Crystal ship "skin"

Since crystal ships are already in the making, I think this would be the best time to implement this skin too:



![:yes_yes_yes:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)

![:fed014:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/fed014.png “:fed014:”)

ahaha : )



joke : )

in fact, will be original…: )

I’m serious. I had this once for about an hour until it was fixed. But it looked so cool. Like a crystal. I could look through the ship. Maybe with other color combinations it would be great.

really, yes… would like to get a ship like that… well, maybe not pink, yes : )

1 hour ago, Sinaka said:

I’m serious. I had this once for about an hour until it was fixed. But it looked so cool. Like a crystal. I could look through the ship. Maybe with other color combinations it would be great.

Too hard on the eyes. xD

It should still respect the Black/Green scheme,maybe still animated hopefully or a second chance for the original Invasion skin.