Cyber Ship Engine Trails For Cyber Ships

This is a suggestion to help players differentiate between cyber units and friendly jericho units in more dangerous sectors. I’ve seen cyber scouts and jericho enforcers from afar, depending on engine trails to see which is which. Sadly, they are all red, the same color.


Unlike in fed and empire sectors, the hostile “pirates” don’t have an exclusive trail for their exclusive ships. This has also bothered me with my premium cyber ships (Blood Tormentor, Sawtooth, and Cutter).


It would help if they got their own engine trail so it would be easier to identify Cyber Units. While it may not help for cybers in ships like the Zealot, at least we can tell which ones are “special” units like the Cyber Scout (Sawtooth).


Suggestions for new exhaust trail colors are welcome, but make sure it does not match another faction’s trail (Empire, Jericho, Federation, Alien/Biomorph, Pirate).


Personally I’d prefer a Blue trail ending in Grey, or an all Purple trail.

Since the Cybers have allied with the Biomorphs, and apparently gotten some technology from them, I’d think maybe that should influence it. Maybe a typical Jeri color, but with a distorted green tinge or flicker?



Since the Cybers have allied with the Biomorphs, and apparently gotten some technology from them, I’d think maybe that should influence it. Maybe a typical Jeri color, but with a distorted green tinge or flicker?

so kinda like the pirate trail where it starts red and ends in green, instead of starting yellow/gold and ending purple?

That could work.

so kinda like the pirate trail where it starts red and ends in green, instead of starting yellow/gold and ending purple?

That could work.




And then we need pearlescent reflective paint, which is red/green at different angles.

hmn, would make sense


fowarded to Devs

hmn, would make sense


fowarded to Devs



Well, I’ll leave the pallette to the devs, they know best. But us users can still submit suggestions!


thank u for the suggestion. our team has discussed it. it should be possible to identify them by interface elements, but we might consider engine trails colour change further in the future.