Corporation Iridium Tax

Searched before posting this. Search function was not helpful. So new topic.


Corporation Iridium Tax


  1. CEO can set a tax rate from 1 to 5 iridium


  1. This amount is deducted from pilot’s artifact salvage and loot


  1. One instance of tax per instance of salvage and loot




Corp tax is 5 iridium. Pilot finds 20 artifacts and salvages a purple loot for another 11 in one match win


Corporation earns 10 iridium

Pilot takes home 21 artifacts


(20 - 5) + (11-5) = 21 for pilot


  1. Not taxed if pilot keeps purple loot.





People are too lazy to open up refinement menu and manually donate artifacts.



in T1 you get about 5 artifacts in T5 it is 20, i think it should be in percents, and still able to set it to 0%, just in case

whoops. 0 - 5 tax rate yeah


about tax … i wasnt sure about the scaling up tiers so I kept the suggestion as arbitrary numbers. if %'s are better then yea I’m on board.


whatever it is … people are not donating as much as they are willing to because of




you could even make it as player decision instead of CEO.


Pilots get told to set the rates, they do it once and it auto donates for them. Change % as needed whenever.


xKostyan. You already suggested that (or similar). Important the CEO should not before to set the tax or can set it to 0 as Kostyan mentioned. Can the CEO actually see who of the corp members donated artifacts?

The reason people aren’t donating is probably because it’s pointless. When players get to see an outcome of donating, they will donate.

Good point. And there probably not going to be any use for it for a long time.

Issue came up in Corp chat among corpies. And general excuse was, everyone keeps forgetting to donate before logging off for the day or something along that line.


I am playing another F2P game atm and in clan page, every player can manually set their contribution. Makes it so much easier.




details on who has contributed how much so far and at what % rate can be quickly found etc. if a browser game could do it, so can Star Conflict right ?

Understandable. But Iridium is of no use right now (except I think changing the corp logo or something…). So there is not much reason to force/remind people to contribute other than seeing the players interest in the corporation. All the older corporation like NASA have Iridium from players that are no longer with the corp. 

Still, I agree there should be an easier way to contribute and have it automatized. Maybe they can add it by the time it becomes more important.

A tax is great, because those pay in the most who get the most. So if you only play a couple of games a day your artifact reserves won’t get dried up because there is a mandatory automatic collecting mechanism. But as Kostyan said, T1 loot is worth 1 artifact sometimes, that would be mean to take.


Also, would be beautiful to have a use for this, we need some resource sinks so corpplay becomes even more important.

Like can you make it mandatory or something the pilot has to agree to? 

Taxes are mandatory. By joining the corp you agree to abide by the rules.

Taxes are mandatory. By joining the corp you agree to abide by the rules.

yep take away at least 1 artifact from the loot. Who cares if you play T1 or T2. That’s is what tax means, right?

I don’t agree to the federal government of Malaysia taking my monies. But they do anyway.

That’s because ‘tax’ is a fancy word for ‘theft’. Nobody agrees to having their property stolen.

More seriously, this could seriously backfire. Tax could push people away from Corps because they feel getting Mk IV gear is important, while those in Corps now get frustrated that their progression has been stunted. That means more time spent grinding lower tiers to get a surplus of Iridium to counteract the tax, which works against our collective goal of “more pilots in T4 / T5”.

And as I said, Corporate Iridium has no value now. Give it value and players will want to donate.

And as I said, Corporate Iridium has no value now. Give it value and players will want to donate.


Thats the point. Right now, you play in a corp to play in sector conquest, and to have a general community. If you give iridium some value, something that benefits the whole corporation, people will accept taxes as well.

Thats the point. Right now, you play in a corp to play in sector conquest, and to have a general community. If you give iridium some value, something that benefits the whole corporation, people will accept taxes as well.

Give the Iridium some value and you don’t NEED taxes, that’s the point!


If I want access to a Wolfpack Hangar, I’ll sink Iridium into the Corp’s bank. However, if I decide that I really need a Mk IV module or two for my T5 lineup, I do NOT want my Corp stealing my Iridium.


If the CEO of a Corp really has such a big issue with his members being “selfish” with their Iridium, he can get off his arse and do the extra grinding off his own bat. Corps pushing to acquire communal stuff is one thing, but no Corp should be demanding more than their members are willing to give.

Can be made as auto contribution instead of tax where you get to set the amount to give. No big deal.

Give the Iridium some value and you don’t NEED taxes, that’s the point!


If I want access to a Wolfpack Hangar, I’ll sink Iridium into the Corp’s bank. However, if I decide that I really need a Mk IV module or two for my T5 lineup, I do NOT want my Corp stealing my Iridium.


If the CEO of a Corp really has such a big issue with his members being “selfish” with their Iridium, he can get off his arse and do the extra grinding off his own bat. Corps pushing to acquire communal stuff is one thing, but no Corp should be demanding more than their members are willing to give.


If the officers can keep track of everyone’s donations, maybe it would work. If not, it wouldn’t. Try to think in 100+ people corps.