Corporation's Messages

Hi all I am Melindo, Officer of Regia Armata Corp.


I need know if it’s possible write a message to corporation’s members without putting single names…


Exists a specific function??


Thank you

Found this. does it work or not, I’m not really sure.

  • /clan change_motd <new motd>
  • Send a message to all corporation members. The message is shown to all members of the corporation upon entering the game.

Thank you!!!


I try :smiley:

Just as a side note, that sets a so called ‘message of the day’ which is displayed when people load the game.


It’s also displayed every single time someone opens the ‘corporation’ tab in-game through the top menu.


Most people seem to miss it or don’t pay attention to it. What we could really do with is the ability to enter some text somewhere in the corp info screen itself. (At least let us provide links to our website / voice comm info, etc.)

That have been discussed awhile ago, and many people(including myself) were asking for that. Corporation inner page for members, where CEO and officers can put some text, and probably an outter page, where other players can read some stuff about corrporation(also edited by CEO/officers)


Found this. does it work or not, I’m not really sure.


  • /clan change_motd <new motd>
  • Send a message to all corporation members. The message is shown to all members of the corporation upon entering the game.

This command works.


Here is one of the threads on a similar topic: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19703-announcement-system-for-corporations/)