Couple of suggestions

I apologize for the chaotic state the post is in, I’ll make it more orderly once I have the time. For now I am just adding any ideas as they pop into my head/I see them on the forum. Furthermore, please keep in mind, that I can only represent my own viewpoint or that of those people I frequently talk to. As such these are my own ideas to my own preferences. If I do not share an opinion in it’s entirety or think more discussion on the subject by third parties is warranted I will include a link to threads adequately discussing this issue. If you feel that an Issue which should be discussed has not been sufficiently covered, please feel free to point me towards threads discussing this idea and I will think about adding it.


1. HUD.

#1 Ability to colour and customize your own HUD to your liking (colour, sizes, transparency, positioning). Sometimes it’s horribly hard to see your crosshair when there’s lasers and plasmas flying around your ears.



in battle,the mouse cursor sometimes blends in with the bloomy enviroments since it’s plain white,maybe add a negative color effect to it,make it stand out

Idea by MadMuffin in this thread.


#2 Target Indicators.

Same problem as above. You can easily loose track of your own captain, bomb carrier, and the stations you need to destroy. Might be solved by adding (easily visible!) indicators to the edge of your screen.


#3 Support Icon identification

Quote by Dracorean, post 16

… give out a unique Icon seen by allies for frigates with the ability active, maybe a white square with a yellow or blue outline, depending on if the frigate can restore shields or hull, green if it capable of both.


2. Ingame Voicechat.

Well that pretty much speaks for itself. Easier coordination in between teams.


3. Anti Spawncamping.

#1  Flexible spawnpoints

… for any mode except Combat Recon, Can be either timed, or changed according to an algorithm taking the amount of seconds it takes for a number of players to be destroyed after spawning into account. As for Combat Recon, Spawn should follow the captain.


Using a similar algorithm as above, decrease/increase spawntime so you can’t get singled out upon spawn and keeping the game balanced

#3  Have a safezone where you can spend e.g. 30 seconds after spawn so you can regroup with other people and move out together, but can’t be attacked. Credits for this idea go to F4ker


4. Clearly defined set of Rules.

For ingame behaviour, not only chat. Currently it’s rather unclear what kind of behaviour is reportable and what isn’t.


5. Game modes:

#1  Dreadnought battle:

Although already planned by devs, my ideas on the subject as posted in this thread by Firelaser511

Ye that’s something I’ve heard a lot from people I’ve played with and I think it might be a neat idea. I mean we already had a dreadnought in PVE missions which could work as a model if the turrets were made usable and the rocket towers weaker. Additionaly maybe even have it similar to combat recon, a player could act like a captain and control some of the dreadnought turrets. This could work either with one turret at a time (to quickly switch between them seperate hotkeys like 1-0) or with a tactical overview of the map allowing him to designate targets and having the turrets fire at it (obviously provide a lot of cover so it wouldn’t be overpowered as well as a slow barrel turn speed). The tactical overview would also allow him to coordinate his team better. Additionaly he could be able to choose between a variety of buffs which range from wide range aoe or singular support to short range debuffs (similarily to how the frigates work atm only on a larger scale of course). These buffs could be used with a limited supply of energy, which can get recharged if the team completes certain objectives or depleted if the enemy team manages to complete other objectives (like destroying a generator or disrupting a set of power relays). Similarily if a team manages to complete their objectives they can slowly “dismantle” the enemy dreadnought by disabling buffs completely, reducing the effectiveness of turrets etc. Obviously point rewards would have to be vastly reduced for the dreadnought pilot with a point boost (similarily to captain) for leading his team to a victory.


This mode could be played in two ways:

  1. A battle with 2 Dreadnoughts and even teams. Here you could also have the dreadnoughts shoot torpedoes at each other which would have to be taken down by allied fighters/frigates, encouraging more teamplay


  1. A battle with an attacking team with more players and a defending team which get’s the dreadnought.


Due to the scale of the battle average gametime should be around 8-20 minutes tho so rewards would have to be adjusted accordingly.


While I do realize this mode would be the proverbial balancing HELL, I think it would make for an awesome addition to the game. Those are my thoughts.


#2  Team Deathmatch

I think this is necessary because a lot of people prefer trying to rack up kills over completing the objectives. Either include it in the normal match rotation or make it a seperate option in the lobby.

Further thoughts on this by myself (Post 18) and others can be found in this thread by Ranor


Feel free to add your own suggestions and I will include them in the main post. Additionaly I will also add in ideas I see in other threads and like, so if you think there is a thread I might want to check out, please post a link.  Constructive  criticism is also welcome.


#3  Combat recon

Possibility to elect captain by majority vote as well as being able to decline the position in the beginning of the match. More in depth discussion on the subject can be found in this thread by bluecewe


#4 Detonation

  1. Bomb needs to automatically detonate after a certain amount of time.

a) reduces score pushing abuse by team which take possession of both bombs the entire game without moving toward the beacons, as well as ensuring a normal flow of the game, saving time and keeping it fun.

b) would also make the game more fast paced and in my opinion more interesting.


  1. Enemy Bomb Carrier should, similarily to the enemy captain, be constantly viewable/lockable to avoid strategies of people going out of sensor range and then sneaking to a station just to appear right in front of it making any kind of defense impossible. Additionaly having to target lock the carrier again every time he disappears behind an asteroid is somewhat tedious and makes it far too hard to take him down.


  1. 2 Bombs spawning apart in the very beginning as well as randomized spawn locations would also add a certain level of unpredictability and fun.


6. Ships

#1  More options to customize them, not only stickers. As for stickers, ability to move them around on the hull.


#2  Interceptors

  1. their modules are currently somewhat overpowered. Especially in battles like Detonation or Combat Recon, their ability to repeatedly lock down the same target over and over is too strong. Adding a temporary (3-5 second) resistance to recurring lockdown effects might solve this problem.


  1. Tachyon Cocoon

Using a Tachyon Cocoon shouldn’t protect you from one that get’s discharged before yours finishes. As it is right now, I’ve seen cases of jericho interceptor dogfights where one guy pops his cocoon and suddenly 2 others around also use their cocoon, making the first guys cocoon not only useless but also ensuring that he is disabled once his skill ends. I feel this kind of beats the purpose of the cocoon as an escape/mass cc mechanism, especially since it would be most effective right in the middle of a bunch of enemy fighters where you are bound to find enemy jericho interceptors. Further ideas on this can be found in post #9 and #10


#3 Guided Torpedo  

Indicate on the HUD whether detonating a torpedo would damage a nearby ally or not. Furthermore, add a slight penalty for doing this. Currently far too many Guided Torpedo users, even in the higher Tiers, simply blindly shoot at their own people to score easy kills in a dogfight. Only a slight penalty because in some cases it can be a tactically sound strategy to sacrifice and ally in order to take out say 3 enemies or the captain/bomb carrier.


Penalties could like like this: 30 point deduction for hitting an ally (stacking, so if you hit 2 allies at the same time 60 point deduction) and 100 for killing an ally


My thoughts (Page 3, Post 58) on this matter in a more ordered fashion and in a little more detail can be found ithis thread by ArqueiroX in addition to other people’s thoughts.


#4 Landing

Allow Fighters or Interceptors to land on surfaces and go into a “silent running” mode in order to ambush or shake off pursuers. Disable any modules or turrets while landed and completely disappear from sensors. Landing/taking off should take at least 1-3 seconds. Idea is a modified version of the one outlines in this thread by tysonxenajason


#5 Adjustable shield strength

I had an Idea you could add

it might already be out there but I haven’t seen it yet but it could be a module or something that’s on every ship that allows to you change the strength of the shield in certain directions for example like in star wars double front, double back and normal and things like that.

I thought this could work because the arrow keys currently do nothing I think so you could have them as shield controls. (Up arrow for forward, back for behind and side for all) Because I noticed the ship in the Open Beta trailer could do it so it would make sense if we could to.



#6 Movement

a) A small but incredibly useful thing. As it is I can only fly that ship backwards by pressing s which will send the ship in the direction it’s aft is facing. What I’d like is an option to fly straight back towards the screen no matter which direction your ship is facing. Also emergency brakes please.

b) Add a level of inertia comparable to Freelancer. More details on this here.

c) Quote by Ayced in this thread

Pressing and holding “Ctrl” lets you look around your ship.

However the guns will not align to where you are looking in that mode.


Sure, the guns shouldn’t be able to fire backwards on frigates etc, but I would like to be able to fly forward while firing to the left or right with only some of my many guns.



#7  Out of Combat repair

If you remove yourself from combat start a rapid auto-repair after a certain amount of time.

Example: I haven’t attacked, locked an enemy, used any module or been locked for say 10 seconds, I start rapidly repairing myself.

Reasons: Currently being bound to having a repairing frigate always close to you is tiring and ineffective, especially for people who are very flexible and move around on the map everywhere. This auto-repair would increase survivability of “behind-enemy-lines” ships without overpowering them since as stated, you are not allowed to be locked either. Do not implement on captains or in regular mode.


#8 Federation Frigates

As it stand right now Federation Frigates are vastly underpowered not only having a weak hull and shields but their special skill being somewhat weak in comparison… As such here are some ideas to improve their effectiveness without making them too strong.


  1. Increase drone health, as they can be taken down to easily right now.


  1. Increase effectiveness of Vanguard drones. Currently their repair is not only far too weak but since they also stop shooting it actually makes the frigate even weaker.

This can be done by

a) having the drones also heal damaged allies around the frigate

b) having them continue shooting albeit with lower damage  The more ships have to be healed the lower the damage becomes.

c) increasing their kick-in point (e.g 75% hull or shield strength) or making their healing commence via re-activation of the special command module (as opposed to them disappearing) as well as buffing their healing rate (only on own ship)


Armada drones’ effectiveness should also be increased.

a) Similarily to the healing command by reactivating the module, toggling missile defence on or off would help in making sure that it can be used to it’s utmost effectiveness. After a missile has been deflected temporarily lowered damage and range.

b) increased damage and range as compared to Vanguard drones.


#9 Disintegrator (Empire Frigate)

a) Reduce maximum distance to 6-7km because as it stand now their vast range and incredible tankyness encourages players to stand isolated at around 10km distance from their nearest ally rendering any active modules regarding the team worthless.

b) Change damage to EM so they are a good support option for allied fighters while reducing their effectiveness against enemies not engaged in active combat.

c) subsequently slightly increase damage output (say 100-300 points max) so they aren’t completely underpowered when it comes to hull dmg



7. PVP rating F

on the loosing team highly-achieving players should also be able to get some points for the game. Even if the team lost they still did their best. Maybe change from a scaling point-system for the highest achieving winner team players to a system rewarding the most achieving players in the entire game.


Team A won. Position number 1 is Dummy1 with 3000 Points.

Team B lost. Position number 1 is Dummy2 with 3080 Points.


Now as it is at the moment Dummy2 of the loosing team would get nothing for his corporation even tho he actually did better then Dummy1 of the winning team. As such Dummy2 get’s 0 points, Dummy1 get’s 10. According to my suggestion Dummy2 would get 10 and Dummy1 8 points.


8. PVE and PVP Storyline

Although I’m sure this is already planned/a WiP I still feel I need to mention it here. A general Storyline, and a player feeling like he can actually participate in it, is a great addition to any game. As I imagine it, it could look somewhat like this:

The different missions can have a “Missions Summary” included in their loading screen, quickly outlining why the system is under dispute, and what the different factions are aiming for. In pve missions during ship select maybe an explanation, what happened after the previous round to result in the current one.


9. Natural interference

#1  Only a small thing, the sun-like thing in i’m not sure which map exactly, I think it’s either Pandora or Devil’s Jaw, should interfere with any sensors/guided missiles in it’s vicinity due to the high radiation it is bound to be releasing.

#2 A randomly occuring event where different systems of the ship loose efficiency due to a solar storm or something similar like that (could look like reduced shield strength, reduced sensor range etc). The credits for this particular idea go to Husker and uTonceig on this thread.


10. Lobby

#1 A pre-game lobby

enables you to see who your playing against and vote on a combat type/map. This lobby would appear after the matchmaking system has decided on both teams. Some measures would have to be in place to ensure that a player can’t just leave the game because he doesn’t like his opponents/the vote results and then hop right into the next matchmaking. Maybe just do it as it is right now with your ships being in battle until the game is over.


#2 Adjusting ship setup during queue

I was asked to add it by several people and don’t really object so it would be nice if you were able to modify ships etc while being queued.


#3 Contracts

Add a tooltip of sorts that can be used in order to quickly check what advantages/unlocks a certain faction will bring you.


#4  Skills


Greetings! Thanks for the great game. 


So, I have a suggestion regarding to skills. As we all know, skill bonuses apply to ships that has equal or greater Rank requirement. I assume this is to protect lower rank players from the accumulated skill bonuses of higher Rank players.


Here is my suggestion: This should be changed to Tier, rather than Rank. Lets take an example; At the moment, “Axe-X Type S” and “Axe-X” are two near identical faction ships, but one of them cannot get the Rank 3 skill bonus. Instead, both should get all the Tier 1 skills, as they are Tier 1 ships.


Rest stays the same though. A Tier 1 ship will only get skill bonuses of Tier 1, regardless of its rank. Tier 2 ships all gets bonuses from Tier 1 and 2 skills. And so on…


TL;DR: Skill bonuses apply on tier basis, rather than rank basis. Tier 2 skills should apply to all T2 technology. A Rank 5 (Tier 2) skill should grant bonuses to Rank 4 (still Tier 2) stuff aswell, so to speak.

full thread can be found here:

idea by lyravega


11. Squads

#1 A squad roster where a player can create a squad which can be seen and joined by all players who view the roster. This not only encourages the forming of squads and teamplay, but also reduces the amount of advertising that needs to be done in chat and reduces the time it takes to form one.


#2 slightly increased money/experience loyalty/reputation for flying in a squad. Also encourages teamplay.


#3 Squad leader needs more command functions like “fall back”, “regroup”, “target enemy”. Squad members need a way to respond e.g “Affirmative” or “Negative”



 Don’t ask for a license to create a 4-man squad. That is quite honestly ridiculous since this is a very important part of the game. Micro-transactions should be optional or only affect cosmetic changes.


12. Items

Here an idea by NTT posted in this thread by Loucher

Or just…


gray = mk1

white = mk2

green = mk2.5 (loot)

blue = mk3

purple = epic


Something that also bugs me about the game is that it uses Roman numerals and Arabic numbers inconsistently.


Item descriptions say  T2 MK.III, but its icon has a II to indicate it is T2? why?


Which leads me to this:

If the game consistently used Arabic for Tiers, and Roman for Mk, then you could have the icons say    2-I,  2-II, 2-III and then the color change isn’t needed (altho it would still help when eyeballing the warehouse)


13. Clans

a) We need bigger Clan rosters. 150 is not enough by a long shot.

b) Clan upgrades (roster) should be open to contribuation by all corp member rather then having a single person pay it all. Add alternative method of increasing clan roster by paying in game money (obviously a vast amount, once again contributable by all members.

c) generally replace any GC paying options for corporations with Credits using a similar system as above with GC being valued at a certain amount of credits. If a corporation still decides to spend GC on their corporation, great but this should not be forced onto a vitally important part of the game. Micro-transactions should be optional or only affect cosmetic changes.


14. Forums

As I don’t know how much control Admins have over the Star Conflict subforum, I held off on posting this. But now it comes anyway.

#1 Give users the ability to delete their own posts.

#2 Indicate Super-Testers or GM’s coming over from the russian forums so that we know when information is reliable


This post is subject to change so check back often.


Changelog (as of 10.03.2013)

  • Fused Detonation and Combat mode topics

  • Added links

  • Made some viewpoints more presentable



  • Fused all ship related topics under 6. Ships

  • Fused Queuing and Lobby topics under 11. Lobby

  • Added several Quotes

  • Added topic 13. Items

  • Added topics 14. Contracts and 15. Out of Combat repair

  • Moved topic 15 to “6. Ships”

  • Fused topics 14 and 9 to move them to topic “10. Lobby”



  • Added  #8  Federation Frigates under Ships section

  • Added 13. Clans



  • Added #9 Disintegrator under 6. Ships section

  • Changed #6 Flying backwards to Movement and added b) inertia

  • Added Quote under c) in #6 Movement

  • Added b) in 13. Clans 

  • Added #3 in 1. HUD as well as 2 quotes



  • added  14. Forums

  • added #4 Skills under 10. Lobby

  • added c) under 13. Clans

  • added #4 under 11- Squads

couple means two :wink:

please remove

+1 for HammasHaukka.


Please refrain from comments like this.

Added/modified several ideas.


Added some more

I had an Idea you could add

it might already be out there but I haven’t seen it yet but it could be a module or something that’s on every ship that allows to you change the strength of the shield in certain directions for example like in star wars double front, double back and normal and things like that.

I thought this could work because the arrow keys currently do nothing I think so you could have them as shield controls. (Up arrow for forward, back for behind and side for all) Because I noticed the ship in the Open Beta trailer could do it so it would make sense if we could to.


Ye that’s also a thing I noticed in the trailer and thought it’d be in the game. Tho I was surprised not to see it I didn’t really miss it so I completely forgot. Your right tho, it might be interesting. Thank you


Modified/added ideas on the OP

The idea i had for Cacoon was something more in line with the shielding technology concept jericho hold.




Detonates an Aoe instantly dealing 650 EM damage, if the target has no shielding, they lose target lock, and the ability to relock for 3 seconds.

50% of EM damage dealt heals the interceptor.

you mean in addition to their current effects or simply replacing them? If it was to replace them, 650 em damage seems somewhat low (especially for higher tiers and if he has to channel of course) tho I do like the idea. It not only makes it more useful in teamfights (I mean the channeling atm is just way too long to be effective) but also doesn’t seem overpowered in it’s effects. I would still add an inability to activating modules for 1.5 seconds tho (e.g for tech) and increased damage or radius for raid.

Humpty Bumpty


Added several ideas/made changes to OP. Please check the changelog (bottom of op) to see what you have missed.

I would love to be able to see my captain on the mini map one of the better ideas.

Thumbs up

As I said in other thread - at least you were nice enough to number them all for easier review. For now I just eyeballed it all and most of the ideas seems really fun and might greatly improve certain aspects of the game.

After quick read points I might disagree with are:


6.6  I’m not sure if that’s what you meant but you actually can fly backwards with reduced speed - if you hit Back and Booster [shift] it makes you boost backwards. Unless you meant what we discussed to death in the Inertia thread - in such case I fully agree.

6.7 auto-repair idea - it would make snipers too easy to repair (they sit at 10k distance from the main combat, usually away from the sensors (so can’t be locked), static and with your idea between 2 raids they would have plenty of time to reposition and repair. It also makes some implants and repair active modules obsolete in the long run. Also - current system gives repair frigate some tactical importance while your proposition makes it a bit obsolete too.


3.3  Safe zones and invulnerability - while flexible spawn points and randomness might be a good idea I think much better would be just a “base” or “dreadnought” kind of ship, carrier if you like - static at the edge of the map for each team and full with turrets which just shoot at any enemy trying to spawn camp in certain radius. I say so because in every battle I look at that map and try to figure out where our team is going to spawn and what kind of approach we should take (i.e. cap A or C 1st and so on, where would be best to keep commander safe).

But carrier idea would need to be excluded from Combat Recon missions (obvious reasons) and all maps would have to be somehow larger - hence I think random (but marked on the map for all friendly units) spawn point should should suffice. Also “Eject” or “Enter the battle” button instead of auto-respawn. I really hate when it happens.


To cut story short - I think safe-zones and spawn invulnerability are basically bad design ideas in any game (except Free for All death-match type) - it should be one of the team’s task to protect their own spawn point from spawn-camping.


For now it’s all - most of your points are really great though and basically covers what I would like to see improved. I’ll add more comments when I re-read your wall of text. :stuck_out_tongue:


So, yeah +1 rep from me. :wink:


6.6  I’m not sure if that’s what you meant but you actually can fly backwards with reduced speed - if you hit Back and Booster [shift] it makes you boost backwards. Unless you meant what we discussed to death in the Inertia thread - in such case I fully agree.

If I press S and shift I fly towards where the aft of the ship is pointing at the moment. What I mean is that even if I were to be wierdly positioned with my ship currently wildly turning I could still move back in a straight line.


6.7  auto-repair idea - it would make snipers too easy to repair (they sit at 10k distance from the main combat, usually away from the sensors (so can’t be locked), static and with your idea between 2 raids they would have plenty of time to reposition and repair. It also makes some implants and repair active modules obsolete in the long run. Also - current system gives repair frigate some tactical importance while your proposition makes it a bit obsolete too.

Would have to be viewed in context with my general notion to drastically reduce sniper distance to a max of say 6-7km. I just noticed I forgot to add it here tho. As for repair frigates having tactical importance, they will still have it as removing yourself completely out of view from the game for 10 seconds so you can’t be locked and then returning to a battle takes a vast amount of time and not that easy a task anyway so you’d loose the player for around 20-40 seconds. Obviously this shouldn’t be implemented for the captain in combat recon or in regular tho.



3.3  Safe zones and invulnerability - while flexible spawn points and randomness might be a good idea I think much better would be just a “base” or “dreadnought” kind of ship, carrier if you like - static at the edge of the map for each team and full with turrets which just shoot at any enemy trying to spawn camp in certain radius. I say so because in every battle I look at that map and try to figure out where our team is going to spawn and what kind of approach we should take (i.e. cap A or C 1st and so on, where would be best to keep commander safe).

But carrier idea would need to be excluded from Combat Recon missions (obvious reasons) and all maps would have to be somehow larger - hence I think random (but marked on the map for all friendly units) spawn point should should suffice. Also “Eject” or “Enter the battle” button instead of auto-respawn. I really hate when it happens.

This would most likely to a team camping at their own spawn with jericho and empire frigates to abuse the dreadnoughts protection. And since I want the spawn zone to be more of a regrouping place (imagine a squad went out and got shot in 10 seconds intervals. The moment they respawn they are isolated and would have to wait for 10 seconds while under constant fire for only one of their squadmates to respawn) which is why I propose the 30 second (average respawn time) time limit.


Thank you for your reply and ye I tend to text-wall a little. With your feedback I also noticed that some points I thought I had in here because I discussed them a lot on other threads were missing (e.g sniping) mostly because due to the low feedback here it kind of fell into disrepair. So keep it coming.


Modified OP. Check changelog 13.03.2013 for more details

I know people want voice chat but honestly It would be a good first step to organize and fix up the current text chat system. Giving sections for corps, squads, and other utilities would be more helpful, team chat while in game with yellow or green lettering would be more noticeable within combat then having one with nothing but spam and a pure russian one. Seeing that, it can be done. I think that should be implemented first.

I don’t think the auto repair function would be good, even at low numbers. Though the range of the module the frigates use to repair could be increased a bit. Or give out a unique Icon seen by allies for frigates with the ability active, maybe a white square with a yellow or blue outline, depending on if the frigate can restore shields or hull, green if it capable of both.

I do think the hud should be altered, the off screen icons should be more center to the outer reticule and the colors of lock on, effective range detection should be changed to something more visible, in the green-yellow-red spectrum.

I agree with much this post has.

I know people want voice chat but honestly It would be a good first step to organize and fix up the current text chat system. Giving sections for corps, squads, and other utilities would be more helpful, team chat while in game with yellow or green lettering would be more noticeable within combat then having one with nothing but spam and a pure russian one. Seeing that, it can be done. I think that should be implemented first.

We already have seperate Corporation and squad chats with their own unique colouring (squad orange corp green). Global hangar chat can be disabled during combat in settings.


I don’t think the auto repair function would be good, even at low numbers. Though the range of the module the frigates use to repair could be increased a bit. Or give out a unique Icon seen by allies for frigates with the ability active, maybe a white square with a yellow or blue outline, depending on if the frigate can restore shields or hull, green if it capable of both.

Indicating players with support modules is a good idea. Hadn’t even thought of that

Usually a problem I encounter in games is knowing where everything and everyone is, To show icons for; er, ‘healers’ would be a great benefit. Same for jump gates and friendly abilities such as the Guided torpedoes.



Keep the input going please, my brain juices don’t work if they aren’t sparked by something. Hell I don’t mind if you only post hate as long as there is something useful in it.

As all I see in this forum lately is the same suggestions repeated over and over, the same discussions with the same people occuring dozens of times and hardly any new ideas, I will be taking a temporary leave of absence of (troll - being a-pain-in-the-xxxx - self-important-and-arrogant-person -) wonderful-influence-on-Star-Conflict-fora- duty. As such anyone who wants to take over/use or take ideas out this thread and pawn them off as their own is free to do so. I will make sure god will only kill 3 kittens instead of 3 kittens and 3 puppies each time.


Goodbye. Yes I will check back to see all the tearful goodbyes I shall most definitely not receive.