Contest 'Ultimate Destroyer' (Voting)

Lol, no one likes the TAISHAN!? :’(

Lol, no one likes the TAISHAN!? :’(

One person does, that’s probably you.  :006j:


Arkaul, You forgot at least 2 choices :

  • Obiwan Kenobi
  • 42


I would add those choices but Kenobi’s force is too strong for this and everyone would vote 42 anyways… Since it’s the answer.

One person does, that’s probably you.  :006j:


I would add those choices but Kenobi’s force is too strong for this and everyone would vote 42 anyways… Since it’s the answer.

Nah that was STARving4M3AT! He mentioned that in the discussion forum. I voted for his ship the Leviathan as well. IMHO, voting for one’s own ship is basically cheating.


Anyway, c’mon is my design really that bad? :frowning:

There are two destroyer concepts with the name “Colossus”. Koromac and Mecronmancer used the same name.

And two halberds as well. (Though mine was put in with its full name as well as it’s code name.(

Yay! People like the Titan idea!! Wohoo, finally somebody likes my ideas.

Leviathan bumped into 3rd place!? Really guys!? Use your common sense people get leviathan to number 1! I want to see it in the game!

Leviathan bumped into 3rd place!? Really guys!? Use your common sense people get leviathan to number 1! I want to see it in the game!

I voted for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Why are there still so many at zero? Are people not voting for their own?

But what about saiph? :frowning:

Why are there still so many at zero? Are people not voting for their own?

lol I voted for Leviathan. I want that ship to be a part of this game

lol I voted for Leviathan. I want that ship to be a part of this game

IMO most people probably aren’t voting entries by their own merit. Otherwise everyone would have voted the Leviathan. If it dosen’t get 1st it should at very least win some kind of “dev’s choice” award. And become part of the game.

So I figured out why I got 18 votes and “won” the previous “vote” system thing, and why I’m not getting any more now, nobody is bothering to see the pictures I have available, because it will not allow me to post images from Imgur, or any other image posting website I have found. I got votes the last time because people figured out a way to post the images for me, and people could see them… either that or nobody wants to read my wall of text, or my wall of text sucks compared to the other posts on pages nobody looked at…

So I figured out why I got 18 votes and “won” the previous “vote” system thing, and why I’m not getting any more now, nobody is bothering to see the pictures I have available, because it will not allow me to post images from Imgur, or any other image posting website I have found. I got votes the last time because people figured out a way to post the images for me, and people could see them… either that or nobody wants to read my wall of text, or my wall of text sucks compared to the other posts on pages nobody looked at…

I think everyone can see mine and STARving4M3AT’s images clearly. Perhaps people here are hard to impress through images/art?

This one’s dedicated to TheDarkRedFox, one of the first to support my concept [ ̄^ ̄]ゞ (salute!)




Enjoy! d[^_^]


Edit: Oh, and here’s a bigger version [  °_°] ╯︵ *link:


This one’s dedicated to TheDarkRedFox, one of the first to support my concept [ ̄^ ̄]ゞ (salute!)


Enjoy! d[^_^]

Edit: Oh, and here’s a bigger version [°_°] ╯︵ *link:

*fangirl squeals*

!!! IT ME!!!

I’m sorry I just can’t even right now. I know it’s just a little thing but this is like the perfect little thing. Yo devs I will personally pay for this to be implemented. (If y’all can’t manage on your own.) You know how to contact me.

Destroyer Kronos



See in 3D on Scetchfab:


Inspired by Ronin, Archon and Tormentor shape.

IMHO, the top 3 for me would be:

#1: Leviathan:


#2: Taishan:


#3: Kronos: As pictured in above post.


Mad respect to all contestants who went the extra mile to draw or model their own designs.

Vote for Saiph from time to time lol
