Dart and Gargoyle.

Nice job people, it only takes a squad of 2 people using these ships to wipe the floor with the opposing team. 0<900 Dominations, 3 minute Beacon Hunts, 38>0 spawn camp fest Team Slaughter. You get to die in 3s with a full hull and shield LRF from a 33% hull Gargoyle, or get to die in 10s from a Dart that sits there with a turtle shield, or when that runs out, diffusion shield, then turtle shield as soon as that’s down because it recharged with critical hits…

I know that this happens sometimes anyway, but it happens A Lot More when there are squads with these ships. Which would be (sort of) fine (still OP) if you could get them normally, but guess what?




It is either Diffusion shield or Turtle shield, can’t have both.

I really don’t get the point of this screenshot, same people could have taken like ECM+gunship and just do the same, to be honest a single player can do that vs such “awesome” opponents.

The most OP thing is ping… used to get 100+ winning streak when every game is on USA server with 6 ping, not anymore on 200+ ping RU server.

The dmg of the lrf is way to much. It must start at 50% to become 100% at 2 strikes to finally be at 150% or so at 4 instead of the current 80%-200%. You simply can’t counter this lrf with your own as they do way more damage to you as you can do to them!

11 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

The dmg of the lrf is way to much. It must start at 50% to become 100% at 2 strikes to finally be at 150% or so at 4 instead of the current 80%-200%. You simply can’t counter this lrf with your own as they do way more damage to you as you can do to them!

You obviously have no idea how to counter LRFs then.

Then enlighten me/us or stop spamming/trolling.

Its simple, when they meet gargoyl they type “n00b team” and disconnect (may be due to poor connection).







I could also post these ^ two pictures but only endscores don’t say you if a ship is OP or not.

IMO the biggest problem with these two ships is that they can be flown in r6-10, simply moving them upward to e.g. r12 or even r15 would balance them mostly.

The Dart’s crit active should have a cap at around 50% (or even 30%) additional crit chance so it doesn’t end in a situatuin where one team has nearly always 100% crit chance and the other side does has significantly less dmg because they don’t have a Dart.

I can’t say what should be changed with the Gargoyle since I don’t have the ship, but atleast a nerf to the dmg output of the Disinitigrator (maybe set the multiplier to a max of 1.75 or 2 or just a bit less base dmg) and the Boson Cannon is needed.

The thing with those two is they are placed in that place where they can annihilate whole teams because of mediocricy of lesser ranks and skill levels of players. You can either say they are an extreme overkill on the “wildcard” element or you could say people are lazy/unable to exploit or develop a way of focusing on weakpoints of those ships. There’s no feedback to give other than simplistic nerfs which wont fix the general unhealthy CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE thinking.

TBO the frontal shield is REALLY powerful with mid/long range guns such as railguns ion and gauss.

A bit too much maybe. 


19 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

TBO the frontal shield is REALLY powerful with mid/long range guns such as railguns ion and gauss.

A bit too much maybe. 


Oh and the dart fits the CHAAARGE mentality so thats why they like it so much. I’d nerf the energy pool and put it down on 25pts per energy point, maybe 30 WITH the energy cap overally nerf because thats the main reason why its so strong.

I have to admit, I find the Dart extremely powerful in comparison to any other ship out there.  I accept that this is the direction that star conflict is taking and will reduce my complaints about new anything being op.  As I believe it is part of a marketing strategy.  (If its new, I need to get it as it will own the leaderboards for weeks - months until patched).  Now xKost has stated regularly that nothing is broken ever and will argue any point and specifically states that its very easy to get 20+ kills against Aces.  I can concur that getting 20+ kills is easy with the perfect circumstances.  But to do these types of slaughter consistently is VERY VERY hard.  

There are variables that are out of your control that reduce the time the match is played.  As if there are beacons involved your team needs to  be crappy enough to not capture the beacons while you eat 20+ ships.  If its a team battle you have to be careful not to spawn camp as your teammates will quickly steal your kills.  If its survival well 20+ kills is hard as everything dies to anything so your team will get most of the kills unless you have extreme range and accuracy like the gargoyle.  I consistently get 20+ kill games with the dart and find it next to no difficulty in comparison to a Kite or wolf M or promX.  Its the main weapon that has 10K projectile speed with 3.7K dps.  Its crits increase the reload of my modules so I always have extra dps and the special module has been known to tank almost an entire team firing at me for a short period with the right build.

Yes the Dart and Gargoyle have many many advantages and that is probably due to marketing.  

  1. So we complain on the forums for a nerf.  

  2. Then they provide a nerf and we all think we did a good and noble job balancing the game. . .

  3. When in reality it was their plan all along.  Makes us happy at them for doing it.  Makes them happy as they got money / grind which is what they wanted in the first place.


PS: its been great slaughtering destroyers for the holidays.  That was a gift in it self. . .  can’t wait for more people to complain that their destoyer they worked so hard dies quicker than ever.  Also shouldn’t I get two maniac medals ?





7 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

  Now xKost has stated regularly that nothing is broken ever and will argue any point and specifically states that its very easy to get 20+ kills against Aces.  


For starters how about you show me where i said this even once. Stop coming up with ideas and meanings that I have never said. People tend to see my name on a comment and start coming up with some nonsense in their heads instead of actually reading what I am saying. I have never said Dart or Garg are not OP neither I said they are OP, all I am saying ( just like in almost all other cases) is that most of the “oh look it is OP” type of proofs and points as a ground for an argument are on a kindergarten level of n00bs complaining about Pay2Win after they get recked by some premium ship in T1.

And as i said before, dominating Average queue as a DPS class of rank 9-10 is piss easy, equip a PrometheusX with fire rate rails or something with Gauss you will be hitting 20 kills almost every match, as long as matches are not 4v4. 

Throwing screenshots with “oh look i farmed 20 kills hence it is OP” is just face palm worthy, and even more when those are screenies of 2 man squads, I can throw random screenies when enemy Darts/Gargoules/Destroyers/Thar’Ga/w.e. were bottom of the efficiency tables and we had a classic tackler/command/gunship/w.e. with 20/20 at the top, will you take those as “balance arguments”? I sure hope not, cause that would be stupid

On 12/30/2016 at 6:43 PM, [xKostyan](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=236074) said

Having 20 kills in a random PvP with any DPS class is not hard at all, be it a new ships, that supposedly uber OP or be it classic ships, that supposedly got nerfed and no longer powerful enough.



11 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

On 12/30/2016 at 6:43 PM, [xKostyan](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=236074) said

Having 20 kills in a random PvP with any DPS class is not hard at all, be it a new ships, that supposedly uber OP or be it classic ships, that supposedly got nerfed and no longer powerful enough.



This looks photoshopped!


lol my name isn’t CONFLICT ion for no reason ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

On 12/30/2016 at 6:43 PM, Scooby Doo said

Monkeys like to throw dookey at people!


2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

This looks photoshopped!

  Reveal hidden contents

lol my name isn’t CONFLICT ion for no reason ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

On 12/30/2016 at 6:43 PM, Scooby Doo said

Monkeys like to throw dookey at people!


it is. . . 

1 hour ago, AdamWest said:

it is. . . 

And where did i say that they are op or not op? In that post i neither confirmed nor denied their power state. Stop implying a meaning to my messages and read for what is.


Guys, we’re darting off topic a little…   :slight_smile:

16 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

Guys, we’re darting off topic a little…   :slight_smile:

We (the thread) are being ignored anyway ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)