Debuff modules needs some nerf

I think here about the whitenoisejammer, stasis, ion beam, mass inhibitor and such


I just had a battle where i was barely able to do anything because some kind of lock was everpresent


I think reworking all these flatout stuns into a kind of percentage reduction would do wonders for the game


sry that i cant properly write out my thoughts, being critically wounded with the flu :wink:

I agree 100% percent. Ive been abusing those and had them used on me and some sort of modification to them would do wonders.

My sugestions: ECM should be shortened, laser boats just laugh at this effect whille rest cant hit anything thanks to it, 15s+ is really to much.

Stasis should only disable aftherburner, at current state using this on interceptor with some fire coordination or simply targeting whatever someone else is shooting results in almoust assured kill. It should also require a los like web does. 

Ion beam is a ok imho, maybe even make it only disable weapons.

Mass inhibitor is also fairly balanced, since the effect doesnt last long, and ship using it can puts itself in vurnerable spot if it fails to disable everything araund it.

I don’t really see the problem with them. All active modules are really powerful. Disabling you for a couple seconds isn’t all that amazing compared to giving yourself ridiculous resists for a few seconds, or regenning half your health, or giving half your team a large buff…particularly since these modules generally have long cooldowns. Unless you have a number of teammates ready to follow up they’re pretty mediocre. 


Granted my experience is in T2 thus I can’t speak to any modules only present in T3+. I think they just seem over the top because you might not notice something like team command buffs whereas you certainly notice getting stopped for a couple seconds. 

disabling a ship for 15 seconds, thats way 2 much, u die whatever ship u are, if 2 people in a squad or more can play together and all of them got this, they can easy raid down everything they meat annyway, this stun thing is rly annoying when u get stunned in the middle of the gunfight, im flying frigates though with overpowered defences and still i easy die somethimes cause of this,

The only problem to me is the whitenoisejammer, your active time is to high, but is nothing to  screw the fun.


Ion bean is meh to me, just fly away for some seconds and all good


mass inhibitor is ok to me too, he have a short range and i can deploy flares to activade my anti- engine inhibitor skill


Stasis generator was a problem to me , but  now i use proton wall + jericho rank 2 skill ( -20% controling interference) and i halve the stun duration

Whilst I hate stasis, ion beams and (to a lesser extent) the jammers.  It’d be far far too easy for interceptors to just whizz around and barely take any damage without them.


In my opinion…


Stasis Generator should reduce the targets speed by 75%

Ion beam should increase the energy requirement of all modules by 100%

I reckon Jamming’s actually OK, you can still fire right?  And any non-target modules work fine.

Guys, in case you forgot, I want to tell you a little story about CC. 

In any given game, crowd-control actions make the enemy either immune to damage, or the CC breaks as soon as the target gets damage.


Right? Good.


I got an experimental Ion beam that disables my target for 7.3 seconds, put that on an ElfII and thats 9.7 seconds.

I don’t know which developer thinks it’s a good idea to be able to disable someone for 10 seconds with ONE skill.

It’s no freaking debuff, its a disable.


Just as with the missile defense system against torpedos, this game needs a “Reboot” skill that removes all negative effects or makes you immune to those effects for 10 seconds or removes one of those effects all 15 seconds.


And you know, since the fighter class Tackler is absolutely worthless at the moment, make Tacklers immune to CC. Completely. Immune. to. CC.


Thanks for reading


@OP: this is the 221th thread about this topic, try a search next time.

Yup I also got Experimental Ion Beam (9.7sec) and MK3 Stasis (5.3sec) on my Elf 2.


Balanced amirite? jk

Just as with the missile defense system against torpedos, this game needs a “Reboot” skill that removes all negative effects or makes you immune to those effects for 10 seconds or removes one of those effects all 15 seconds.


An empire fighter of the warden faction has that capability.


Debuffing abilites are a pain yes but that is what makes them useful. I mean its not so bad to have everything but your engine disabled, least you can still run. And being stuck for half the time of the other cant hurt… Unless you have 4+ ships locking onto you, then your screwd… There are modules that can reduice the time that you are stunned by half but you only get that in tech 3+.

Modules are the fun part of the game , if the all things going slowly to a nerf i think i won’t help, beside is better think about make new maps for both pve and pvp … possibly also make more game type become realistic mode , since in arcade most player think about kills instead of following the main action of the game …example in detonation many times all are following just one bomb , and often not even really pay attenction to who to kill any kill around bombs sims same and good … very few times i see someone going to cover the carrier till the beacon , same very hard find someone going to disturb the snipers or the torpedo frigate Killing themif the game was made realistic many player would been “forced” little bit more to do the things that are really needed , maybe letting more arcade games just for tier one.

I instead eventuall would prefer the ability to shoot also when in cloack (phase module and similar) , with a lower percentage of damege like if the energy is drow into the cloking function …maybe a 20% of normal damage , and with cloack time lasting longer so that the use of spy drones become really usefull part.

tkx MFD

p.s. what i find bit too unbalanced is the speed between slow empire interceptors vs jeriko and especially vs federation ones since they are anyway low hull the speed become essential in all fights… better lowering the faster imo (also eventualy , after more important things that will make flesh on game instead of maquillage kinds )

An empire fighter of the warden faction has that capability.


Debuffing abilites are a pain yes but that is what makes them useful. I mean its not so bad to have everything but your engine disabled, least you can still run. And being stuck for half the time of the other cant hurt… Unless you have 4+ ships locking onto you, then your screwd… There are modules that can reduice the time that you are stunned by half but you only get that in tech 3+.

As I mentioned in another thread, yeah its awesome that we have one ship per tier that can avoid being stunned (that is the first stun, because the interceptor will throw the 2nd stun on you as soon as you go into overdrive if he has any brain). The T3 modules decrease it by 30.5% @MK3 and its nice that i’m forced to use that module on all of my ships (yay to diversity). Since there is no counter (sry an ability of 1 faction doesn’t count), EVERY interceptor is using the stasis field (yay diversity), and about 50% of all interceptors are Elf2 (yay diversity!).


No wonder every freaking frigate is using Pulsar (yay diversity)…


I dunno… this game is so xxxx at times. The points of my previous post are still valid.

Either make me immune to damage while in stasis (thats what stasis means, too), OR make me immune to stasis after being affected by a stun for 30 seconds OR give us an aura that… well read above.


The problem isn’t Stasis, the problem is Stasis does the same as the Ion Cannon AND makes you unable to move.


That’s like giving the frigates one module for missile defense, and another module for missile defense AND pulsar. Doesn’t anybody see that?

The problem isn’t Stasis, the problem is Stasis does the same as the Ion Cannon AND makes you unable to move.

That’s like giving the frigates one module for missile defense, and another module for missile defense AND pulsar. Doesn’t anybody see that?

That I can agree with. Especially with multiple interceptors on you, very little you can do if you can’t tank them, and interceptors at tier 3+ with heavy weapons, you might as well adopt beetle position.

gonne bump this thread again


Some debuff modules are just too insanely strong, ion beams removing any means of fighting back for 7 seconds while in the middle of 5-6 enemys?


Whitenoise jammer taking any means of proper aiming for 18! seconds, who the xxxx survives that when being swamred, ioned, stasis’d and what do i know…

7 seconds? My Epic Ion Beam on my Elf 2 is 9.7 seconds lol

Combine that with 5.3sec from Stasis and 3.3sec from Ion Warhead missile at start and end of the cycles…

Hello to 21.6second of doing absolutely nothing at all from just a single Interceptor…


Talk about stupid stuff.

These modules should work with a percentage reduction rather then a straightout and flat “shuts everything off for enough time to kill everything twice”