Destroyer mini turrets should aim on what you target

Pretty much the title.


I find it annoying that the turret is not shooting what I am targeting. For example during Fire Support, the turret shots the Cruiser instead of the engines, even though I am close enough to the engines, and my ship rotated nicely that the turret can aim on the engines.

It would be nice however there are issues such as balance or what happens if your target is not in the firing arc. For now, just put the engine in between your turret and the centre of the cruiser :slight_smile:

It would be nice however there are issues such as balance or what happens if your target is not in the firing arc. For now, just put the engine in between your turret and the centre of the cruiser :slight_smile:

Hmm the turret would fire on anything else or would simply not fire if there’s nothing around.


Same as Sentry drones for Tacklers. But gonna try what you said.

I would like this too, but at the moment it seems to be a proximity+priority thing.

The closest of entities in range is targeted, or in the descending order of player>drone>turret>other.

At least I’m 99% sure that’s the order.


I think this order makes sense, because I see the turret in OS targets aliens instead of turrets if they’re nearby.

Although it’s a nice idea, i like the turret behavior of the turret, the turret should be a turret, an AI for shooting stuff, even other turrets, too much turret words.

Although it’s a nice idea, i like the turret behavior of the turret, the turret should be a turret, an AI for shooting stuff, even other turrets, too much turret words.

You using too much of the same word lately. Your point makes sense anyways. :o

You using too much of the same word lately. Your point makes sense anyways. :o


My apologies, anyhow, you can look at it this way, you can set up your destroyer in more ways than one, i like to use those auto turrets in pvp, if someone tries to get close to you, in pve and open space if theres too many smaller enemies to deal with. If u take the turrets ability to be autonomous you only get additional guns and not turrets. 


There’s soo many ways to equip them and with only 6 slots and 4 active slots, i cant imagine how it will be like with the higher ranked ones.

Attack drones are on AI until you lock a target.

Just sayin.

the good point of this turret is (maybe it’s just me don’t know) you can focus on 2 different target that pretty useful :slight_smile:

Yeah but still, attack drones would be just drones if they didnt attack the target u locked on, maybe attack turrets is the thing we are looking for lol.

Lol just switch control to the turret. Otherwise people just load up on turrets and only use main weapon…

Or there could be an option to manually control the turrets? Idk. I think that having them target your locked enemy is a better idea and easier on the devs.

Or there could be an option to manually control the turrets? Idk. I think that having them target your locked enemy is a better idea and easier on the devs.

They don’t do like massive damage that is bigger than the main guns, if it does, then you should be able to control it sometimes. I mean I find it useless controlling the turret which is only supportive to my main guns. I’d like it to target what I am targeting, AND being able to stop it from firing, because sometimes it brings Hunters and Predators to me.  :01414:

Max range of the EM turret is somewhere around 3500m and the thermal one is cca 2000-2500m, also i might be wrong but it seems like it shoots everything else that doesnt have a lock on and is the closest to you, forgot to mention that they do a nice amount of dmg especially when activated.

They don’t do like massive damage that is bigger than the main guns, if it does, then you should be able to control it sometimes. I mean I find it useless controlling the turret which is only supportive to my main guns. I’d like it to target what I am targeting, AND being able to stop it from firing, because sometimes it brings Hunters and Predators to me. :01414:

From some happenings: Predators will even hunt you without the turrets. They have a huge aggrorange and just being shot don’t change the aggro, but Hunters? Then you must be really close to them to notice you.

There could be a three mode module(non-active, passive, active) stance implemented. But do we really need this?