Custom Emblems

I had an idea for 2 things,

First corporations can upload their own corporation emblem. If an emblem is inappropriate people can report it, which the moderators can remove it if it is inappropriate. If they break the rule 3 or more times, their corporation will not be allowed to have an emblem.

Ships be able to have an option to display their corporation emblem on their ship for free.


Emblems can have a certain size they must be in order to upload it.  

Been suggested multiple times, and it was already stated that this functionality will likely appear in the future.

K then, when? Seems that the JungC missed the event for custom Corp Emblems… :frowning: is there still a way to submit this?

i don’t think they should be free, maybe cost regular credits instead of gold standards.


and if they break the rules 3 times they should have their corp disbanded and deleted along with everything they accomplished. make it be real consequences not just a shake of the finger. punishment should be severe to keep people from breaking the rules.

K then, when? Seems that the JungC missed the event for custom Corp Emblems… :frowning: is there still a way to submit this?


As far as i’m aware there is not. I hope that they make it an annual event for new corps to participate though.