Contract System Improvement - Include Monocrystals and Neodium Ore, as well as other resources

Contract system is obsolete for me. Loyalty vouchers offer me nothing in return anymore, because I already have everything that I need or want already.



I am suggesting an idea, which could prove very beneficial, when it comes to resources.

There are multiple options, but let’s make this short and simple.

I think that all contracts or only some high ranked contracts, should provide a resource with already given loyalty vouchers.

I will check all the contracts and requirements and based on that I will determine the amount of resources, which should be associated with such contracts.



There is also an easier option. Inclusion of Monocrystals and Neodium only in certain contracts only for all three factions.

Amount of such ore or resources would be based on the rank and type. Minimal amount should be 1, while 3 or 5 pieces should be the maximum amount.



I have been also thinking to extend the League Contract system. We should get Neodium plates or at least ore for doing something in T5 League.

Maybe only League should have such option.



A few examples of additional contracts.


Kill 10-20 frigates, fighters or interceptors.

Accumulate certain amount of points.

Capture the certain amount beacons

Kill all enemy pilots on the map, without taking any enemy beacons or without capturing all 3 of them.


and so on…



We should at least have a chance to obtain Neodium for free, just by playing the game!

I would rather get things other than Neodium. The drop rate is way too high and overshadows all the other resources needed to build a destroyer.

I would rather get things other than Neodium. The drop rate is way too high and overshadows all the other resources needed to build a destroyer.

Well, Neodium is the hardest resource to obtain, beside Monocrystals. The rest can be salvaged from Mark 2 or 4 Kits or components with simple credits.

I would rather get things other than Neodium. The drop rate is way too high and overshadows all the other resources needed to build a destroyer.



I have spent about five hours at this point farming the frontier by sector hopping. I have gotten 10 plates this way. If I hadn’t done at least some of the missions, it’d take approximately 18 hours straight of doing nothing but farming the frontier for neodium. That’s like pee-in-a-bottle level grinding.

Won’t be changed in the nearest future.

Won’t be changed in the nearest future.
