couple of sugestion for balance

not going to claim this is the perfect solution but i am quite sure is a starting to fix the actual balance problems game is experiencing.

jerico guided torpedo, list of changes


remove early detonation

reduce explotion radius by 30%


make it benefit from skills that affect large missiles such as revolver, cruiser, erradicator and the likes.

10% increase in dmg and speed, and +15-20% to turning speed.

no longer affected by anti misile laser

effects: the removal of early explotion and explotion radius will decrease the effectivness of this guided torpedos against fast moving targets while the increase in dmg,speed and turning aswell as the removal of anti misile laser as an autowin against them will turn this weapons into exelent anti camping tools.

desintegrators, list of changes


distance will quickly reduce dmg, -15% of max dmg every 1000 distance.

very limited shooting traverse, it can only shoot infront of the frigate


desintegrators wont use anymore sniper mode when activated they will use stadar aiming.

increase base damage by 400%

effects: this will turn desintegrators into an assault weapon of mass destruction being their mayor flaw mobility as they will need to get closer to do high dmg, an idea of what i am saying

current desintegrator does 1500 per hit, what i propose:

point blank =6000 dmg, at 1k dist = 5100 dmg, at 2k dist = 4200 dmg …, at 6k dist = 600 dmg.

First question: Wich balance problems you mean? The high amount of camping, sniping and kiting?

Jericho frigates are already vulnerable while guiding the torpedo (same for Empire) this will increase the vulnerability of them. You will also encounter a problem -> you need to land your torp somewhere or it will run out to explode. Also, the entire existence of anti missile system will be taken out. In addition, torp spamming from 3 or 4 frigs will cause a massive destruction and an instant death of at least 1 enemy frigate, fighter or an open beacon.

The reduction of dealt damage is a good idea but its already in game. A direct hit deals the most damage while the aoe will deal far less of it. I agree on the point with the reduced aoe here. It has something of round about 800m radius. Huge area is bombed.

Desint already has a high reduction of damage over range. This weapon is intended to be a sniper weapon. Max range of my T1-2 is something about 11km. At max range, it is only dealing 100-200 dmg. 3km and less is the point where it has a high dmg output. 2 maybe 3k of dmg per hit, maybe even more depending on equipped weapon kind.

disintegrators wont use anymore sniper mode when activated they will use stadar aiming.

increase base damage by 400%


Buffing the dmg of desint this high will simply make it overpowered as hell. I currently need 2 hits for an inty and 5-6 for attacker at a range of 5km. Inty will be one hit and attacker wont stand a chance. Even with stadar aim, the low travel time will still make it an instant hit.

If you want to take out camping and snipeing youll need to remove jerichos torps, empires sniper and all long-range weapons. Even then, youll find camping since most maps are very fitted for it. Also, most players tend to camp and wont rush strait into something.

Why dont you try to take a beacon instead of camping? I won most battles by the very fact that the campers wont recognise my attempt or are to slow to stop me. You also can use the stun of the Jericho Inty to break a camper nest. Your team will have more than enough time to hit the enemy hard and take out most of the ships in the fight. Stealth of Federation is also a nice gimmic. A small group gets in, takes out 1 or 2 ships and gets out while the enemys confusion will split them up. Its still a team based game but most tactics need to be spread in the community to change the current metagame.

Also, Draw should be brought back. This was at least the opportunity to break a static game and the only option to win is taking beacons. But since most russian players qq about it (got that info from Error) Draw was taken out. Now we have more like a death match of who-will-lose-less-ships-to-win.

First question: Wich balance problems you mean? The high amount of camping, sniping and kiting?

domination of camping strategy aswell as the overuse of some equipments for the most part.

Jericho frigates are already vulnerable while guiding the torpedo (same for Empire) this will increase the vulnerability of them. You will also encounter a problem -> you need to land your torp somewhere or it will run out to explode. Also, the entire existence of anti missile system will be taken out. In addition, torp spamming from 3 or 4 frigs will cause a massive destruction and an instant death of at least 1 enemy frigate, fighter or an open beacon.

the forced vulnerability could be solve by replacing the early explotion with a release, basicaly the guided torpedo becomes a normal torpedo and the frigate regains control, their new nich will be as anti campers so is expected for them to be strong vs stationary ships or drones.

this wont male anti misile system useless , they are still usefull against nomal missiles and torpedos.

The reduction of dealt damage is a good idea but its already in game. A direct hit deals the most damage while the aoe will deal far less of it. I agree on the point with the reduced aoe here. It has something of round about 800m radius. Huge area is bombed.

Desint already has a high reduction of damage over range. This weapon is intended to be a sniper weapon. Max range of my T1-2 is something about 11km. At max range, it is only dealing 100-200 dmg. 3km and less is the point where it has a high dmg output. 2 maybe 3k of dmg per hit, maybe even more depending on equipped weapon kind.

havent use desintegrators in a while but last time i use them there was no surch reduction, i remember getting 1500 dmg well over the 9k range mark, i did get lower dmg vs some specific ships but that was due to mods that enhaced their protections against desintegrators.


Buffing the dmg of desint this high will simply make it overpowered as hell. I currently need 2 hits for an inty and 5-6 for attacker at a range of 5km. Inty will be one hit and attacker wont stand a chance. Even with stadar aim, the low travel time will still make it an instant hit.

2 things you should consider:

first one is the “very limites shooting traverse” : this means frigates will need to turn their slow xxxx body and face you directly to shoot.

more or less it will be like this (i know not an awesome drawing ) :fed014:

red will be desintegrator traverse

green is the current traverse for weapons


second is range and mobility, in order to get the best dmg they need to be realy close in wich case they could be easily out turned.

now if the enemy interceptor/fighter decid to run in a straight line towards the frigate dont say is op, more like enemy users skill is underpowered :006j: .

If you want to take out camping and snipeing youll need to remove jerichos torps, empires sniper and all long-range weapons. Even then, youll find camping since most maps are very fitted for it. Also, most players tend to camp and wont rush strait into something.

Why dont you try to take a beacon instead of camping? I won most battles by the very fact that the campers wont recognise my attempt or are to slow to stop me. You also can use the stun of the Jericho Inty to break a camper nest. Your team will have more than enough time to hit the enemy hard and take out most of the ships in the fight. Stealth of Federation is also a nice gimmic. A small group gets in, takes out 1 or 2 ships and gets out while the enemys confusion will split them up. Its still a team based game but most tactics need to be spread in the community to change the current metagame.

most of the time i go for a beacon people do try to stop the cap so by the time i get o 50% capped enemy interceptors/fighters aswell as guided torpedos will start to show up from everywhere, the fact that everone seems to speak russian dosent help with coordination

Also, Draw should be brought back. This was at least the opportunity to break a static game and the only option to win is taking beacons. But since most russian players qq about it (got that info from Error) Draw was taken out. Now we have more like a death match of who-will-lose-less-ships-to-win.

i have to disagree with the draw, is was horrible to see match after match of draws.

i don’t know if this has been already been proposed but i would like to suggest an increase of the healing capabilities of the support modules

one hundred points are good to restore one’s spray job but nothing more - let’s say double the healing rate / 2s

AND adjust the energy consumption: 2x17gj are hard to manage for any frigate no matter what skills / equipment is used … 5gj less so a total consumption of about 12gj per module should be fine…

I’m sorry, about guided torpedo I will quote myself from another thread:

Gentlemen, I have to say that two days ago I had to sacrifice one of my two fighters (I use 2 fighters and one interceptor) for a frigate, in order to get those rep points with the guided missile kills contract.

I rarely use it because I prefer leveling up my fighter and interceptor but when I use it… usually we win.

I mean, it is too darn easy to kill with that thing! Who said that it is slow turning? It is not, I find it too agile for it’s purpose, if someone is smart enough he can make the missile make a wide turn to get people behind objects.

Having tried it myself, right now I may give my suggestions.

This weapon should be more of a support weapon, not a substitute to main (that’s what it is right now) so it should undergo some changes:

I offer two different solutions:

The small torpedo

  • Increased maneuverability;

  • DRASTICALLY decreased damage but direct hits should do a consistent damage to reward precision (like, more than medium missile but less than big one);

  • Highly decreased explosion radius OR slightly decreased explosion radius and high falloff;

The “Train” torpedo

  • Drastically decreased maneuverability;

  • Damage about the same but only for direct hits

  • Increased torpedo speed by about 50%;

  • Decreased explosion radius OR High falloff for explosion;

(Little extra:

  • Increased knockback;)

Yes, as of now that explosion is ridiculous, you don’t even have to try to hit him. These missiles should be rewarding direct hits and fixing the explosion radius or explosion damage would also stop frigates from nuking beacons at 10km distance using just 1-2 missiles.

Edit: Oh and also cooldown time should be increased to now allow people to just shoot missiles one after another, maybe double it. Energy consumption should be increased a bit.

I cannot give opinions about desintegrator since I never used it

first one is the “very limites shooting traverse” : this means frigates will need to turn their slow xxxx body and face you directly to shoot.

Frigs can turn very well, with back boost and strafe you are also able to follow an attackship that is close to you. Try it, i even cant belive it but did it the last few games with my empire frig. Also missile dodged a couple of times. x)

Well if you take the 20° area for usage you can also trash this weapon like it is now. The laser will tell anyone to be a target in the area, in addition you will also have to wait untill it is charged so the targed knows what will happen and has time to get itself out of the danger zone since it is so damn small. I dont think you whant to remove the charge up time. The only way to make it usefull is to snipe frigs since everything will be to fast at this close range. You only have a max range of 6666m. I guess the effective range would somewhere close to 4k where you can hit something before it gets out of the zone. Accordingly to you reduction you would deal 2.4k dmg or less to a target while the current version can deal up to the same dmg per hit at this distance.

About the draw, it will only come to this in 2 possible ways:

  1. Boot sides dont care about taking beacons because they camp or focus on taking out ships, or

  2. Boot sides are able to hold their beacons or can capture the same amount of beacons.

Draw will force players to capture beacons to win instead of killing everything they can. This will also reduce the amount of camping because the firepower will be needed elsewhere. Or if it insnt wanted we can roll back “Battle mode: Capture the Beacons” and introduce Deathmatch, where no beacons need to be captured and kills count. The only thing i disliked at draw was the low Fee after the game. There should be a better reward than the one for a loss.

About Support modules:

T2-2 frig can carry 3 modules. Use the energy emitter and you wont run out of energy that fast. Battery charger will help too. Below that it is hard to save some energy with 2 support modules active at once, but you arent forced to use them permanetly.

The extremely high cooldown of hull repair for all ships and also dirceted repair should be reduced and the rate changed to be more over time instead of instant.

@ Kingdrake

Nice Idea for the Torpedo. Raid gets the fast one and Techs the powerfull one.

But i havent seen a beacon cleard by 2 guided torps. I usually need 4-6 to clear one by myself. (even direct hits on drones)

WEll i’d like to have back draw too but only with half the rep you get when you wins. So idf you get 1000 rep for victory you should get 500 for draw :wink: