Controls,Aiming,Camera all terribad

The flight control seems much improved with this latest patch, a vast improvement on previous settings. I think the chase camera is pretty much perfect now. I can’t really comment on the 360 cam because I try to use it as little as possible.

I hope I’m right that you have actually changed flight camera/responsiveness with the latest patch, otherwise I must be going mad =s

Montiblanc, you need to go play Freelancer.

still movement of craft is different even when we have old camera, ship is not flying as he was before…

still movement of craft is different even when we have old camera, ship is not flying as he was before…

Did you try all camera view modes?

Error, camera is one thing, and fly trajectory is other. yup i have tried all camera modes :slight_smile:

I did not try the empire ships yet, because I prefere speed so I am only on federation at the moment.