (1440m max)

The weapon have the least DPS of all destroyers guns, combined with it’s extremely low RoF, it needs to be compensated by something. 


In my mind, the radius of the explosion is similar to nuke/guided torps/self destruct cloud. 

The weapon’s goal is to damage multiple ships after all. A mere coil mortar AOE would be too small. 

ugh… I’d just stick to the disintegrator or gauss/positron. Maybe make a louder WHOOSH! or sth like that. 


For me - a cool mechanic would be if the projectiles were fast enough (lets say 10k m/sec+) they would automatically make the critical hit effect (without dealing crit) and going through the target.

The goal is to have the feel of an heavy weapon with extreme power. 

With some cool effects when charging, or cooldown, and a huge BOOM, that’d be perfect. 

But it’s quite similar to gauss/positron. 


I originally thought about a piercing ammo too. But there’s a big problem : No way you can align 2 targets perfectly. Especially on a destroyer. 

So the solution I found was a “piercing blast”. 

well yeah, I wouldn’t even try to shoot two targets at once, just for the sake of xplosions!  



But I can imagine a MLG thnderflame compilation on that matter ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)



btw, how bout sth like…



I think the gun should have the biggest DPS against destroyers (considering the explosive dmg bonus, meaning is not that effective against smaller ships), heavy weapons have heavy dmg, as well heavy drawbacks, making them usefull on big and slow targets. Remove the dmg and it makes no sense to use it (more than trying to pick up players with low guard).

Against destroyers it has more dps than coil and meson because everything is x2.

Halo deals slightly more damage, but this one has a much bigger splash size which pass through static shield.  

And it’s projectile speed is much faster than halo. 

So against a Sirius it’s perfect. 


While for inties they have natural resistance to explosion so they aren’t one shoted . 


I did that on purpose ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

We din’t planed to add such diversity in weapons to destroyers. But this guns looks cool and explosions too, maybe we will keep it for good. Maybe for Dreadnoughts

21 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

1000m length isn’t that mutch. It’s not a sphere after all.

Guided torps smoke have a 500m radius if i’m correct, which means 1000m length. Far from being too much.


But well, it’s just some random numbers.



But it’s not a beam. It’s a canon throwing explosive shells. Which means kinetic/thermal  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Plasma weapons can have projectiles, too and i don’t see the blue “effect” as a beam more like the track (is that correct?) of a glowing thing moving quickly through a dark space.

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

We din’t planed to add such diversity in weapons to destroyers. But this guns looks cool and explosions too, maybe we will keep it for good. Maybe for Dreadnoughts

Noooooooooo  ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)

On 6.12.2016 at 3:07 PM, CinnamonFake said:

We din’t planed to add such diversity in weapons to destroyers. But this guns looks cool and explosions too, maybe we will keep it for good. Maybe for Dreadnoughts

But if you use them for Dreadnoughts pilot base won’t be able to use it, which would be a shame. Would be so cool and an anti destroyer gun would make a lot of sense.