Corporate interface improvement with Iridium tab option

I am proposing that we get a slightly adapted Corporate interface.

Iridium tab option in the Corporate Interface would show the exact total amount of donated Iridium per each member.

Iridium owned by Corporation display should also get moved to Iridium tab option, instead of Members tab.

Only the CEO, Vice Presidents and Officers can have access to such a feature.

The word Status should be replaced with Donated.

Numbers shown below are random and just for reference.



That could cause a lot of internal problems, I’m sure there are corporations that would blame or even kick players for their “low” contribution.

Sounds good to me. It would be up to each corp to decide what to do with the info. Still good to have.

Sounds nice to me~

Not sure what it would really say about the members, but it sounds like a fun stat to know.

That could cause a lot of internal problems, I’m sure there are corporations that would blame or even kick players for their “low” contribution.


There will be a lot of eliteist corps, where you need to “Have at least 10000 iridium to join!”

There will be a lot of eliteist corps, where you need to “Have at least 10000 iridium to join!”

No one would do such a demand, especially if they want new people to join their Corporation.

There are no arbitrary agreements, nor any “mandatory” donations.

This is all based on the personal ethics of the CEO, Vice Presidents and Officers.

It would still be very valuable, so that we can asses, which members are really more generous and also active, when it comes to Corporation.

If nothing else, this information can only benefit with such feature, since we can distinguish players and their contributions to Corporation.

The rest is a personal decision. Even, if they would put such demands, this is not against any policy.

This is all based on the personal ethics of the CEO, Vice Presidents and Officers.

So they could still kick people for not giving their “100 iridium a week quota”


The Russian corps that are ahead of everyone could and will kick people. They hoard iridium and everything, did sec con to death etc.

So they could still kick people for not giving their “100 iridium a week quota”


The Russian corps that are ahead of everyone could and will kick people. They hoard iridium and everything, did sec con to death etc.

No serious Corp would do this. Stop being paranoid.

+1 to this idea. I would really like to know contribution levels.


That could cause a lot of internal problems, I’m sure there are corporations that would blame or even kick players for their “low” contribution.


If it tracked iridium gained by contracts as well, this would be less of an issue I think. That said, players working under abusive CEOs like that are better off elsewhere anyway. But there are plenty of other factors that could matter here.

Arch gets about 1k per day from contracts alone, frequently more.

If anything I’d like to see who contributes high volume and thank them privately.

You can also check this. It would work perfectly with this suggestion as well.

+1 to this idea. I would really like to know contribution levels.



If it tracked iridium gained by contracts as well, this would be less of an issue I think. That said, players working under abusive CEOs like that are better off elsewhere anyway. But there are plenty of other factors that could matter here.

Arch gets about 1k per day from contracts alone, frequently more.

If anything I’d like to see who contributes high volume and thank them privately.

Iridium gained from Iridium contracts is already counted in such suggestion.

[](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=25733#entry303985)

I have suggested it before. Thanks for the bump though!

Maybe they can review the suggestion again, now that the dreadnoughts are launched :slight_smile:

[](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=25733#entry303985)

I have suggested it before. Thanks for the bump though!

Maybe they can review the suggestion again, now that the dreadnoughts are launched :slight_smile:

This. Please stick to one thread.