Crystal Overgrowth

Name: Crystal Overgrowth

Type: Passive Hull Module

Tooltip: Decreases maximum speed by 33%, but also allows the hull to grow extra crystal, amounting to an extra 50% natural hull strength. This further allows the ship to be sped up by the removal of extra crystal by up to a 100% speed boost at <15% natural hull strength.

Nice, put this on a Jericho ship…for example a Tyrant without armor, but with shields and we have a nice fighter.

Put this on a Vigilant and we have…

52 minutes ago, ntboble said:

Nice, put this on a Jericho ship…for example a Tyrant without armor, but with shields and we have a nice fighter.

Put this on a Vigilant and we have…

Now just think about this for a second. “Crystal overgrowth”

Sounds rather alien yeah?

Well maybe that’s because it is alien and for alien ships only.

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Now just think about this for a second. “Crystal overgrowth”

Sounds rather alien yeah?

Well maybe that’s because it is alien and for alien ships only.

Thanks, it’s clear for me now.


then equip that on elly destroyer with passive hull boost.

6 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

then equip that on elly destroyer with passive hull boost.

All crystal ships have passive hull regeneration. It’s just not shown in stats bc it only works if yer not doing anything.

14 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

All crystal ships have passive hull regeneration. It’s just not shown in stats bc it only works if yer not doing anything.

so what exactly is your point? “hull boost” meant as passive thing that increases Hull pool.

2 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

so what exactly is your point? “hull boost” meant as passive thing that increases Hull pool.

I mean that this would allow the hull to regenerate past it’s normal limit, but in turn slow the ship down. This is mainly for balance because all regeneration for alien ships is halved, and they naturally regrow their hulls very slowly.

15 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I mean that this would allow the hull to regenerate past it’s normal limit, but in turn slow the ship down. This is mainly for balance because all regeneration for alien ships is halved, and they naturally regrow their hulls very slowly.

Wrong. Alien healing are at 100%. Ellydiums heals have a tic of 0.5s with full value. So even with the reduced healings, in the end their heals aren’t reduced. 

They regen extremely fast, especially with matter absorber and the shield regen out of combat. They can regen to full without any engi or survival tools quite easily.


Just don’t use gauss.

Wrong. Alien healing are at 100%. Ellydiums heals have a tic of 0.5s with full value. So even with the reduced healings, in the end their heals aren’t reduced. 

Wrong. Aliens heal by default at a rate 50% lower than all other ships due to a debuff that appears once the ship is on the field. It heals by a set amount every second. I can grab a quick video of it if you’d like.


They regen extremely fast, especially with matter absorber and the shield regen out of combat. They can regen to full without any engi or survival tools quite easily.

Their shields may regenerate very quickly in and out of combat, but their hulls are much harder to heal. Even a green hull pickup can’t fully heal an elly fighter.


Just don’t use gauss.

Yeah gauss sucks.

I know that they possess 50% heal debuff.

But the aliens modules bypass this debuff. So your survival modules and engineers heals heal less. But Ellydium heals don’t. 

Because ellydiums modules heals two times per second half the value displayed in the tooltip. So they DO get full heal with alien modules. 


As for hull regen, both the special module and matter absorber gives a fair amount of hull back. 


They don’t heal less then other ships. They heal differently : without an engi or a survival tool. 

Well, downright Empire module! But the idea is interesting ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

On 05/01/2017 at 5:52 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Just don’t use gauss.

Yeah gauss sucks.

But why does gauss suck! I thought gauss was good… Better take it of my Rhi-No fast then, eh…

On 05/01/2017 at 0:59 PM, Swifter43021 said:

I know that they possess 50% heal debuff.

But the aliens modules bypass this debuff. So your survival modules and engineers heals heal less. But Ellydium heals don’t. 

Because ellydiums modules heals two times per second half the value displayed in the tooltip. So they DO get full heal with alien modules. 


As for hull regen, both the special module and matter absorber gives a fair amount of hull back. 


They don’t heal less then other ships. They heal differently : without an engi or a survival tool. 

This is also still false. They simply have many sources of regen, yet literally every source of regen is halved. A shield regen module that says heals 1,200 will only heal 600, etc.

The natural heal is 50pts/s but you only gain 25pts/s. This applies to every source of regeneration.


And whoever told you that they heal twice as fast for half the amount downright lied. Just time it manually or look at the buff icons. It heals at the same rate as everything else, just with regen numbers halved.


And all of this is completely irrelevant to the original post.

Well mostly.