Corporate assigments for Iridium: Full capacity - give excess corporate Iridium to players!

Both Victory contracts or assignments for Corporate Iridium should be given to players, if Corporate supply of Iridium is already fully capped - 50000 units.

Please, vote in the questionnaire.


100% yes.

Can be this used by players to gain iridium artificially? I mean, i need iridium, then i go to xxxx corporation, created by someone with this objective, and get iridium easily. It seems it can’t be abused by corporations, but iridium needy players…

Don’t get me wrong… i like the idea. But it can create more problems than solve. 

What about if the players need 90 days to be in the corp prior to receive anything?

On 7/13/2016 at 10:00 PM, ntboble said:

Can be this used by players to gain iridium artificially? I mean, i need iridium, then i go to xxxx corporation, created by someone with this objective, and get iridium easily. It seems it can’t be abused by corporations, but iridium needy players…

Don’t get me wrong… i like the idea. But it can create more problems than solve. 

What about if the players need 90 days to be in the corp prior to receive anything?

This won’t happen. From what I learned from Russians, it should have been working like that, but Skula1975 said that it’s a feature. That’s why this suggestion is here.

You won’t get so rich with this feature and most corps will use their remaining Iridium for Dreadnought Battles.