"Cosmetic" Ammo

Me and Necromant agree that Cosmetics need to be prioritized. Like Purple beam cannons or green singularity generators. Maybe this could be achieved with a separate slot next to mains where you put Cosmetic lenses, incendiaries, or deflectors. This would just add an effect or colour to your weapons to make you stand out a bit more and have no effect on the function of the weapon. There should be two slots, for either mixing colours or using “special effects” like a sparkle or bigger muzzle-flash or something.

*or make it four slots for customization. This will allow for greater flexibility and creating some dazzling effects.

**this could also be used as just a replacement for “ammo” and be a way to make weapons fit your style of play.

Me and Necromant agree that Cosmetics need to be prioritized. Like Purple beam cannons or green singularity generators. Maybe this could be achieved with a separate slot next to mains where you put Cosmetic lenses, incendiaries, or deflectors. This would just add an effect or colour to your weapons to make you stand out a bit more and have no effect on the function of the weapon. There should be two slots, for either mixing colours or using “special effects” like a sparkle or bigger muzzle-flash or something.

LOL and what can Guard do than with phase shields whan EM should fire with same colour like thermal? that should be impossible switch it correctly.

This has been suggested at least 4-5 more times. I suggested this too. 

Answer was that it would be confusing for new players.

This has been suggested at least 4-5 more times. I suggested this too.

Answer was that it would be confusing for new players.


The solution is so simple, make it only avaible for T3+


The solution is so simple, make it only avaible for T3+


The solution is so simple, make it only avaible for T3+

Lel. +1


The solution is so simple, make it only avaible for T3+


Don’t give me a solution, I thought of many already. Still I believe it was Error who said that this was not planned. 

LOL and what can Guard do than with phase shields whan EM should fire with same colour like thermal? that should be impossible switch it correctly.

You can see incoming damage types on the HUD. There are multiple settings for this and one is on by default. Plus, recognizing how weapons fire is quite simple with this game because they all do different things. Even ion and beams are easy because of the thickness of beam and the impact effect.

Want Singularity disguised as Railgun :3

Want Singularity disguised as Railgun :3

I feel like giant balls of plasma would have a hard time looking like groups of small straight rods.

I feel like giant balls of plasma would have a hard time looking like groups of small straight rods.




I’m so immature…

I already suggested that, so of course I agree.


I don’t understand how it’s supposed to be confusing for new players, when new players don’t even know how work resistances and absolutely don’t care about what damage type a gun is.

Find me a t1 guard that use phase shield correctly and have just started the game.


If they are new, blue or red, yellow, or pink, they don’t care. For them will be items that they don’t know yet until they try it. And once you’ve tried it, problem is already solved.


BTW, I would love to have be able like in trackmania to draw what you want on your ship.  :008j:

I’m such a derpy…

You must not be from 'Murrica.

And stahp editing mah quotes!

Don’t stahp editing mah quotes! I luv teh attention!

I’m only saying what you really mean. :stuck_out_tongue:


BTW, I would love to have be able like in trackmania to draw what you want on your ship.  :008j:




The Alligator line of Federation frigates is a very convenient shape for drawing bad things (think giant flying wang). I want more customization, but freehand drawing is… no bueno.

I’m only saying what I really mean. :stuck_out_tongue:


The Dagger line of Empire fighters is a very inconvenient shape for drawing noodly things (think giant flying bong). I want more attention, but free hand jobs are… no bueno.

Ok I’m just going to stop while I’m ahead. XD

Why isn’t it bueno?

It’s a matter of drawing skill for 'toshop. Not a ship design problem.

Even if other players don’t see my drawing. You can’t have more personalisation than exactly what you want.

Even if other players don’t see my drawing. You can’t have more personalisation than exactly what you want.


Giant. Flying. Wangs. EVERYWHERE!


Unless there is a way to moderate it, this will backfire. You are right, it’s not a problem with ship design. It’s a problem with the internet.

Why moderating something that only you can see and don’t pass through Internet?

This has been suggested at least 4-5 more times. I suggested this too. 

Answer was that it would be confusing for new players.


So let me get this straight…you’re telling me that they think new players wouldn’t understand this?  Hell, they have to fly through a whole bloody tutorial before they can even fly in a real game.  They would be using MK IV weapons, because that is what the tutorial provides.  Devs could even implement a little portion on how these weapon mechanics work in a short caption that appears onscreen during the tutorial.  Existing players, of course, would receive the normal update information via the game’s UI.


This is completely doable, and it should be done for the OP’s original reasons, and your + other developers’ support of the idea.