Destroyer visuals

  1. Wormhole: When destroyers enter the battlefield, a warning should be displayed, or a warning siren, then the entrance should be that of a (cyber or alien like) wormhole and the destroyer slowly exiting it.

  2. Gravity Lens: Default appearance should be “closed” with the “lens” in the middle covered by the flaps. Upon activation, it slowly opens up and emits those purple beams from the tips of each flap, then fires a large dark pulse down the middle to initiate the black hole.

+1 To This, sounds Neat

Soo many nice visuals have been suggested, yet seeing none.

+++ from me

Soo many nice visuals have been suggested, yet seeing none.

They have their priorities set out. Visuals, to my knowledge, are not in the immediate goals.

They are busy people trying to make a living off of an online game so don’t expect immediate results. ^^;

(Also they are Russian so that plays a factor)