"Cosmetic" Exhausts!

This was brought up by someone I’m another topic and I thought it would be amazing. So maybe, over the engine-mod block, we could have an “engine filter” block where we can mix up to two colours to change the colour of our exhaust, or make it do cool stuff, like fade to different colours, or sparkle at the start/end. I love this idea and amg it needs to happen. >w<

i want a rainbow exhaust

The colour’s trail are not only a cosmetic thing but also a tactical information.


Each faction have its own colour trail :

  • Pink = Pirate
  • Red = Jericho
  • Blue = Federation
  • Golden/Yellow = Empire


Influencing it is like influencing the weapons colours. It will change the informations displayed ingame.

How about instead of having a single engine trail, have one for each thruster (including AB ones).  Would be realistic, and you would be able to tell more about the ship type from farther away and if their adaptives are kicking on or not.  It would also make some of the ships with multiple engines look sexy!

How about instead of having a single engine trail, have one for each thruster (including AB ones). Would be realistic, and you would be able to tell more about the ship type from farther away and if their adaptives are kicking on or not. It would also make some of the ships with multiple engines look sexy!

Yeeeessssssss… *evil laugh*

And for the comment above this;

Howabout we just remove trails all-together? Or make them all the same colour like before? Then what will become of your “tactical information”? Asthetics are aesthetics. And anyone irl who has any smidgen of chemical know-how wouldn’t even need a module to change a flame’s colour, they’d just coat the inside of the engine with the respective colour’s chemical/element. Say I wanted a green trail: I’ll just throw some copper fillings in there, or put a large spool of copper pipe in there.

How about ship trails that don’t change colour but change the design. For example, a Jericho ship could shoot red rings instead of a straight red line. An Federation ship could leave trails of blur dots that brighten and fade away. Etc, etc

How about ship trails that don’t change colour but change the design. For example, a Jericho ship could shoot red rings instead of a straight red line. An Federation ship could leave trails of blur dots that brighten and fade away. Etc, etc

That’d be kinda cool too. But that’s what I had in mind for the “effects” slot. Effects and colour would have two slots.