::Data of Warehouse itens::



I don’t know if Its the right section, anyway,

My warehouse is always full because I don’t know what to do with certly itens (ex. Kit Shield booster III). I don’t know what ships work this item.

My sugestion would be improve the help section with a data-base of all itens (weapons, kits, gunnery,…) and with what ship they are compatible.

We could consulte any time to know what to do with certly itens.


Ex.: Plasma weapon = Ships interceptor I,II,III, Raptor, Frigate n.II…)



Open Armory. Click to “Shop”, uncheck “hide non compatible”. Now select category on left and hover items. It will tell you If item is class specific.

For kits, they’re tier specific. For example Kit for shield booster S III can upgrade shield booster S on tier 3. You will often see kits to t3 green when playing t2, that’s normal.

Don’t hurt if those info are readily seen without having to mouse over the items.