Controls,Aiming,Camera all terribad

controls & camera have turned into trash(i have tried the diff camera options all terribad) , aiming has gone down the drain , game has become much worse i feel…

and so il check back again next month hope game gets better & sorry to be rude

There is still the old camera and now also a new so I dont get where your problem is and the controls did not change.

If you have any feedback, feel free to give it, but just telling everything is trash is no feedback, this is not how beta testing is done.

The cameras and aiming in this game are awesome and almost perfect, and as already said Error, since the original camera (“following > free” option) is in this new release, I don’t know what did you exactly tested…!

(Btw for me the best option is “combined > free”)

then i guess they were terribad to begin with anyway

The cameras and aiming in this game are awesome and almost perfect

r u serious? hells no!

What do you exactly do you want, auto-aim like battlestar galactica? A first person shooter in space? What?

all i dont like in new flying mode, ist that you dont have full control under youd ship… even when camera is ok, ship will turn slowly, too slow, as before patch i could fly between asteroids and holes inside them… now its hard not to crush trying same trick…

You can set the camera “before patch”, is the “following” camera.

something better that actually lets me be able to aim and move properly & without a screwy camera -_-


Maybe who is terribad at playing is you, not the cameras.

nope. combined camera mode makes laggy players to have drunk ships. i use fixed camera to avoud problems when dogfighting though

Wasn’t aware of a fixed camera option (my fault entirely), the combined camera is certainly very strange to use on interceptors.


Maybe who is terribad at playing is you, not the cameras.

guess we has a fanboy here saying you suck to som1 stating anything wrong with the game -_- well done sir well done

No mate, I assume you’re bad cause I’m trying to ask you what exactly do you want, and since you only complain and you can’t give any suggestion, I only can think that you dont even tried it.

Is that easy: You liked the old camera, now they bring it back, and you are still complaining about nothing in particular. I will ask you again, not just your feeling, what exactly do you want to be changed?

i guess i fail to explain…i give up -_-

You didn’t fail at explain anything. You didn’t explain anything at all, you just talked about what you feel about the controls, but you didn’t give any specific idea or input about what is wrong with the cameras, control, or what could be implemented or improved.

hey im not a game developer i dont know how to improve it -_-

You dont need to fix it, just tell use precisely what the problem is.

“Aim is bad” isn’t telling us (and the developers) anything.

PS: “sorry to be rude” - stick your passive aggressiveness where missiles don’t reach

IMO the problem with aiming involves only the aimpoint lead indicator not compensating for ping. its aimpoint position should be added to k*(enemyshipvelocity-yourshipvelocity)*ping. or simply use client-sided hit detection.

IMO the problem with aiming involves only the aimpoint lead indicator not compensating for ping. its aimpoint position should be added to k*(enemyshipvelocity-yourshipvelocity)*ping. or simply use client-sided hit detection.

Client sided it would be more efficient, but this would make it easier to create cheats/tools.

forget i said anything…because i apparently have to way to explain or suggest anything about the clunkyness i feel…its as if u can only fricking aim while staying still (in free) coz the fail screwy movement of the cameras while i move always mess things up & the ships are always moving strange and crashing into things with the bad clunky controls/movement

i tried playing again today and i just could not do it since its that bad to me but if most of u rus enjoy the game then pay no attention to this and keep on playing by urselves -_-