continuous contract progression

Contract progression is now limited to timed cooldowns, after they have been completed.

Cooldown period of a contract is from 1 hour and up to 18 hours.

Not any longer!


Now you will be able to complete a contract without any cooldown period.

Each auto-completion of a contract will now automatically restart it from the start.

You’re given loyalty vouchers as a reward. By doing deeds for a certain side, you should always get rewarded and you should not be limited to any cooldowns. It is the only logical thing to do.





Auto-completion of contracts will now restart them effective immediately, without any cooldowns and additional cost.

This change will affect both Premium and non-Premium users.







Good day! I got your point. The thing is that the cooldown you are talking about has a specific purpose - it gives equal chances to “casual” and “hardcore” players to complete the contracts. If we eliminate the cooldown then advanced players who spend more time in the game will have possibility to finish an enormous amount of contracts compared to those who spend just a couple of hours in the game or have less skill. And it will increase the gap between the players dramatically.

I agree with Koromac.


“Hardcore” players already have majority of mk4 modules. And we, new players, we dont. We need more time to collect vouchers  to reduce that gap. And that time is too long and not very fun.  Many just quit. If I want to play all day to reduce that gap as fast as I can then give me opportunity to do so. Don’t slow me down. And its perfectly normal that players who spend more time in game have better ships and equipment.


My humble opinion. :fed003:

Good day! I got your point. The thing is that the cooldown you are talking about has a specific purpose - it gives equal chances to “casual” and “hardcore” players to complete the contracts. If we eliminate the cooldown then advanced players who spend more time in the game will have possibility to finish an enormous amount of contracts compared to those who spend just a couple of hours in the game or have less skill. And it will increase the gap between the players dramatically.


If we all started at the same time then your point would stand, but as it is now players are facing people who already have all their mods at mk4 or higher. You are at quite the disadvantage for a very very long time when you start in T4 and T5. T3 must be horrible for new players to enter as not only are they at a module disadvantage but that is where a lot of the more seasoned players spend their time.


But I guess this boils down to the silly notion that longevity of games nowadays means that there has to be a crazy grind. Makes you wonder how games like Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2 are still popular :stuck_out_tongue:

If we all started at the same time then your point would stand, but as it is now players are facing people who already have all their mods at mk4 or higher. You are at quite the disadvantage for a very very long time when you start in T4 and T5. T3 must be horrible for new players to enter as not only are they at a module disadvantage but that is where a lot of the more seasoned players spend their time.


But I guess this boils down to the silly notion that longevity of games nowadays means that there has to be a crazy grind. Makes you wonder how games like Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2 are still popular :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s one of the main reasons. I want to give a fair shoot to newer players. I already own everything, including high-end equipment and I have been capped at 6 million vouchers for over 5 months now.

I have come to an end, complete dead end of this game! There is nothing more… You want credits? I got them! You want resources? I got them! You want loyalty vouchers? I got them. You want Iridium? I got it!

You want a trade? There is none! No trading options!

Those, who started in Beta will always have an advantage over the others.

Cooldown times do not prevent this.

They only prevent newer players to progress faster, especially if they got time and willpower to play and they don’t want to, since they cannot get their contracts fulfilled, whenever they play.


Here is a legitimate proof on this:





Everything in my Armory is completely upgraded to either Mark 4 or Mark 5.

The only reason why I still play this game is one. Monocrystals! Secret Projects and all of them aren’t even out yet.

Newer players will never get this chance at this rate.

Lack of population in Star Conflict and a small sized matches, long waiting times, generally all very grindy progression… Most of them will leave after one week or two. Check my days in game and in battle…


If you agree with this post, rate it up!


I understand that your suggestion is based on nothing but caring about the game and that really deserves admiration.  :012j:

About the contracts. We are not planning to change exactly that at least now  BUT we share your concern about making it easier for new players, so we are now working on improving the new leveling conception and of course it will include the contract system changes.

would be nice if implemented once but no priority as vouchers are not the “issue” which does lower game fun for pilots at the moment. does help in t1/2 but later all should have enough even with cool times. is kind of buying new shoes for allrdy dead. pilot numbers around 1500 at daytime in europe and night aprox 400 are the probs many do face in from “horrible” que times. this should be fixed soon as 400 is kind of “deadline” which does decide if long time pilots do play another game. voucher wins are much more decreased of that as by cool down times. we can buy the shoes if “patient” does feel seable better i think. as for sure there is a sense in ur saying.


wrong topic i know but so i avoid to make my own. forum thread. forum  does have same prob as whole game. becoming useless as dying from lack of users.  is kind of dreamworld with real active and fine people. but if nobody reads does not help game. sorry am angry as my favorite game does die without any real reason. still best of genre.


and to put forum directly in game does not be as hard i think. game implemented browser and auto log on with pilot account. would make users number rising. would be at first a help for forum. if more users perhaps will strengthen motivation  of gaijin to invest in adverstisements a little before is too late.


world of warships 30000 aprox each day. dumb game for sure. i play if i am drunk as kind of annoying if not being. only move which did cause these numbers was “but to invest some $” by publisher. even a dumb game can be populated if planned well. Sc is indeed not dumb so would be same for sc if little $ would have be used in last time by gaijin.


hope u are not angry koromac as my sayings do only touch the hemisphere of wht u meant. but has same aim to make this game more “nice” for newbees. shall stay a while.



I am not angry.

You got a point there.

If we won’t get a substantial amount of funding for paid advertisement campaigns from Gaijin, then this game is dead! It is pretty much in a coma now.

I really hope that “September surprise package” will feature huge advertisement campaigns along all channels and definitely new and considerable sized content.

Only time will tell… Ku, ku, ku, ku… 5 minutes before midnight…