Crew related piloting mode

This suggestion is fairly simple.

Now that multiple crews are here and that unlocking them is fairly easy, customisable piloting / controls can be pushed a little further.


Here the suggestion, if the title wasn’t self-explanatory :


Could it be possible to add a checkbox tied to each crew that specify if we want the standard or expert piloting mode with it?


That way, we could mix frigates / ceptors without losing precision in controls…

It’s a small thing, but I think it would be a great addition to the game.

Yeah, why not different HUDs for any crew, would be interesting.

It would require a lots of settings… But that the spirit of this idea, yeah :smiley:

I could see it, but idk if it is for the better.  I mean, without basic aiming in a frigate, ceptors can completely dominate (since frigs have a dead spot beneath and behind them) and flying a ceptor with expert aiming is just harder than it should be.

I don’t understand your point… Both piloting mode are already in the game…

I don’t understand your point… Both piloting mode are already in the game…


But expert is pretty much not better than standard for any ship imo.

I like it on high speed / rotation build, like recon. And it’s exactly the point of this suggestion : you don’t want it on most of the ships… So it would be better if it was tied to crew instead of forcing you to use it on all your ships. :slight_smile:

hmn, I would not use it personally, but lets see


forwarded to Devs

Thanks :slight_smile:

This suggestion is fairly simple.

Now that multiple crews are here and that unlocking them is fairly easy, customisable piloting / controls can be pushed a little further.


Here the suggestion, if the title wasn’t self-explanatory :


Could it be possible to add a checkbox tied to each crew that specify if we want the standard or expert piloting mode with it?


That way, we could mix frigates / ceptors without losing precision in controls…

It’s a small thing, but I think it would be a great addition to the game.

Thank u! it might be an interesting idea, but for sure it requires discussion and it can’t be implemented in short time. So we will collect feedback but for now it doesn’t have high priority level.