Corporate iridium overflow fix

Since all the iridium is sitting in the corp bank not moving anywhere, there are a few ideas that came to mind.


Use the corporate iridium to buy off the caches, open them and store them in corp bank of items where the leader can distribute it to its members on demand but once opened by corp iridium these items cannot be sold.


Based on the overall activity of the given corp, the system would calculate how much iridium all of that activity combined is worth and then either 

a) evenly distribute it to all its members or (10k iridium, 10 members of corp, each get 1k free iridium for their monthly effort)

b) give each member that sum of iridium at the end of a month or week.(in this case the overall corp iri gain would be smaller but it wouldnt be divided among members)


This is a random solution to fix the confusion of the 50 corp iridium mission when people think its theirs, the overflow of corporal iridium in general and probably a nice addition to the social aspect of the game where players are somewhat rewarded for enduring the presence of others ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) no need to be nitpicky on this topic around numbers fyi


+1 they need to do something about it

Give corps cruisers and let them spend iridium on them. Also new dread modules. EZPZ

its all the same to me  …  I’m the CEO and only member of my corp … did it with iridium so the constant corp invites would stop .    Corps in this game  give NOTHING to justify the cost or time it take to build one and populate one … Honestly  star conflict corps are a sad joke . … except for the 5 corps out of the 1000’s in game , that hold every thing. but  the rest are wasting time and resources on and extended friend list. 

21 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

its all the same to me  …  I’m the CEO and only member of my corp … did it with iridium so the constant corp invites would stop .    Corps in this game  give NOTHING to justify the cost or time it take to build one and populate one … Honestly  star conflict corps are a sad joke . … except for the 5 corps out of the 1000’s in game , that hold every thing. but  the rest are wasting time and resources on and extended friend list. 

Aaand that is why I have this:


6 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

its all the same to me  …  I’m the CEO and only member of my corp … did it with iridium so the constant corp invites would stop .    Corps in this game  give NOTHING to justify the cost or time it take to build one and populate one … Honestly  star conflict corps are a sad joke . … except for the 5 corps out of the 1000’s in game , that hold every thing. but  the rest are wasting time and resources on and extended friend list. 

Well over 25 corporations that own different sectors wouldn’t agree with you. Also I am sorry about your experience with bad corps, but as a former training officer/VP and CEO of 3 pretty big corporations I have to say that’s not the only reason.

  • first and foremost is that the proper corporation is an answer to your constant whining about inability to find proper wingmen for your PvE games - in corps it takes seconds. 

  • second - it’s much easier to do a practice sessions if you have a proper corp - which comes with higher confidence, ability to work as a team, learn roles, share builds/experience/tactics

  • third - dread battles - inter corp battles with 8v8 wings. Maybe not that good reason, but for some people fight wing to wing is additional thrill


Also yeah  - there are ~200 active corporations, I don’t count one person ones.