Custom Ship Creation, Design and Uploading

I’m sorry for bumping this thread, but I would like to add that instead of this being directly added to the game, it could be used as another source for ships being implemented. That being said, you could submit your design to SC, and if they like it, you get stuff. Instead of, “make ship, go into battle”.

Just bringing up what IMO are important points to note:


I’ll love to see this implemented (difficult as it will be), but at the same time I dread to see the extent of player creativity. 


On top of being hard to implement, in comes the issue of balance. I would limit cosmetic changes at skins since the design language of each ship ties into their origins and history. As well, being able to recognize which faction the ship belongs to at a glance gives a pilot a lot of information, e.g. a Jericho frigate probably stacks shields.


An intriguing idea nonetheless.

sounds great to me  /bump

Now, where’s that risen from the grave graphic?  I should bookmark those.

Now, where’s that risen from the grave graphic?  I should bookmark those.


You’re welcome =)