Destroyer-Covert Ops Plasma Arc issue..

holy sh*t man JC hits really hard when he is sober i wouldn’t mess with his mother if i were u when he is like this sponge…


Its not meant as any harsh criticism i just think nonesense like this needs shot down long before it gains any momentum.


There are some learning points for new players completely separate from the destroyers in this thread (Resist, positioning, fitting, awareness, thinking before u whine). But its the fact it comes up when it is a destroyer, thats what makes it irritating. Much rarer to see s1 questioning the balance or counter or any issue with other ship classes. Then maybe we could have a decent discussion about balance ect. Nope only when the potato gets taken out.


As for my Mater… pulees, destros would be the least of your worries :00555:

Also if i were half as unsober? drunkerish? as people seem to think them maybe i am the bestest eva at the game.

Ur mum should play

Ur mum should play

your’s too…