Custom models for Eclipse, KSupercharger, Gravi-beam

Because it’s been nearly a year since they were released as holiday weapons and they still dont have their own models. 

Dont keep giving off the ‘cant be bothered to actually think about the players’ vibe and give these weapons their own models.

What do you actually mean by “their own models”?  I don’t understand.

What do you actually mean by “their own models”?  I don’t understand.


I think he is talking about the weapon model itself is an old design and does not fit in with the current meta. That’s his question. 

I think he is talking about the weapon model itself is an old design and does not fit in with the current meta. That’s his question. 


As in the gun that is on the ship? Or the “bullets”? Or the actual mechanics of the weapon?  Very unclear.


I hope we get some more chrismas weapons this year :smiley:

As in the gun that is on the ship? Or the “bullets”? Or the actual mechanics of the weapon?  Very unclear.


I hope we get some more chrismas weapons this year :smiley:


Like more on the way it looks, rather than its function. 

He’s talking about the weapon models that you can see installed in the ship. The ECM one looks like a Sharpnel Cannon but I recall it’s sightly bigger. The Gravi Beamer has the same weapon model than Ion Emitter, and I can’t remember which one Eclipse had.

He’s talking about the weapon models that you can see installed in the ship. The ECM one looks like a Sharpnel Cannon but I recall it’s sightly bigger. The Gravi Beamer has the same weapon model than Ion Emitter, and I can’t remember which one Eclipse had.


They they should be changed with cool glowy effects

It would also be nice to see some awesome muzzle flash effects. :smiley:

Ah I see. Well why not, but it’s only aesthetics after all… I would rather they brought out the dreadnaughts soon!

He’s talking about the weapon models that you can see installed in the ship. The ECM one looks like a Sharpnel Cannon but I recall it’s sightly bigger. The Gravi Beamer has the same weapon model than Ion Emitter, and I can’t remember which one Eclipse had.

The ECM one is the Kinetic Supercharger, and it’s just Coil Mortars on an ECM.

The Gravibeamer and Eclipse cannon are both just Ion Emitters


How do people not know what a model is.

The ECM one is the Kinetic Supercharger, and it’s just Coil Mortars on an ECM.

The Gravibeamer and Eclipse cannon are both just Ion Emitters


How do people not know what a model is.


I know what a model is, but you were very vague in your original post.  Now I understand your point, and it is not currently high on my priorites for the devs to improve.  First of all, matchmaker needs work on, second they need to advertise the game, third they should try to bring out the dreadnaughts, fourth fix any bugs, and maybe THEN work on aesthetics.

Please also change the laser color of the gravi beamer, i hate it, make it purple or smth like this, or green. But shiny white? Meh. Especially if some teammates want to troll me, 1. I’m slow, 2. I can’t see anything.

Please also change the laser color of the gravi beamer, i hate it, make it purple or smth like this, or green. But shiny white? Meh. Especially if some teammates want to troll me, 1. I’m slow, 2. I can’t see anything.


Isn’t it actually pink?

Please also change the laser color of the gravi beamer, i hate it, make it purple or smth like this, or green. But shiny white? Meh. Especially if some teammates want to troll me, 1. I’m slow, 2. I can’t see anything.

Much worse is the huge explosion when you get hit by eclipse. Is it an enemy? Is it a friendly? Who knows! I can’t see or hear anything anyways.

I just want 1 thing - I am shot by enemy engineer eclipse, I am shot by our engineer eclipse and some other people. The sound for healing and damaging is the same. I can not tell if I am being damaged or healed.

It’d be neat if every module chosen actually changed the ship’s appearance.  Like that’ll ever happen, though :frowning:

It’d be neat if every module chosen actually changed the ship’s appearance.  Like that’ll ever happen, though :frowning:

Black Prophecy much :D?

It’d be neat if every module chosen actually changed the ship’s appearance.  Like that’ll ever happen, though :frowning:


Like a little R2D2 poking his head out on the wing of my Tormentor, that would be awesome :smiley:

It’d be neat if every module chosen actually changed the ship’s appearance.  Like that’ll ever happen, though :frowning:

Well, you do get those tiny little module models. I think there’s something like 5 unique ones? Healing, heal stations, energy emitter, resists, class modules… Something like that.