Dart and Gargoyle.

Next we will say that Thar’Ga is OP, more so than Dart…




7 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

Next we will say that Thar’Ga is OP, more so than Dart…


All 3 ships are OP.

8 hours ago, John161 said:

All 3 ships are OP.

So is skill, focusfire, tactical awareness, command diffusion tanking, vacuum lasers, positron maulers in survival, the NY weapons against destros, brokk heals, gauss tacklers against inties, barrel rolling, system hacking black holes on a beacon, and skrah launchers in beacon hunt matches. All “OP” ways to control a game and get easy kills. What’s your damn point?

You forgot uninstalling the game,that is the most powerful weapon.

for a long time , new ship premium or not having new technology or ability but to balance the game weapons , ships , modules… having their weakness .

since the age of destroyer , all new weapons , ship become the OP ship with no weakness or encounters …

the problem atm with Gargoyle , many players play it as an HIT and RUN ships and just warping … they don’t snipe , a bit funny to see that in game and they can do above 20-30 kills in a game against veteran players ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


some feedback after some few days , i’ve both of them

About Gargoyle :

since i’ve unlocking the EMP weapon , wow !! i can hit at more 8500m above 5000 dps with good AOE tick , humm… indeed its OP , on T3 its a easy kills

they need change the for this weapon , range , speed amno and reduce 500m the AoE effect bonus

its seems , with other modules ( cpu , boost damage ) , gargoyle design to counter destroyer but in game this ship like as a frigate with big dps to to kill all ship with the main weapon ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


about Dart :

its like with your command ship , you got a t3 destroyer on the hands …Oo

i love this ship but Dev. need to nerf modules and the new kenetic weapon

the only time i was a bit scary its when i play against SP ship and R15 ship , again on T3 its like a free roaming on open space


Hey guys show me your Gargoyle / Dart builds , pls.


On 3.1.2017 at 6:12 PM, AdamWest said:

On 12/30/2016 at 6:43 PM, [xKostyan](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=236074) said

Having 20 kills in a random PvP with any DPS class is not hard at all, be it a new ships, that supposedly uber OP or be it classic ships, that supposedly got nerfed and no longer powerful enough.

… what ? Thats around my av. assists count not my kills count (in engi).

47 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Hey guys show me your Gargoyle / Dart builds , pls.


… what ? Thats around my av. assists count not my kills count (in engi).

engi is not really a DPS class, with 1-2 exceptions

Hey, wouldn’t anyone here also like it if they added a counter for the damage increase on Gargy? Like a timer just under the “DAMAGE X 1.5” that counts down the 6 seconds it is active?

Would make sense somehow.

Phoenix > Dart, Nightingale (or any other recon, but I like Nightingale for it’s dodge ability) > Gargoyle, Gargoyle >= Phoenix. That’s what I tried. There are probably other counters, people will find them an utilize them. Also Gargoyle > Vigilant.

15 hours ago, avarshina said:

Hey guys show me your Gargoyle / Dart builds , pls.


… what ? Thats around my av. assists count not my kills count (in engi).




Ammunition is Uranium Shells, adn yeah I could crop my pictures/only the SC window next time, I know.

2 minutes ago, John161 said:


  Hide contents





Hope you don’t have an interceptor around you or fed blueball gunship.  Your turn is gonna hurt for close range and strafe other darts/ +4K range ships are gonna have a very easy time hitting you.

15 hours ago, avarshina said:

Hey guys show me your Gargoyle / Dart builds , pls.


… what ? Thats around my av. assists count not my kills count (in engi).

With Dart , we can go for various build , ( how you want to play it ) ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

atm i use a build to use the dart a "off-tank support " with a mid range burst dps

1 engine , 2 cpu , 3 shield , 2 hulls , 1 cond.

weapon , i use the gass , good effecenciecy with this 2 modules valkiry boost and the new one for Dart that boost critic.

with my setup , i’ve above 11k shield and 6k hull . , 1.5K energy

all my implants and other modules focus on regen energy/shield and resist. on shield ( above 100 for each one )

for rank 8 synergy i pick up the 50% bonus range module command , its a good combo with the harmonyc drive boost , in that way i can tank mid range and escape for support my team with dps and buff ( 7k range for buff ) .

22 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

Hope you don’t have an interceptor around you or fed blueball gunship.  Your turn is gonna hurt for close range and strafe other darts/ +4K range ships are gonna have a very easy time hitting you.

Just noticed that I had Strafe Implant in the Screenshot not Rotation, but I never had any problems with Intys in my 80 battles and only saw once a blueball gunship, so I don’t think I need to change it for that. And I normally have some teammates who can cover my back when necessary. And where is the problem when people in front of me can hit me, I have the mighty Frontal Shield and I always try to stay not completley in the Open so I can either can get into cover or get closer to them.

it’s funny to use dart to destroy all R7-R5 team ^^… several time of course… ty dev’s ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)… i love this game ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Heh. Talk about skill like dreaming about having it. Or by a strong urge to naturally defend your toys from being nerfed too fast.

I mean, yeah, they are pretty much OP atm., I mean cmon, you don’t need a doctorate to see it, so I understand there is not much to discuss.

Luckily, the game has grown in possibilities how you can counter stuff with stuff you already have. Most of what I have is either DirectGS/DLC/F2P content, I have almost nothing of the new stuff, except some of the XMas Weapons; just try your best, go for it in the next game.

Just be happy if you kill it nevertheless. It’s a good mini-boss challenge! And if I see some flying a deck of Vigilant/Garg/Dart/Thar’Ga I even have to congratulate to being openly decadent.

For me cracking those ships with what I have is challenging and fun, and they are not invincible, but I guess, if I had one of those ships, I would also enjoy the *@#! out of them. Just as other ships.

I think even those who do not say it’s OP, would not say it’s not in this case, coz it would be really embarassing.

The RNG style drops now, and the tactic to overshoot first and nerf later is of course debatable somehow, but let them first show if they actually did it to make trading more interesting, or if its just uncorrelated bad practice. Clearly winning some trash after paying GS for some of those bundles makes me question sanity of anyone not using some “reward”-GS instead of paying for it.

TLDR ; I would relax, pretty sure that stuff gets nerfed eventually anyway.

11 minutes ago, g4borg said:

I think even those who do not say it’s OP, would not say it’s not in this case, coz it would be really embarassing.

Wait till you upgrade your Thar Ga to R9.  I am willing to bet there is no ship out there that can match this dps.  It is honestly like nothing I have ever flown.  Destroyers die very quickly, guards feel like your shooting at a LRF.  There is nothing like this ship in terms of dps, the more aggressive the player the more benefits you get in the thar ga.  (talking about you milf) All those months saying destroyers have too much tank with this ship they wish they had more. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

8 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

Wait till you upgrade your Thar Ga to R9

“My” Thar’Ga? You seriously think, I will have that anytime soon, if my first R8 Destro was finished when the Sirius came out? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)  All I have is stuff you get if you just play pvp for a couple hours every now and then… ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) I do see them in the enemy team, quick suckers who recharge life as if they have an internal mini-brokk… I do enjoy, that those ships actually make people focus fire now.

Fun fact, mine is r13 but I don’t have any more money to unlock kinetic bonuses or the op weapon… Well, it’s matter of time…