Contest 'Ultimate Destroyer' (Voting)

This one’s dedicated to TheDarkRedFox, one of the first to support my concept [ ̄^ ̄]ゞ (salute!)



I tried to start modeling it just for fun.


I stopped after an hour because it was hell. Maybe I’ll try again when I finish another project I’ve in mind… 

IMHO, the top 3 for me would be:

#1: Leviathan:


#2: Taishan:


#3: Kronos: As pictured in above post.

Mad respect to all contestants who went the extra mile to draw or model their own designs.

Yeah pretty much my idea too. Tho sinaka’s should be third just bc of itself. Maybe a tie for third is in order for Kronos and Sinaka’s.

So I figured out why I got 18 votes and “won” the previous “vote” system thing, and why I’m not getting any more now, nobody is bothering to see the pictures I have available, because it will not allow me to post images from Imgur, or any other image posting website I have found. I got votes the last time because people figured out a way to post the images for me, and people could see them… either that or nobody wants to read my wall of text, or my wall of text sucks compared to the other posts on pages nobody looked at…

Your postimg link seems to work. just insert direct link as image, instead of a link that’s easy to miss.


Good effort btw



Your postimg link seems to work. just insert direct link as image, instead of a link that’s easy to miss.


Good effort btw




Define ‘effort’ when doing concept art


My work process:

from scratch















Larger image:


Art page:


PapyMcBites’s work process:

someone else’s work (please credit the original artist if ur gonna use their work)




Concept by SmirnovArtem:


Merely added some module attachments to the image you posted.

Just to add to the post above. Whilst I don’t wish to fuel any uneeded drama or discredit the work of others for my own gains, I think the borderline plagiarism in a few of the entries such as the one mentioned above is worrying. There is using another’s work as inspiration, and then there is simply copying someone else’s art making no changes other than adding bits to fit SC destroyer modules.


Imagine a scenario like this: One or more of these entries win the top 3 and the pictures get posted on the SC news and/or steam page. And then one of the original artists, their friends or fans stumbles upon it. However small the chances are there is still the risk that it might hurt the reputation of the SC devs and community whatever ensues as a result. If you do use the work of others for a competition, find out who they are and credit them, otherwise you would be seen as plagiarizing.

Yes, yes. This is all true. But don’t forget that this is a very subjective contest based on the dreams of the players. If one has a dream ship that looks exactly like one from another game then let it be. Also, these entries could be the works of players from a wide age group and a teenager, for example, might not care or know much about copyright. Therefore no entries should be announced as plagiarism or inferior to others. And I am sure the SC team is aware of the troubles of copyright laws and they won’t use these works officially. As long as it stays within this competition it should be all good.

Just to add to the post above. Whilst I don’t wish to fuel any uneeded drama or discredit the work of others for my own gains, I think the borderline plagiarism in a few of the entries such as the one mentioned above is worrying. There is using another’s work as inspiration, and then there is simply copying someone else’s art making no changes other than adding bits to fit SC destroyer modules.

Imagine a scenario like this: One or more of these entries win the top 3 and the pictures get posted on the SC news and/or steam page. And then one of the original artists, their friends or fans stumbles upon it. However small the chances are there is still the risk that it might hurt the reputation of the SC devs and community whatever ensues as a result. If you do use the work of others for a competition, find out who they are and credit them, otherwise you would be seen as plagiarizing.

Well, 2 things, I did say google images was used yes? Yes. And I did change it (at least realize that I bothered to change it, unlike other entries with images), so its not entirely the same yes? Yes. So its fine, its not the most creative thing, but there’s nothing wrong with it except some may find it a bit morally irritating. And before the rest of the comments in the concept page were deleted before the poll, there was a discussion of this actually, and I gave some links to images I based them off of.

And besides, it doesn’t really matter about the copy right, its my picture, and it was changed, even if all I did was change the placement of a few lines and add some extra, chances are higher that I wont win 3rd place now that everyone’s destroyer is equally visivle instead of first page, and last page, and its not like they’ll implement them to the game, since when have devs listened to the cries of their playerbase? They just kinda ignore them and let the playerbase die as they add more things players dont like… and its not really the dev’s problem, if someone has something to say about it they should say it to me, what are the devs going to do about it? Do you know how many people are pissed at me now? Its not like a few more would make any difference, and I dont even get why people are still fanning flames when there’s nothing I can do about it with the forum locked

I am impressed by the talent (I think using photoshop or whatever was usrd, whatever takes talent) no doubt, and if this contest was entirely over artistic concept art with aesthetic appeal, I would deffinately vote for ones with originality that the submitters themselves created, but since this is not the point of this contest, I see no point in voting over art, but over the concept it’s self, and I myself, do not agree with a destroyer having the ability to ram something, when they are the slowest base speed ships in the game…

I still think the S.Q.U.A.D. was the best thing that would ever happen.


Interesting: there is some dynamic, still