Destroyer balance issue

  • Anything and everything fired outside of the danger-bubble SHOULD NOT count for the 3x (or 2,5x now, whatever) damage.

  • Only the explosive weaponry outside of the danger-bubble should do its usual 2x.

  • The destruction of destroyer modules SHOULD NOT do 3x damage, just the 1x usual damage.

  • The 3x damage should be 2x (i know it’s 2,5 now but thats not much of a difference to me, 2.0 is fair)

This may be the proper way of implementing such a mechanic and will positively impact the community on both ends, the destro and non-destro population/fans. Also it may bring balance that wont need anymore unnecessary work and we as a whole can focus on future releases without looking back over the shoulder on past content with an aggravating look.

Also halving the nerfs done on mobility is optional, not nearly as important as the damage problem is right now.

How about this, if a ship aside a destroyer gets in the 750m proximity(since they will deal x3 damage to eachother)that ship will receive x3 the damage from the destroyer, let’s see them get close now.

Thundeeeeeerr… bad flame, bad bad baad flame xd

6 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

How about this, if a ship aside a destroyer gets in the 750m proximity(since they will deal x3 damage to eachother)that ship will receive x3 the damage from the destroyer, let’s see them get close now.

+1 yes please. That would be much better. Along with another suggestion that has yet to be approved.

please not! that would be insta death to anyone who tryes to challange a DD!


2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

please not! that would be insta death to anyone who tryes to challange a DD!


If close enough, a slightly bigger reward with a slightly bigger risk.

No thanks then i go back to good old ignore the DD, maybe he leaves me strategy


Current system looks nice, balance came back to see destroyer’s  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)

On russian forum i saw interesting discussion. The subject is that destr modules explode with aoe damage, so hunting on wretched destroyers would be a bit dangerous.


Remove 2.5x damage thing. Restore original speed and turn rate. Reduce spawn from 40s to 30s. Cut off hull and shield points to slightly above frigs with modules, like 50k max. Now you can choose to pulverize heavy defences high brute force, or just target its modules to take it down.

F**k em.

Lol seriously though its swings and roundabouts. Every player who identifies with playing a single ship type has had to suffer in the past.

1st unkillable infa rotate inties where the issue and everyone not in one had to suffer that. (old sec con, some kiddies here wont memba)

Briefly frigballs where an issue, game was slow and dull.

Ppl whined bout cruise engine fighters when they arrived.

Then ppl who flew inties a certain way had to suffer (firing arc ‘bug’).

And then the nonsense of a single ship ‘supressing’ an entire team from great distance while denying beacon caps, which has lasted almost a year.

Its not that much of a drawback tbh. I have seen players who know how to play the dess (not DD thats a doomsday, always will be) still being effective with it. The only thing this has stopped is the in you face bricks that laugh at your attempts to drain their massive hp pool. If three players jump on top of a dess it still survives much longer than anything else while wrecking havoc, distracting those players and its very likely one or more will die in the process, seems fair to me, kill for a kill. Not another ship in the game that can claim that kind of consistancy v those odds.

Might be important to remember for the dess players a few points.

750m is a hard range to close v any ship thats moving with its team.

Dragging yourself into yer own hole is not a good idea ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”).

Cover that your using can be used against you.

Maybe, just maybe you never knew how to play that ship effectively.


Give them back some movement yes and i didnt realise module destruction was x3 as well, maybe that could be changed i would admit that much. But the current change has been overdue imo.


I personally have nothing against the 2.5

Feels fine IMO. 


But the x2.5 module destruction… Just no. With a single plasma arc you can deal over 110k true damage to hull.

That’s enough to one shot federation and Jericho. 

4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

… also this qualifies as a bug and please report it like one with logs vids pics etc. …

Imho this hole patch is a big bug

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

… And I still think it’s BS that the Covops can still slaughter you in 2 seconds with the plasma arc. That thing is fun and all but it’s a bit crazy.

+1 (but had spend my 6 points already)

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

… Also halving the nerfs done on mobility is optional, not nearly as important as the damage problem is right now.

The speed nerf is reasonable - but sad: in the end  its a big mass.

3 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

How about this, if a ship aside a destroyer gets in the 750m proximity(since they will deal x3 damage to eachother)that ship will receive x3 the damage from the destroyer, let’s see them get close now.

I was thinking about something like a charge attack: you deal 2 times the damage with plasma arc (em blade module on interceptor) and get the risk of receiving 2 times the damage. That would be fair. Activate the plasma arc and be more vulnerable and must have more skill to use it. This would be a counter-module for the destroyers: specific, balanced, fair…

I really don’t care what happens, i only want what’s fair, a middle ground. Please discuss the topic at hand and leave the other nonsense for later and remember to vote so we have at least a number to go by. I always played and will play all roles so I will always find a way for myself to enjoy and adapt and overcome, most players don’t do such a thing so if we want the community to grow we need to cooperate a little at least.

The balancing idea is great, the way it’s implemented is bad, for the sake of those who worked a lot to get a destro vote on the poll, for the sake of others who clearly don’t like them, vote on the poll. Remember to be fair  while doing so.

1 hour ago, JCNB said:

F**k em.

And then the nonsense of a single ship ‘supressing’ an entire team from great distance while denying beacon caps, which has lasted almost a year.

Its not that much of a drawback tbh. I have seen players who know how to play the dess (not DD thats a doomsday, always will be) still being effective with it. The only thing this has stopped is the in you face bricks that laugh at your attempts to drain their massive hp pool. If three players jump on top of a dess it still survives much longer than anything else while wrecking havoc, distracting those players and its very likely one or more will die in the process, seems fair to me, kill for a kill. Not another ship in the game that can claim that kind of consistancy v those odds.

Give them back some movement yes and i didnt realise module destruction was x3 as well, maybe that could be changed i would admit that much. But the current change has been overdue imo.

Well, problem with this patch is , the 2.5x to3x damage mechanic against destroyers is illogic and unnatural > just addressing part of a symptom, not the disease.

I do not get it why they did not design a special ship like the Dart or a special module as a counter against the destroyers? Make very small ship-class overlord over huge destroyers and simultaneously very good counters against every other ship-class is fancyless!? 

Three lions do not kill an elephant, it needs a team or an injured elephant AND an elephant does not run fast and deliver massive directed dps (damage per second) and one can evade his damage. That should be a proper game mechanic.

Bad thing is the designers put every damage output form into destroyers combined by swiftness, steadfastness and huge hull/shield without a proper counter to take it down! ramm2.jpg.747ddfb968b61cb9b9444b8a7ed39014.jpg

Now they be on steroids and do everything up the max in their newly introduced  Ellydium ships … next year we can copy this thread only exchanging “destroyer” against “Tharga” lol

P.S.: Sorry you posted quicker than me, didn’t read it before…

You may put in the option: I have other idea or like it as before or such…???


The Snotship aka the Tharga should use a similar mechanic. It should receive 25x damage, as soon as you are in a 7000m bubble around it.

Meh. Destroyers are still kinda fun as long as you either have an insane awesome engi team on your back at all times or just sit at 9-10km and chuck torps and stuff at them.

Basically be engified invincible or stay as far away from combat as possible.

I rekt a whole enemy team because half of my team was engineers and it was awesome. They all had eclipses because of that stupid tharga mission so it was a mutual benefit type thing. I rek everyone and get hella points and they get all their healing done in one battle. XD

Remove the laser from vigi and see how ‘awesome’ it is to be a next to non-mobile platform.
Why you don’t talk via Sirius powning in 70% of the games?

I don’t know why is so important to kill the destroyers. Again. Negate their kills and make them worthless. Give us tools for this and it should be enough.

8 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I rekt a whole enemy team because half of my team was engineers and it was awesome. They all had eclipses because of that stupid tharga mission so it was a mutual benefit type thing. I rek everyone and get hella points and they get all their healing done in one battle. XD

Do you Know, DRfox, how effectiveness is calculated in case of supporting role of Engineer frigate  (in regard to your points gaind with destroyer)?? What is the calculation base/formula? Most times does not play out for support roles to be in danger and do not kills oneself in Engineer frigate.