Corporation owned stations?..

Would be nice, in invasion, to be able to work with your corp, by means of all working together to aquire a mass of materials and special artifacts and modules, to build a station/s and deploy in locations if choice. Also deployable passworded containers would be awesome to be able to put loot inside, the amount of times I’ve got a bunch of stuff on the way to a mission, then got bundled by biomorphs and lost everything. You could have carrier ships that can hold lots of cargo for group looting ,one big ship could collect and take back to station.

upcoming patch, Dreadnoughts


huehuehue  :good:

I’ve seen a Dreadnought tab in the Corp profile, don’t know what it will involve. Is that in today’s update then?

Probably not, i heard the devs are work on it, i think the dreadnoughts will be released during the next weeks/months, but today there is no patch, and nobody knows how Dreadnoughts will be and how they work.

Probably not, i heard the devs are work on it, i think the dreadnoughts will be released during the next weeks/months, but today there is no patch, and nobody knows how Dreadnoughts will be and how they work.


corporation iridium


what you think thats gonna be used for? u think we put all our artifacts into iridium for no reason bro? 

corporation iridium


what you think thats gonna be used for? u think we put all our artifacts into iridium for no reason bro? 


So smart.

u can just hold ur mouse on the shipyard button, it says Dreadnought construction interface is in progress. 


also, just gotta say Ok to you residente.  we already farmed up several thousands of artifacts just for this. 

Artifacts inflate pretty fast for those who have the nerves to farm in Invasion. Thankfully I’m not one of them.

You will need just 3k. Any corp getting more is just wasting their artifacts but let them be.

corporation iridium

what you think thats gonna be used for? u think we put all our artifacts into iridium for no reason bro?

Do u seriously think i’m mad?

I know that already but i mean nobody knows where the Dreadnoughts will be placed, can u fly with them or is it just a docking station for the corp…

How big will they be? Nobody knows.

Oh please, for the love of this game, DO NOT DO THIS.


Can you imagine entire systems becoming impassable because a powerful corporation has their headquarters there? For example, what would happen if ESB set up shop in Raider Range, complete with roving T5 killsquads? The already semi-difficult prospect of flying between stations becomes a nightmare! Just no.


My theory is dreadnoughts are Sector Conquest “bases” that can be used to help defend and fortify a corporation’s territory.

Dreadnoughts will be in separate maps. You won’t be able to camp the station undock in invasion mode with it. :wink:

I’d love this. And maybe, it could be like a cargo drop-off spot for your corp. And just to prevent corp camping, put them in their own instances, for squad and corp members.