Corporation Banks (Research?)

So we currently have an iridium bank in our corps which is a great way to get our iridium into the corp’s storage for use in dreadnought production (and repairs in the future IIRC).


But what if we could do more with our corps? By that, I mean what if we could store and withdraw credits? Maybe even withdraw iridium?


The way it would work is simple. Your CEO sets a tax level anywhere from 1-15%. Whenever you earn credits or iridium, that % (rounded up) is taken from you and put in the corp’s storage. From there, the CEO does what they like with the earnings. Perhaps there could be an option to convert credits to iridium? Maybe even expensive “research” options to buff members’ items. (i.e. thermal weapons research gives a 1% damage boost)


On top of the possibilities of currency switching or buffs, there’s also the option to withdraw funds. This way, not only can we give funds to the corp, but we can also receive some money when we need it. The CEO would set a daily per-player limit of funds that we can withdraw and once we hit that cap we can’t withdraw any more credits or iridium.


I feel that this would bring more to the game in that there would be more of an incentive to join corporations, as well as more content for corporations. Currently, the only corp-specific thing we have in game is SecCon, which is not really too much. With this addition, we should see more players in corps as corps will be more useful.

i like this idea

Me too, it could really help newer members of the corp.  However this is leading into the trading suggestion, that the devs have constantly declined.  It would be exploitable, and provides a “cheat” for newer players to level up quicker.

Me too, it could really help newer members of the corp.  However this is leading into the trading suggestion, that the devs have constantly declined.  It would be exploitable, and provides a “cheat” for newer players to level up quicker.

The exploit bit is why I was thinking of having some form of cap for the money that you can take out so that new guys can’t withdraw 500mil after playing for half an hour. Of course, it could simply be used as a way to fundraise for a credit/iridium exchange.

i like the idea but it would have to have a cap. 

Just how you have limits how you can withdraw from banks every day, there should be this limit too.  Otherwise, players will be able to level up too quickly and we will see more unskilled players throughout the tiers.  Maybe 20,000 per day for <R4, 50,000 per day for <R7, and 100,000 for <R10. From there Maybe 150,000 for T4 and 200,000 for T5.  Those numbers probably suck, so let me know xD

Just how you have limits how you can withdraw from banks every day, there should be this limit too.  Otherwise, players will be able to level up too quickly and we will see more unskilled players throughout the tiers.  Maybe 20,000 per day for <R4, 50,000 per day for <R7, and 100,000 for <R10. From there Maybe 150,000 for T4 and 200,000 for T5.  Those numbers probably suck, so let me know xD

but think about this engle, if they’re in corps that have enough money to donate, they’re probably not in Ace corps which means they probably get some training. 

The exploit bit is why I was thinking of having some form of cap for the money that you can take out so that new guys can’t withdraw 500mil after playing for half an hour. Of course, it could simply be used as a way to fundraise for a credit/iridium exchange.



Just how you have limits how you can withdraw from banks every day, there should be this limit too.  Otherwise, players will be able to level up too quickly and we will see more unskilled players throughout the tiers.  Maybe 20,000 per day for <R4, 50,000 per day for <R7, and 100,000 for <R10. From there Maybe 150,000 for T4 and 200,000 for T5.  Those numbers probably suck, so let me know xD


I think like Engle, that the cap you suggest should be set according to your rank.  Maybe you should be able to withdraw a tenth of what a ship of your highest rank costs, once per day.  I think this would be a fair amount.

well, please elaborate


1)if player will loose income

2)if the fee is absolute or relativ

  1. what is players return

  2. define balance so high lvl player dont pay for low