Contest 'Ultimate Destroyer' (Discussion)

u are lucky i didnt spoiled my brand new GARLICATOR !

I guess mine would be the ultimate anti potato.

Lightly seared with a side of mayo.

I guess mine would be the ultimate anti potato.

What, a big hungry American guy?

Mine is balanced.

yea sure


But you have to have carbohydrates in a balanced diet :slight_smile:

Still working on mine. I’ve only gotten as far as a draft which will hopefully go towards a fully realized concept before the deadline. Here’s what I got so far:




Aesthetically the idea is to have a Federation destroyer that’s more consistent with the “traditional” looks of Federation ships than the two that we have so far.


In terms of its “F key” special module: I’m thinking something along the lines of a near insta-kill ramming weapon like a plasma drill or something along that line.


EDIT: Re-uploaded images because previous link did not work properly.

Still working on mine. I’ve only gotten as far as a draft which will hopefully go towards a fully realized concept before the deadline. Here’s what I got so far:




Aesthetically the idea is to have a Federation destroyer that’s more consistent with the “traditional” looks of Federation ships than the two that we have so far.


In terms of its “F key” special module: I’m thinking something along the lines of a near insta-kill ramming weapon like a plasma drill or something along that line.

Hello! This is Great Idea - i think similar!

If you ask my all Destroyers are OP, thy dominate most matches without any real effort. These want be any better. I’m a bit concerned about T5 destros coz even R11 are the force in T5, and T5 destros will be even greater one. Without squads that will coordinate to stop them quickly they just dominate most of maps. I’m realy not sure if giving devs these OP dess proposals is a good thing, there is always a chance someone could implement some BS like Foxes nuke or aimbots. This could be a final blow to vet players & mass exodus out of the game or to T2…

If you ask my all Destroyers are OP, thy dominate most matches without any real effort. These want be any better. I’m a bit concerned about T5 destros coz even R11 are the force in T5, and T5 destros will be even greater one. Without squads that will coordinate to stop them quickly they just dominate most of maps. I’m realy not sure if giving devs these OP dess proposals is a good thing, there is always a chance someone could implement some BS like Foxes nuke or aimbots. This could be a final blow to vet players & mass exodus out of the game or to T2…


I’ll never go back to T2 but I agree with almost everything else you said.


I know that in a sense destroyers are meant to be OP but for me they still seem way to far out there to even be close to in line with the rest of the ship classes. Some games in T5 have become, look to see if enemy team has a destroyer… no? Well then take your R11 and shove it in the enemies face. Dead now but no matter ill be back in a minute to do it all over again, 3-7 kills and heavy assists to one death. Add to that the ridiculous lack of teamwork from some even in T5 it makes the problem worse. Seen engineers lately that carry only energy emitter for example or this comment from another page here. “When I see this ship , I must run away.” meaning destroyers. The lack of want for some to stand their ground against them is apparent in some games and only makes the problem worse.


I have had many games where being destroyer outnumbered has resulted in a win. However these have been predominantly smaller team battle games where the destroyers where just avoided and the poorest players in the enemy team where farmed in order to secure the win. Hardly end game content, in fact sounds a lot like T2 from what I hear. Additionally I have noticed that the game rule of no spawn killing has shown up a lot recently in the forum. Is this being enforced? I think not. Multi destroyer in pvp supports if not wholly encourages this behaviour.


It seems that because of all of this the potato is the only legitimate T5 destroyer that has been conceived of. Something so ridiculously overpowered that it needs no support but needs the opposite in terms of teamwork to take it out.


I my opinion:


For Balancing!

Place of spawn need be guarded! (np. Carriers) giving in occasion resapawn gate for free change ship (taken too pool). Not only in die situations.

Destroyer need cost “points” to be spawn. “Points” is given any battle for mission directives: (synergy)

And we need bomber as beast hunter?


            Ponieważ Niszczyciele to potężne statki, a ich dopasowanie w balansie może być trudne. Może by tak zmniejszyć ich dostępność w bitwie? Jednak nie kosztem czekania na rozgrywkę.

Na przykład takie zdobywanie punktów, które umożliwią nam zamianę statku. Dodatkowo (niejako) ta idea wymaga grania innymi klasami statków! Balans gry zależy od umiejętności i w tym przepadku, to właśnie umiejętności były by głównym atrybutem zwycięstw. Bez totalnego zachwiania balansem gry, a teraz już na starcie to tylko bitwa potworów! Gdzie wtedy rola innych klas? To już inna gra! Prawda?

Może wprowadzenie klasy bombowca jako łowcy potworów (niszczycieli) to też dobry pomysł? Bo teraz fregaty obronne (guard frigate) straciły swój sens istnienia. Tak myślę, a Wy? Wybaczcie za tyle polskiego, ale słabo idzie mi pisanie po angielsku.

Pomysł wyposażenia niszczycieli w broń frontalną i mało celną, a potężna też mi się podoba. Ponieważ wiadomo, że przeznaczona na „duże ryby”



I’ll never go back to T2 but I agree with almost everything else you said.


I know that in a sense destroyers are meant to be OP but for me they still seem way to far out there to even be close to in line with the rest of the ship classes. Some games in T5 have become, look to see if enemy team has a destroyer… no? Well then take your R11 and shove it in the enemies face. Dead now but no matter ill be back in a minute to do it all over again, 3-7 kills and heavy assists to one death. Add to that the ridiculous lack of teamwork from some even in T5 it makes the problem worse. Seen engineers lately that carry only energy emitter for example or this comment from another page here. “When I see this ship , I must run away.” meaning destroyers. The lack of want for some to stand their ground against them is apparent in some games and only makes the problem worse.


I have had many games where being destroyer outnumbered has resulted in a win. However these have been predominantly smaller team battle games where the destroyers where just avoided and the poorest players in the enemy team where farmed in order to secure the win. Hardly end game content, in fact sounds a lot like T2 from what I hear. Additionally I have noticed that the game rule of no spawn killing has shown up a lot recently in the forum. Is this being enforced? I think not. Multi destroyer in pvp supports if not wholly encourages this behaviour.


It seems that because of all of this the potato is the only legitimate T5 destroyer that has been conceived of. Something so ridiculously overpowered that it needs no support but needs the opposite in terms of teamwork to take it out.

well finding a weak link and focus fire on it is the only counter for this. Some maps are made for this. In T3 (neo farming), me & 1 corp member did just this. 2 destros vs no destro team, we spoted an anaconda, killed it, went to enemy spawn and just farmed it till the end… Rest

of our team was hiden from destros, and their last player (4 vs 4) match was a styx that didn’t move from destros. Is spawn killing a xxxx, unfair tactic? YES! But when you have no other choice it’s the only one & IMHO it’s justified. I still think that the best anti destro counter is a squad but that squad would have no destros in it’s lineup. That should be the only restriction in making a squad.

well finding a weak link and focus fire on it is the only counter for this. Some maps are made for this. In T3 (neo farming), me & 1 corp member did just this. 2 destros vs no destro team, we spoted an anaconda, killed it, went to enemy spawn and just farmed it till the end… Rest

of our team was hiden from destros, and their last player (4 vs 4) match was a styx that didn’t move from destros. Is spawn killing a xxxx, unfair tactic? YES! But when you have no other choice it’s the only one & IMHO it’s justified. I still think that the best anti destro counter is a squad but that squad would have no destros in it’s lineup. That should be the only restriction in making a squad.


Good point, not thought of it from both sides.


Your team has all the dess head to spawn cause thats where they will be

Their team has all the dess avoid them and head to spawn, kill the weaker players who died already.


Or potato


Not supporting this action as its against the ‘rules’ just saying thats what happens.

Good point, not thought of it from both sides.


Your team has all the dess head to spawn cause thats where they will be

Their team has all the dess avoid them and head to spawn, kill the weaker players who died already.


Or potato


Not supporting this action as its against the ‘rules’ just saying thats what happens.

Rules or no rules I’m gonna exploit that tactic any time I get a chance to use it. They can ban me, don’t care anymore. I’m not gonna fly arround just to be some destroyers target practice… I refuse to be someones fun just because devs made a decision to implement a ship that is so superior to any other in the game.

And pls let millanbel win, and implement Potatanator in the game. Let carrius, bob333 & some others be “the force” of Star Conflict.

Is there a limit of weapons(turrets)?

Is it possible to post the design after the end?


I my opinion:


For Balancing!

Place of spawn need be guarded! (np. Carriers) giving in occasion resapawn gate for free change ship (taken too pool). Not only in die situations.

This is a great idea !!

Should the Destroyers be Large and Thin like the lvl 8 and 11?


I guess the thing is that they must be able to dock and leave space at the sides.


This is crazy…

Should the Destroyers be Large and Thin like the lvl 8 and 11?


I guess the thing is that they must be able to dock and leave space at the sides.


This is crazy…

This is design like ship “sea ship” - human concept in real world :stuck_out_tongue:

You like “borg” or ball?

Gate big enough for any ship if not - they have hyperspace engine. Right?

This is game - and game is for fun. Right?




You have a unique opportunity to “construct” your own Destroyer!


But if I want to post a picture , I can ?

I’m pretty sure the current r14 destroyers already have a model but maybe these are for new classes ;p

I’m pretty sure the current r14 destroyers already have a model but maybe these are for new classes ;p

It’s the vibe I’m getting from this contest too, since with the R14s around the theoretical corner the suppressor class is almost complete which means the second class needs to be made/brainstormed/found.