Destroyer High Noon

Since I can’t post it anywhere else I’ll try here.

Would anyone like to participate in an open space event where we pay a visit to the alien sectors or any other sector full of aliens and vaporize them just for fun?


IDK the max possible player number but I guess it’s somewhere around 12 per wing, soo that leaves us with something like 7 destroyers and 5 engis per wing which should be enough. It would be even better if every corporation could make their own wing and we all meet up together and wipe clean the sectors and probably kill the big green xxxxxxx floating in sectors like Solaris wasteland and etc.


At least one full wing would be enough!


I’ll do the details if we make a decent number of willing players. 


ORCA out.  :012j:




The event is solely here for having fun and doing the difficult tasks nobody could do solo.


NEXT UP on the kill list OPEN SPACE DEFILER, full wing needed.

Just observe the path that the defiler takes once, then line up destroyers on the path so that when the next one flies through, it has a nice little pathway of doom to fly through. ^^

Engis can be stationed every two or so destroyer to provide adequate heal coverage.

Maybe some commands too.

Just observe the path that the defiler takes once, then line up destroyers on the path so that when the next one flies through, it has a nice little pathway of doom to fly through. ^^

Engis can be stationed every two or so destroyer to provide adequate heal coverage.

Maybe some commands too.


There are soo many ways to make it work nicely, it all depends on will people want to try it, I would gladly take on the logistics if the chance occurs. Just waiting for some big open space adventure :smiley:

I would join, but school is a priority for a bit.

Can one explain why destroyers? For me they suck against such enemy types. Guards will be more devasting against those as destroyers.

Because Destroyers>>>>>>>Guards in every way. They can put out more DPS than an LRF and are semi-mobile with wormholes. Also, their tempest battery and plasma turret add even more damage. A hallway of Destroyers would demolish a Defiler in no time.

Defilers have got their full power back. Just saying.

I would be down provided the timing works, having a ts would be nice also. If we do this I m making alot of duplicators.

Because Destroyers>>>>>>>Guards in every way. They can put out more DPS than an LRF and are semi-mobile with wormholes. Also, their tempest battery and plasma turret add even more damage. A hallway of Destroyers would demolish a Defiler in no time.

DPS? Vs. the destroyer every destroyer lack damage compared to a guard or especially LRF.

So I’m asking why those. I haven’t played against a defiler(not in term of surving more than 3 mins), so I don’t know how they receive damage. But if they appear to be like a mix of destroyer and cruiser, then again I don’t see how they will compare in DPS to any frigate or especially LRF. And in tanking they really suck.

DPS? Vs. the destroyer every destroyer lack damage compared to a guard or especially LRF.

So I’m asking why those. I haven’t played against a defiler(not in term of surving more than 3 mins), so I don’t know how they receive damage. But if they appear to be like a mix of destroyer and cruiser, then again I don’t see how they will compare in DPS to any frigate or especially LRF. And in tanking they really suck.

Destroyers have next to twice the DPS of a LRF, and easily triples dps of a guard, are we talking about the same Destroyers?

Destroyers have next to twice the DPS of a LRF, and easily triples dps of a guard, are we talking about the same Destroyers?


Yes we do. But thinking of weapon matter.

That’s the point. Coil Mortar do way more damage due splash as non-splash weapons. So a destroyer can only focus one target, while mortar do focus all targets in its range achieving more damage as shown.

Just because it splashes, doesn’t mean it damages the defiler more times. Each shot will still only damage it once, and at a considerably lower damage per second than destroyers. Given that a destroyer’s Meson Cannon deals about 8k DPS default, and the fact that the Defiler is so massive, all 8,000 of that dps will hit. If you want splash, there are also tempest missiles, and piercing/exploding turret projectiles that only add on to the total DPS.

Once they make the Pyro Beam deal damage to structures, then the damage output on something like a Defiler would be immense compared to any other ship in the game. Regardless of your opinion on Destroyers, they will always trump other ships in terms of damage output.

That’s why I’m asking how the damage is applied.

It is applied in a direct hit. Once you shoot, the projectiles travel, then they hit the target and apply damage.

Destroyers have next to twice the DPS of a LRF, and easily triples dps of a guard, are we talking about the same Destroyers?

Well, this statement is true considering raw number, but if you consider that you can only use 2 third of your shown dps since 8 guns is max you can use, and that their precision is not the best… You end up with highest damage but it is not as much as people say.

My statement is for broad side 8 gunz, the highest dps gun on a frigate is hwy blaster that has similar spread negatives, so that portion can be ignored from comparison. On top of that Destroeyrs have active modules that do situational dmg as well, while lrf has none, guard has a pulsar, but if you start comparing the dmg of pulsar vs turrets/pyro/tempest, it quickly becomes clear whos modules deliver more dmg on average overtime.

Conclusion? Destroyers 2 stronk?

Conc dessy= ver stronk

Conclusion? Destroyers 2 stronk?

Yeah, just as stronk as your reading comprehension!

No one is discussing the balance of Destroyers, there was a simple argument what would do better in certain situation, i.e. melting Alien faces.

I haven’t yet been answered. So Destroyer < Frigates until you say what I need to know.