Okay so after the patch they fixed the lasers i talked about the day before. so thats good news. Ion Feels kinda OP atm.
But okay so you have this new assist system that when you hit an enemy you get an assist nomatter how long it takes to kill him. this made the death recap show the right damage taken (but does it show total dmg taken aswell)?
Okay so you can now see all damage taken. but i notice this is with resistances so its still not the real damage taken. also for leaderboards in damage dealt and healed.
So you should put Damage Recap to show All Damage Taken with 0 resistance, so you can actually see how much you survived to make it a bit easier.
cause if i shot an enemy with phase shield they take ca 38-40 precent damage taken. Resistance Value can be found here [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/)
So everything you see in death recap and damage dealt / Damage section on leaderboards is just the damage you have dealt to enemies including resistance.
i really like the new system cause its way more fair and then killstealers will not be very effective annymore.
I mean if i shot a singularity at a 0 resistance and deal 10 000 on critical hit. and then i shot on a guard with phase shield put to EM and gets maybe 4000 Critical. and thats way over half.
Compared to all my matches so far i have only been taking the damage including resistance shown on Death Recap so i guess leaderboards and damage given is equal to that.
if it was without resistance i would see how effective my build is so i can compare it to other builds.
also for those who does not know it yet. PVE is not In leaderboards for damage dealt. also does not change the stats on ur profile. damage done in PVE is way higher than that. there is only one way to find out and thats testing it.