Corporation Workshop

A cool addition would be a corporation based workshop that allowed members of the corporation to pool resources to get players items and ships and unique things. This could be a small project to supply the whole corporation with a unique passive module, to a larger project to supply the corporation with a set of unique ships with special abilities.

This could also tie in to the Laboratory at some point but because that seems to be on ice it would be a good idea to keep it separate.

Well I suppose we should wait and see, its interesting as it is and encourages trade on corporate level. A corporate pool would at least be nice to have in the future for players who can’t afford the mods ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Unfortunately for now we have no palns for trading system, this idea just looks kind of similar to it. Changing items between players in leading to abuse, scam and lots of other problems without a hard control. We just have not enough resources at the moment to develop it )

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

Unfortunately for now we have no palns for trading system, this idea just looks kind of similar to it. Changing items between players in leading to abuse, scam and lots of other problems without a hard control. We just have not enough resources at the moment to develop it )

This is in no way a trading system.

Allow me to outline the concept for you:


A new tab “Corp Workshop” is opened under the corporate tab. When an officer or higher clicks on it, they are faced with the choice of a bunch of various items and modules and weapons and ships. Once they pick one, a set goal of parts will be shown to the entire corporation and they can add parts as they wish to the ultimate goal of everyone getting that item.

For instance, a full corporation may want to give all of their players a unique “FX-99 Scytheburn Cannon” weapon from the Vulpanium series. The officer or higher would select it to begin the building process. The starting process would require a significant amount of Iridium. A set amount of resources would be shown as needed for the whole corporation:

1145 Crystal Shards

3720 Metal Blanks

895 Tungsten Plates

1145 Vulpanium Crystals

150 Vulpanium Cores


After all of the resources were gathered, an officer or above can “complete” the project and give all members of the corporation that item.


It’s like turning the corporation station in to a factory of sorts. Giving the players of the corporation all access to a certain item at the same time to make them  ore powerful.

How about some corporation-based way to provide the players with basic resources? Like a corporation’s mining operation/station, research facility or something else that would provide the players with resources. But the corporation would have to defend these from pirate and alien attacks in special PvE/Sector Defence missions. Players could then donate credits and/or resources to upgrade these corporate facilities which could increase resource yield, but also the amount of required missions and possibly their difficulty.

You could add corporate fleet assignments for every player for additional resources and/or loyalty vouchers. Perhaps the corporation officers could then decide what assignments, depending on circumstances like reward or conflict side. This would add more depth into the game and would probably require minimal effort on the developer’s side.

There could also be a corporation sector in Open Space with a few small sectors with different things in them depending on what has the corporation bulit so far.

I think it would also be a great way to compensate for the loss of an important source of crafting resources that are upgrade kits, which you are about to remove from the game. (unless there is another source to be put in their place)